Siri – old Android feature but fascinating history
Siri – old Android feature but fascinating history
There was a time siri was one of top Android features. It was the feature which created a unique selling point for Apple iPhone 4S. But, it's now has become nearly worthless especially with a number of top Android features designed and available too.
A report tells the brief history of this wonderful feature that we would like share with you. It all started with siri the Android flagship for all the Verizon devices. But, suddenly Apple came in and began to ask for complete sell of siri to them, it only took a single concise chat between CEO of Apple and the siri's developer to get the deal done. But, in all this developer failed recognize how precious this feature is for Android devices, this is what allowed Apple to enter into the Smartphone market and maximized its revenues. We would like here to add that siri was powered by Google and the difference between both Apple and Google in the Smartphone market is probably due to this one decision
Source: huffingtonpost
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