Samsung Officially will Not Release Lollipop update for the Galaxy S4 mini after all, didn't pass the Testing Process

19 May, 2015 Samsung Updates

s4 mini no lollipop update

We here at YouMobile are always looking for bringing you the latest confirmed News and reports. Samsung has previously confirmed the official Lollipop update for the Galaxy S4 mini before, but this looks like is about to change... We reached our to our sources and samsung officials and we received a reply.

Sadly, the final decision of Samsung that the Galaxy S4 mini will NOT get the Official Android 5.0 Lollipop update, this is bad news for S4 mini users which were waiting for the update to hit the In-development status.


According to Samsung the Update was "Canceled" because the device didn't pass the Testing process as it has to be done before a major update released for any device. Here's the Email we got from Samsung regarding this matter (we can't disclose some information mentioned on the email due to legal issues/disclosure agreement).


Samsung Email:
"...the Galaxy S4 mini will not be getting the update to the latest Android version (lollipop). We decided that the update will not deliver the optimal user experience for our users, after comprehensive testing process..." - Samsung Mobile UK


Social Confirmations


Samsung's official regional branches and Three carrier also announced that the S4 mini update is canceled and won't be released. Here's some of the official posts by samsung denying the update release.











facebook three s4 mini


facebook s4 mini samsung


We apologize for all S4 mini users for this confusion but Samsung cares more the user experience of its devices and the update will affect your experience with the device, However, Samsung may change its decision again after hearing your demands.


As a reminder, the Galaxy S5 mini variant is getting its official Android 5.0.1 Lollipop is the next couple of weeks.



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