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In the face of numerous controversies Huawei says it has developed its own proprietary PC and mobile operating systems. The Chinese company, the world's second-largest smartphone manufacturer, says the platforms are a contingency in case it is banned from developing on Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows platforms.

Certainly, trying to create a third mobile ecosystem is potentially a path to disaster. Yes, Huawei has huge resources and a loyal consumer base, but efforts from other companies to rival Android and iOS have failed.

Microsoft's Windows Phone was the third OS on the market but completely collapsed two years ago as Android's lead continued to grow. BlackBerry run its own platform for years but failed to keep pace in the smartphone era and now develops devices on Android.

Even Samsung, the world's largest smartphone manufacturer, has struggled to get its TizenOS off the ground. In fact, when I tested a Tizen powered handset the OS was so sluggish that even simply web browsing looking for a Borgata bonus code was a hassle. Huawei has had its own software problems in the past, with its proprietary Android services often criticized by users. The company may have a backup OS in place, but Huawei will be hoping it can continue to be part of Android's success.

Huawei's Problem


Huawei has been caught up in the political tensions between the United States and China, with authorities in the U.S. accusing the company of spying on users for the Chinese government. Whether a ban on Huawei dealing with US companies is possible or not, the company is taking no chances.

Learning from history, Huawei is planning contingencies. Last year, Chinese rival ZTE was banned from working with US companies for violating US trade sanctions against Iran and closed down for four months. Huawei has denied any spying activity, but tensions continue to rise, and many nations have questioned using the company's 5G technology.

If banned from working with U.S. firms, Huawei would be in a tight position. The smartphone software market is dominated by Google and Apple, with the former's Android taking over 75% of the market. In other words, Huawei would have nowhere to go so has taken preventative measures by creating its own OS.

Richard Yu Chengdong, Huawei's mobile chief, told the South China Morning Post the company is prepared for any restrictions:

"We have prepared our own operating system, if it turns out we can no longer use these systems [Android], we will be ready and have our plan B," Yu said. The company has created a PC and mobile platform but stressed it would prefer to continue working with Android and Windows. 

Your life is a fast-paced and action-packed whirlwind these days, but no matter where you go or what you do there is always one constant - your smartphone. For many people out there, the smartphone is the closest relationship they have. Indeed, there is so much you can do with your smartphone these days, and it can go a long way toward making your life better and less stressful.


So, you need to think about utilizing the phone in the best way you possibly can. There are so many wonderful ways you can make the most of your smartphone and really get it working for you. If you can take some of the advice below you will have no trouble using your smartphone to help you improve and enhance your life as much as possible.


1. Screen Your Calls


Screening your calls is such a useful and important function of your smartphone, and it's something that you need to do as it will make your life much less stressful. When it comes to improving your life and removing stress, it is really important to deal with this effectively. There are a lot of things you can do to achieve this, but a reverse phone lookup can go a long way towards helping with this.


2. Get Fitter


You might not have thought it but your smartphone can actually help you to get fitter. There are a plethora of health and fitness apps you can download that will really go a long way toward helping you get more in shape. This is so important because it is a great way of helping you get fitter and stay in shape, which in turn is going to benefit your life in many ways. Keeping fit and healthy is essential, and your phone can help you with this in so many different ways.


3. Travel Apps


Going abroad on vacation is also something you need to make sure you do properly. But, you have to make sure you are focused on having the best possible travel experience, and this often means using travel apps on your phone. Whether it's to check in online, research things to do, or look at local transport links, travel apps are invaluable.


4. Online Shopping


Online shopping has become hugely popular in the last decade as more and more people love the convenience of it. There are a lot of things you have to keep in mind when it comes to improving the online shopping experience. You have to make sure you use your smartphone for instant online shopping and getting the full experience for the business going forward.


It's pretty clear to see that there are a lot of great things you can do with your smartphone. It is one of the most important and useful tools you will have in your life, and you need to make the most of it. This is why it is so important that you work out what you can do to make the most of your phone and help your life improve in the process. 

nokia 7.2


Perhaps it is the price factor, or increasing competition, the phone manufacturers are launching smartphones in the mid-range market which brings us to the latest phone - Nokia 7.2, another budget-friendly phone from Nokia. Since it's a phone by Nokia, we can expect decent hardware specs and a great battery life. The price tag falls somewhere between Moto and OnePlus in terms of its overall aesthetic appeal. The Nokia 7.1 appeared last year and now we have its successor. It has a matte back and available in green, charcoal, and white colors. The display is 6.3-inch and has a 1080 x 2280 pixel resolution.

