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Latest Android OS install stats are out, While Gingerbread still remains the largest major version of the platform, its dominance is decreasing steadily. As of today, Gingerbread only represented 47%, down from 50% in December.
Second place was Ice Cream Sandwich with 29$ up from 27% in December. The two versions of Jelly Bean totaled up to 10%, ICS 4.1 accounts for 9%, while ICS 4.2 is on a measly 1.2% of devices.
The decrease in Gingerbread and increase in Ice Cream Sandwich is actually welcome news, especially since we want to see more users getting the latest UI available, that remained fairly consistent throughout subsequent platform releases. Take a look at the breakdown at the screenshot.
Today Google unleashes the new YouTube app on any Android phone for the best YouTube experience on the small screen. Swipe through your guide of channels to quickly find new videos, preload videos for smoother watching on the go, and fling or queue up videos to play on your YouTube-enabled TV.
What's in this version:
* New UI and Preloading now available on Froyo and Gingerbread devices
* New Watch experience
* Add videos to your YouTube TV queue
* More channels to pick from on the Channel Store
Source: Youtube App.
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