Found error in file
at line
31. Called
db_arr function
with erroneous argument #
Debug backtrace:Array
[1] => Array
[file] => /home/youmobil/public_html/inc/
[line] => 61
[function] => db_res
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT SUM(`Check`) AS 'cnt' FROM `FriendList` WHERE `ID`='0' AND `Profile`='5056' OR `ID`='5056' AND `Profile`='0'
[1] => 1
[2] => Array
[file] => /home/youmobil/public_html/inc/
[line] => 31
[function] => db_arr
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT SUM(`Check`) AS 'cnt' FROM `FriendList` WHERE `ID`='0' AND `Profile`='5056' OR `ID`='5056' AND `Profile`='0'
[3] => Array
[file] => /home/youmobil/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolBlogs.php
[line] => 681
[function] => is_friends
[args] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 5056
[4] => Array
[file] => /home/youmobil/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolBlogs.php
[line] => 1187
[function] => GenMemberDescrAndCat
[class] => BxDolBlogs
[object] => BxDolBlogs Object
[iIconSize] => 50
[iThumbSize] => 200
[iBigThumbSize] => 350
[iImgSize] => 800
[bAdminMode] =>
[sPicNotAvail] =>
[aBlogConf] => Array
[visitorID] => 0
[ownerID] => 0
[isOwner] => 1
[loggedMember] =>
[categoryCaptionMaxLenght] => 150
[blogCaptionMaxLenght] => 150
[iLastPostedPostID] => -1
[iPerPageElements] => 5
[iTopTagsCnt] => 20
[oCmtsView] => BxTemplCmtsView Object
[_iId] => 14269
[_sSystem] => blogposts
[_aSystem] => Array
[system_id] => 6
[table_cmts] => CmtsBlogPosts
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[_aSystems] => Array
[profile] => Array
[system_id] => 1
[table_cmts] => CmtsProfile
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[sharedPhoto] => Array
[system_id] => 2
[table_cmts] => CmtsSharedPhoto
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[sharedMusic] => Array
[system_id] => 3
[table_cmts] => CmtsSharedMusic
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[sharedVideo] => Array
[system_id] => 4
[table_cmts] => CmtsSharedVideo
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[classifieds] => Array
[system_id] => 5
[table_cmts] => CmtsClassifieds
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[blogposts] => Array
[system_id] => 6
[table_cmts] => CmtsBlogPosts
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[reviewposts] => Array
[system_id] => 7112
[table_cmts] => CmtsReview
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[articleposts] => Array
[system_id] => 7112
[table_cmts] => CmtsArticle
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[sharefiles] => Array
[system_id] => 18
[table_cmts] => share_cmts
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[_aCmtElements] => Array
[CmtParent] => Array
[reg] => /^[0-9]+$/
[msg] => bad comment parent id
[CmtText] => Array
[reg] => /^.{3,2048}$/m
[msg] => Please enter 3-2048 characters
[_oQuery] => BxDolCmtsQuery Object
[_aSystem] => Array
[system_id] => 6
[table_cmts] => CmtsBlogPosts
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[_sTable] => CmtsBlogPosts
[_sTableTrack] => CmtsTrack
[host] => localhost
[port] =>
[socket] =>
[dbname] => youmobil_bFD7xJp3zv
[user] => youmobil_8fUJPW
[password] => .W@wz;ahq-iW
[link] => Resource id #2
[current_res] =>
[current_arr_type] => 1
[_error] =>
[_error] =>
[_sJsObjName] => oCmtsBlogposts
[sPins] =>
[_isPermalinkEnabled] => 1
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => 113
[ID] => 113
[1] => 5056
[OwnerID] => 5056
[2] =>
[Description] =>
[3] => nothing
[Other] => nothing
[4] => youmobileorg
[Nickname] => youmobileorg
[5] => Array
[file] => /home/youmobil/public_html/blogs.php
[line] => 40
[function] => GenPostPage
[class] => BxDolBlogs
[object] => BxDolBlogs Object
[iIconSize] => 50
[iThumbSize] => 200
[iBigThumbSize] => 350
[iImgSize] => 800
[bAdminMode] =>
[sPicNotAvail] =>
[aBlogConf] => Array
[visitorID] => 0
[ownerID] => 0
[isOwner] => 1
[loggedMember] =>
[categoryCaptionMaxLenght] => 150
[blogCaptionMaxLenght] => 150
[iLastPostedPostID] => -1
[iPerPageElements] => 5
[iTopTagsCnt] => 20
[oCmtsView] => BxTemplCmtsView Object
[_iId] => 14269
[_sSystem] => blogposts
[_aSystem] => Array
[system_id] => 6
[table_cmts] => CmtsBlogPosts
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[_aSystems] => Array
[profile] => Array
[system_id] => 1
[table_cmts] => CmtsProfile
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[sharedPhoto] => Array
[system_id] => 2
[table_cmts] => CmtsSharedPhoto
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[sharedMusic] => Array
[system_id] => 3
[table_cmts] => CmtsSharedMusic
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[sharedVideo] => Array
[system_id] => 4
[table_cmts] => CmtsSharedVideo
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[classifieds] => Array
[system_id] => 5
[table_cmts] => CmtsClassifieds
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[blogposts] => Array
[system_id] => 6
[table_cmts] => CmtsBlogPosts
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[reviewposts] => Array
[system_id] => 7112
[table_cmts] => CmtsReview
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[articleposts] => Array
[system_id] => 7112
[table_cmts] => CmtsArticle
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[sharefiles] => Array
[system_id] => 18
[table_cmts] => share_cmts
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[_aCmtElements] => Array
[CmtParent] => Array
[reg] => /^[0-9]+$/
[msg] => bad comment parent id
[CmtText] => Array
[reg] => /^.{3,2048}$/m
[msg] => Please enter 3-2048 characters
[_oQuery] => BxDolCmtsQuery Object
[_aSystem] => Array
[system_id] => 6
[table_cmts] => CmtsBlogPosts
[table_track] => CmtsTrack
[allow_tags] => 0
[nl2br] => 1
[sec_to_edit] => 90
[per_view] => 5
[is_ratable] => 1
[viewing_threshold] => -3
[animation_effect] => slide
[animation_speed] => 2000
[is_on] => 1
[_sTable] => CmtsBlogPosts
[_sTableTrack] => CmtsTrack
[host] => localhost
[port] =>
[socket] =>
[dbname] => youmobil_bFD7xJp3zv
[user] => youmobil_8fUJPW
[password] => .W@wz;ahq-iW
[link] => Resource id #2
[current_res] =>
[current_arr_type] => 1
[_error] =>
[_error] =>
[_sJsObjName] => oCmtsBlogposts
[sPins] =>
[_isPermalinkEnabled] => 1
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[6] => Array
[file] => /home/youmobil/public_html/blogs.php
[line] => 15
[function] => PageCompBlogs
[args] => Array
Called script: /blogs.php
Request parameters:Array
[action] => show_member_post
[postUri] => Galaxy-S5-SM-G900H-Exynos-begins-receiving-Android-Marshmallow-in-India