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Earlier this year we heard info that the upcoming LG G3 will pack a QHD screen. Today, a User Agent Profile confirm the rumor, showing the details the LG D850 aka LG G3.




The User Agent profile leaked shows that the G3 will pack a QHD (Quad-HD) display with a resolution of 2,560 x 1,440 twice what the Galaxy S5 and Xperia Z2 currently have on board (1920 x 1080).


LG's numbering scheme is very clear, the LG G2 is D800, the Nexus 5 is D820 (only one year old) and the LG G Pro 2 is D830. This means the D850 could be a new Nexus or a new G3 phablet... we are sure there are many leaks ahead of this device.


Source (LG)

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