The screen is LCD and reasonably bright but you can't compare it with a very high-end display, though the difference isn't noticeable with naked eyes. The bezels are thicker than you would see on the recent phones, and the notch cuts into the screen a little awkward, but you have to bear in mind how affordable this phone is.

The phone is powered by snapdragon 660 and has 4gB or 6GB of RAM, paired with 64GB or 128GB storage, which is expandable via memory card. With a new phone, it seems responsive and fast, even when switching between several apps, you may feel some delay. The device runs on the Android 9 Pie out of the box and ensures Android updates for two years, and security updates to keep your phone protected for another year. The Nokia 7.2 has a triple-lens 48MP+8MP+5MP camera that can get some very good shots in well-lit situations, and some satisfactory shots in low light, though noise can start to be a problem as the illumination wanes.

According to the latest test results made public by GameBench, the Exynos 8890 powered Galaxy S7 has exhibited a significantly better battery life, in comparison to the Snapdragon 820 version that is available in the US. In fact the difference is enough to surprise you and not in a pleasant way if you are in the US.

You can see all the data in the images, courtesy of PhoneArena, but the end result speaks for itself. Apparently, the S7 Exynos is 71% more power-efficient, as compared to the S7 Snapdragon version! Sadly, it is even the least power-efficient device when compared to two other SD 820 powered smartphones, the LG G5 and the HTC 10. Even though the Snapdragon variant was almost neck-to-neck in terms of audio playback, the Exynos version did beat it in that department as well.

Keep in mind though that the snapdragon variant of the Samsung Galaxy S7 was from Verizon and had the expected bloatware as a result. Nevertheless, the difference in between the two variants is just too great to ignore or blame on the bloatware. We found the disparity to be surprising and disappointing, what do you think?

Author: Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


Nowadays, people are busier than ever. Between their professional, personal, and social responsibilities, there are too many things to keep track of. But it's easier than ever to get organized thanks to the development of some incredible apps. From planning better vacations to arranging your daily schedule - here's a variety of fantastic options you can use to get organized in all areas of your life.


1) Office Solutions: Google Drive + Google Docs


Everybody has a Gmail account. Take advantage of Google's cloud to store files, create documents and presentations, and get organized. All Gmail users get 15 gigabytes of free storage on Google Drive. For enterprise use, you can upgrade to monthly plans. They offer terabytes of cloud storage space starting at $9.99. With its all-in-one package, Google Drive is an excellent choice for most users, available from any web browser. But make sure that you protect the files you upload to the cloud. It's easy to do so by using a file encryption service like NordLocker. It prevents data breaches and ensures only you or people you authorize can access your files.


2) Travel Like a Pro: Tripit



If you travel a lot, it can be challenging to keep track of all your travel reservations, flight tickets, and plans. Tripit makes it effortless. You can forward all trip-related information to the app. Then it will create one organized email for you on your departure day. Your itinerary will be available to view from any devices - even offline. It also stores your previous itineraries so you can find the name of a restaurant or hotel you want to revisit. You can also use it to upload photos and notes about the places you've visited. The free version offers all these features. If you choose to upgrade to pro, you can get even more with reward point tracking and group travel organization.


3) Keep Your Passwords Safe: NordPass


The average internet user has over 90 online accounts. That's a lot of passwords and usernames to track. As a result, most people recycle the same login credentials across many of their accounts. But it is very unsafe. If a cybercriminal manages to crack your password, it puts all your accounts in jeopardy. That's why a password manager like NordPass comes in handy. It helps to generate robust and unique passwords to secure your accounts better.


But it's not just safety NordPass offers, but convenience as well. All you have to do is remember one password. Once you log in, you can access all your other accounts with one click. You can also use NordPass to store notes, credit card details, and other personal information.


4) Track Your Finances: Mint



In the old days, budgeting meant balancing a checkbook and keeping an eye on bank statements, receipts, bills, paychecks, and more. Mint makes your life so much simpler. With Mint, you can track your budget and plan for the future. It collects all your financial accounts into one place along with your upcoming bills and other related matters. It also breaks spending down into categories. You can see where you might be spending too much and where you might have a little extra room to splurge. Also, to track your credit score and set targets to help you reach your financial goals.


5) Increase Productivity: Rescue Time


RescueTime is a handy tool for procrastinators or those looking to make the most out of their time. The app keeps track of everything you do on your computer/phone - from using social media to sending emails to working on spreadsheets. At the end of each day, RescueTime sends a report of your activities, showing exactly how you spent your time. You can use this app to adjust your schedule to be more productive or to find time to take a well-deserved break. The app is free and available to download across all platforms.


