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It isn't very often that Apple finds itself on the receiving end of a lawsuit as it is usually they who are suing other OEMs. However, in a somewhat rare turn of events, Apple was sued earlier by the existing division of Nokia Corp. over patent infringements in Asia, Europe and the US. Although most people think that "Nokia" got sold off to Microsoft, the truth is that the Finnish company had only sold off its telecommunications business to the Windows giant in 2014 and not the entire company.
According to an official statement by Nokia on December 21, Apple has infringed on 40 of its patents, stretched over 11 countries all around the world. All of the infringements have been noted, and filed against the Cupertino giant in courts of both Germany and the United States. To top it off, Nokia has even highlighted the fact that Apple declined the company's offer to legally license a number of its patents concerned with Nokia's inventions and introductions to the industry. It would be interesting to see how Apple reacts to the lawsuits.
Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)
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