Google is working on a smart watch too

26 March, 2013 Google

One of the most promising smart watch that many people will be waiting for is Google's smart watch. The Financial Times has reported earlier that the Android team is presently developing a good smart watch. Who knows, this might even be the reason why Android and Chrome executives switched positions earlier on. Other companies that will be introducing smart phones are Apple, LG and Samsung.

If anything, these OEMs need to research about how a small device such as a wrist watch can actually capture market attention with plenty of features and a device that can also be synced with your other devices. It is said that the Google smart watch will be launched in summer and by then it will probably go head on with Apple's, LG's, and Samsung's smart watches. In the meantime, let's wait until Google and other insiders report pretty accurate information, aside from these rumors. They are said to be launched before the end of summer.

Source: financialtimes


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