6) Your Reading List: Pocket


The Pocket app saves you when you discover an excellent article but have to rush to a meeting or do some other errands. Instead of creating a bookmark, you can save any article, image, video, or any form of content you find online with Pocket. Then get back to whatever you saved and enjoy it later. Pocket also has a share function to send your favorite content to friends and coworkers.


7) Health Tracker: My Fitness Pal


Under Armour developed My Fitness Pal to help people track their diets, exercise routines, and other health-related information. My Fitness Pal will help you track meals and workouts while syncing with Apple Health and other devices. You only need to put in some basic info such as your weight, height, or age, add workouts, and select your goals. If you want to get healthier, then this is the app to have in your pocket.


Organize Your Life With These 7 Amazing Apps


Life will always be busy. But these apps will help you to organize it better. Increase your productivity and performance with apps like Google Drive and Rescue Time. Travel better with Tripit and watch your diet with My Fitness Pal. Finally, secure your passwords with NordPass. With these handy apps, your life (at least the digital one) will be much simpler.



Many educators support virtual approach in teaching, but some are still hesitant to employ technology in their classrooms. The reasons for this range from expensive prices to opposition from school authorities. Others regard VR and AR as valuable for fun but not as good teaching tools in the classroom.

 According to a recent EdTech survey, other instructor issues include the bulkiness of the technology, bugs, and the performance and availability of data. Despite these obstacles, demand for augmented reality and virtual reality in education is likely to expand in the future years. This implies that present and aspiring instructors should educate themselves on the advantages of virtual reality in the classroom.

Rapid Authenticate

Everyone can get a piece of the pie with virtual reality. In this setting, an equal proportion of schooling would suffice. Because of VR, education is no longer a shame. There are persons, usually children, who encounter barriers to education due to a variety of factors ranging from disability to distance. VR removes those barriers; it offers a quick start with any instruction. Everything is already in place and can be easily relocated if necessary. It is an undeniable reality that instructors are constantly looking for new ways to educate students, especially those with special needs.

Game - based learning

The finest learning outcomes occur when you are involved and have the opportunity to attempt something, fail, and then do it well. Nothing surpasses firsthand experience, and virtual reality enables this. Consider how sad youngsters must be nowadays when you suggest to them, "Read your storybook." It's a non-active action. After all, kids live in a world of technology and rapid gratification. However, if you order them to open their books and read aloud to determine who can read the fastest, they would react very differently. Excitement and competitiveness might stimulate their interest in learning. Adding a competitive and game element to schooling makes it more appealing.

Furthermore, VR allows teachers to 'gamify' even the most basic lessons, such as 'turn the window' or 'slam the door,' into a more complicated gaming experience. Even better, gamification may be successfully incorporated into the instructional content. In a Stone Age era VR classroom, for example, kids can play a game of cutting stone, producing a stone axe, and understanding about ancient people's lives.


Prompt Enrollment

Children are usually riveted to their smartphones or other smart gadgets, making it difficult to capture their attention to anything that does not involve moving visuals or easy-to-read material. VR education, on the other hand, can compete with these expectations. There are no distractions while using VR right away. The environment is so vibrant, appealing, and engaging that every pupil becomes completely absorbed. In VR, if you don't move, nothing occurs. As a result, complete engagement is necessary. That is how, owing to VR, a teacher can help students develop quick reflexes, attention to detail, and quick thinking. Furthermore, that is how a pupil ends up appreciating class involvement.

Functionality Performs

We can prosper as a society because of VR in difficult areas such as medicine and engineering. It is well known that excellent outcomes are the product of 20% ability and 80% work and effort. As a result, without practise, a theory is meaningless. There is also a fine line between a basic chemical experiment and understanding how to operate on someone's spine.

Both are extremely sophisticated and need cutting-edge technology. This is where virtual reality education comes in. It allows many people to get experience in an area that is often difficult to obtain. VR enables pupils to experiment with things they would not be able to accomplish at school.

Mo Cheng


YouMobile, Inc



The iPhone is one of the best inventions of Apple. But not every iPhone user is aware of its full potential. If you are curious about what the iPhone can do for you, we have rounded up five best tips for you.

1. Swiping down from the middle of your display panel activates spotlight search. From here you can search for anything on your phone with one simple gesture. Like a file or setting and you can even get web results too.


2. You can create custom alerts for different people so you always know who is calling or texting you without even having to look at your phone. Go into your contacts app > Tap on the person you want, tap edit and then click either ringtone or text tone. From here you can choose any ringtones or text tones to play whenever that person calls or send a text message to you.


