Apple New iPad Heating issues and its reply to Users complaints

21 March, 2012 Apple

New iPad

As the Apple New iPad is being released on the markets worldwide right now, Some of the users who bouaght it are complaining that their new iPad is hotter than the iPad 2. The test shows it is indeed warmer than its predecessor when put on stress with just over 5°C.

iPad 3 Temperature increase

Apple quickly issued a statement on the matter and said:

"The new iPad delivers a stunning Retina display, A5X chip, support for 4G LTE plus 10 hours of battery life, all while operating well within our thermal specifications. If customers have any concerns they should contact AppleCare."

The new iPad has four graphic cores and four times more pixels than the iPad 2. Of course this one will be warmer than the previous one but some users says its getting hotter while playing games.



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