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Google Maps

Google Maps for Android has seen another update, adding to the Las Vegas indoor floorplans released earlier in the week with a new set of plans as submitted from the Floor Plans tool. The Google LatLong Blog also reveals that the company has a new Google Maps for Google+ game incoming, seemingly turning the PND service into a real-world Pac-Man of sorts.

Google maps

Full details on the Google Maps game have not been revealed, but it looks like the floorplan data is used to track users as they move around and collect points. We ha
ve seen location-b
ased gaming before, but Google heft and the huge number of Android devices in the wild could mean it finally takes hold in the mainstream.

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Google Indoors maps

Google indoor maps initiative ultimately will not do us any good if we cannot figure out where we are standing in the first place. With that in mind, the folks in Mountain View are taking measures to improve indoor positioning accuracy with a new app known as Google Maps Floor Plan Marker for Android. It Is important to emphasize that this app is intended only for those that have provided the company with floor plans for an indoor venue. Google flatly states that the software will primarily be of interest "to map enthusiasts and venue owners," and hopefully that disclaimer will be enough to ward off erroneous downloads.



Those that have taken part in the program will now have the opportunity to survey those corresponding indoor environments and help fine tune Google geolocation abilities for a particular space.

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