Tags - weatherbug

Download WeatherBug to access the world's largest network of real-time weather sensors for forecasts, alerts and more. Get the industry's most accurate pinpoint forecasts for your neighborhood and around the world. Benefit from the fastest, most advanced early warning system, powered by the largest nationwide weather and lightning network. Know Before.

NEW! This is the best WeatherBug yet with slick new slide-side navigation, live customizable tiles and a boatload of extra content such as Spark lightning alerts and selectable background themes. Now with even easier access to exclusive real-time weather data, forecasts and alerts from the only neighborhood-level weather and alerting sensor network.

What's in this version:

-*NEW* Redesigned User Interface
-*NEW* Slide-side navigation w/ swiping
-*NEW* Dynamic live tiles
-*NEW* Background themes
-*NEW* Photos section

The free version of WeatherBug still has ads, but the Elite edition is just $2.99. That's actually $1 higher than it used to be, but still competitive with other weather apps on Android.

Source: Google Play Store



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