3. Need to read a smaller text? Use your iPhone as a magnifying glass. Go into settings > General > Accessibility > Magnifier. From now on, you can triple-click the home button to turn the iPhone's camera into a magnifying glass and your screen into a viewfinder?


4. Facetime audio is Apple's alternate option for traditional phone calls and these don't cost you anything. Click on the contact you want to talk, and if the face time is available, click on the phone symbol next to the video camera symbol. Face time audio operates over the Internet via WiFi or cellular data and these calls sound far clearer than the traditional calls if you are talking to someone outside the country.


5. You can turn your iPhone into flashlight without even opening the smartphone. When you wake up your iPhone, a button in the bottom-left corner of the screen shows a picture of a flashlight. Press into it, and your phone will use its rear flash as a torch.

iphone 12 mini


Apple iPhone 12 mini may seem the smallest one in the iPhone 12 series but you can't underestimate its power. The mini is a fantastic little device that shouldn't be ignored. it is lightweight, features a compact design, has a stunning display, great cameras that can capture DSLR-like images, and powerful processors are all big. The iPhone 12 series comes in four models: the iPhone 12, the 12 Pro, the Pro Max, and this, the iPhone 12 mini. One of the major differences between these four mobile phones is their physical size.


The iPhone 12 mini is the smallest and perhaps the cute one for some people. It features an all-screen front display, unlike the iPhone SE which also happens to be small. With most smartphones getting bigger and bigger for quite some time now, Apple took a completely different route. It might be called mini but there isn't anything mini about this phone when it comes to performance, speed, and amazing camera. It is the device that you would love to hold in one hand and make you appreciate small things in your life. The iPhone 12 mini has a black, white, blue, green, and red finish with 131.5 x 64.2 x 7.4mm / Weight: 135g. The phone has IP68 water and dust resistance. The phone features an identical design to the largest iPhone 12 - just in a small size.


The phone has a 5.4-inch, Super Retina XDR, 1200nits, 60Hz display refresh rate with 2340 x 1080 pixel resolution (476ppi), and HDR, True Tone, Haptic Touch. Apple TouchID device has a 4.7-inch display screen, while the iPhone 12 mini has a 5.4-inch display, incredibly large enough for a small device. The iPhone 12 mini has similar camera specs as you will find on iPhone 12, with 12MP being a primary camera.


It is the same two wide-angle lenses and a 12Mp ultra-wide lens that you will find on iPhone 12 Pro, but the pro model has also a third telephoto zoom lens, allowing for 2x optical zoom. There is also Night mode on the front and rear camera with Deep Fusion and TrueDepth technologies that allows amazing selfies even at night. In good conditions, you can take amazing shots with iPhone 12 mini.


Samsung Pixel Battery Saver Booster


If you own a Samsung Galaxy device, you probably have Battery life issues ? Right ? Most of the battery life problems is caused by Samsung's super AMOLED displays, as they are huge (5.0" - 6.0") with resolutions various from FHD to QHD which means more pixels to power and more brightness needed. The display consumes an average of 45% to 55% of your battery life. Don't worry we have a solution for you... Easy and Safe too!


To increase your battery life you will need to reduce the number of pixels on your screen by reducing the resolution of your screen. Placing black spots in a pattern over the screen will actually turn off the pixels in those locations (because in AMOLED tech black color is achieved by actually turning off the pixels on the display). So parts of your screen will be turned off. You'll do that using a simple App that does NOT require any Rooting at all.


Increase Battery Life by Following these Instructions:

1. Download Pixel Battery Saver
Download & Install the App from Google Play Store Here [FREE]





2. Choose level of effect
The app will apply a filter over your screen, placing black pixels in a pattern. You can choose the pattern's density as soon as you launch it.





3. Activating the filter
This is what happens when the app is doing its work. Note that the effect looks much less pronounced on the actual phone's screen.



4. Want battery saving only?
If you only wish to reduce your screen's sharpness when the battery is running low, tap on the "Booting" tab on the top right, then check "Start on specific battery level" and "And only then" (if you wish to not be able to turn the filter on manually), then use the slider below to set the battery threshold.


battery save



5. Permanent notification and quicktoggle
The app runs in persistent mode, so Android can't close it at random. Its notification will give you a quick on / off toggle, too, so that makes it useful



6. Toggle at will
And there you go - you are free to reduce the screen's sharpness at will and save some precious battery. Now combine this with Power Saving Mode for some extreme longevity!





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