New Android accessibility feature lets you control your phone with your head

15 May, 2024 Android Updates

New Android accessibility feature lets you control your phone with your head


Android has a lot of accessibility features that help users with various disabilities use and interact with their phones. But now it looks like Google is bringing a new accessibility feature to Android. This comes in the form of Project Gameface.


Google announced Project Gameface at I/O 2023. It is a feature that basically allows computer users to control the mouse cursor on their screens using head movements and facial gestures. Now Google has brought the feature onto Android. This will work similarly in concept to the computer version.



Users will be able to use head movement along with facial gestures to control a virtual cursor on their Android smartphones. This means that users who are movement impaired will be able to interact with their phones in a new and hopefully improved way. Some of the gestures include raising eyebrows to click and drag. They can also open their mouths to move the cursor, and more.


Similar to the computer version of Project Gameface, Google is open sourcing more code. This will allow more Android developers to create apps that offer greater accessibility. We're not sure which apps will take advantage of it for now, but the code has been released on Github for those who are interested in checking it out.


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