Live transit information in more cities on Google Maps

29 March, 2013 Google

Google Maps is an authority for all those who travel on the road and the Google Maps Transit is very effective for those who use public transportation. It is accurate and comprehensive and it also provides information on schedules of buses that ply on Salt Lake City Area and live train departure times on NY subway.

Other useful information that you could get using the Google Maps Transit are the estimated time of travel, estimate fare for many cities in over 25 countries in the world as well as pick-up points that you can view live.

Google Maps is available for Android devices and the iPhone and you can already try the application to see if it helps. Also, according to Google Map's Partnership Development Manager, Soufi Esmaeilzadeh's post on their blog, if you work in a transit agency, you can interact with Google to help make the service bigger and better, so that more people can benefit from the useful information that it can offer.





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