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foldable devices


Foldable phones have become the reality after years of research and rumors. Samsung was the first tech company to launch and re-launch the foldable phone. Despite its earlier disaster release, the foldable phone is working just fine and people have bought it like crazy. Huawei was another company to follow the trend, and then there was foldable from Razr. But if you own OnePlus or love their technology and wonder why there is no foldable from the OnePlus so far then here is why. The CEO Pete Lau has some skeptical views about foldable devices. The verge caught up with the OnePlus head on the sidelines of the OnePlus concept one launch event. In a podcast interview, Lau expressed his concerns that OnePlus hasn't found any significant value in making a foldable phone just yet.


He believes that the appeal of foldables is "outweighed by the shortcomings or the disadvantages of the current state of the technology." Lau says he has qualms with the way creases appear on the displays of foldable phones such as the Samsung Galaxy Fold. Due to the plastic nature of current foldable displays, the screen can scratch easily and issues can occur at the point where the actual fold happens, Lau explains. "This isn't something that I can accept in products that are built,".


Lau says that the technology needs to mature to a level where display folds are crisp and don't impact the potential usability of phones. He further commented about the redesigned Moto Razr. In his opinion, though it is a different implementation, its display faces the same challenges as the Galaxy Fold. He isn't the only head of the tech company who has concerns about the device flexibility and usability. LG has also shared the same sentiments. The company had planned to manufacture a foldable phone in 2018 but later on dumped it. So, what do you think about the foldable.


Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? 


There is a reason why Samsung has been dethroned by Xiaomi in the world's second largest smartphone market, and that's because Xiaomi is the king of budget smartphones. While a lot of companies had been trying to compete with Xiaomi in the same category recently, Mi continues to be the undisputed leader of value-for-money smartphones. If there was any doubt in anybody's mind regarding that fact, the Redmi K20 Pro has washed them away with swift efficiency. Starting at just INR 27,999/$405, it has set the bar way too high and the price way too low for anyone to compete. Just take a look at the key specs below to know what we are getting for that price and your mind may truly be blown!

·        Qualcomm SDM855 (Snapdragon 855) SoC

·        6.39 inch, AMOLED display with HDR support and no notch!

·        6GB/8GB RAM

·        128GB/256GB internal storage without expandable memory card slot

·        4,000mAh battery

·        48MP (Sony IMX586) + 13MP + 8MP AI triple camera at the back

·        All three (Carbon Black, Flame Red, Glacier Blue) color options are actually cool!

·        20 MP, f/2.2 front camera that pops up

·        In-display fingerprint scanner

·        Fast charging with 27W (Quick Charge 4+) charger support

The most expensive version with 256GB storage and 8GB RAM costs INR 30,999/$450, which at this point makes it the best value for money proposition in the world of smartphones.



Source: Kai Oberhäuser on Pexels.

DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service attacks are the great bogeyman of the internet - vague and mysterious to many, and all the more threatening for it - but the idea is relatively straightforward when compared to lesser known concerns like cross-site scripting; DDoS attacks launch data at a web service or server until it breaks.

Attack Surface

As far as the tools of cybercrime go, DDoS attacks have been around for a long time but it's debatable when they first became a part of the public consciousness. Last year, a DDoS attack involving the Mirai "botnet" -- a horde of zombie devices twisted to the whims of a criminal -- took down half the internet by overwhelming the company responsible for turning domain names into IP addresses - Dyn. Early attacks go back to 1995 though, when an Italian activist group used the technique to protest nuclear policy in France.

So, with online criminals recruiting everything they can get their virtual paws on into botnets, including "smart" security cameras and baby monitors, why isn't the world living in terror of an Android or iOS-based DDoS attack? With around 2.32 billion devices on the market, the attack "surface" (i.e. the size of the space that attackers can exploit) presented by smartphones is enormous but the only major example of what could be deemed a DDoS attack on mobile was, ironically, done by users themselves way back in 2004.

Happy New Year

According to UK website The Register, a glut of "Happy New Year" texts and phone calls sent on the last day of 2004 added significant pressure to mobile phone networks throughout the country, slowing delivery to a crawl. It has to be the most mundane, accidental denial of service attack in history but it's nevertheless indicative of the kind of situation people were scared of just after the turn of the millennium. Experts at the University of Pennsylvania State suggested that "SMS-overload" could disable communications even in huge cities like Washington.

Security is a major concern for any businesses with an online presence and many install web application security solutions and DDoS mitigation to mitigate the threat. For instance, web application firewalls - cloud-based security barriers that stand between malicious traffic and delicate systems - protect against SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and other distinctly modern ills. Botnet protection keeps your router or webcam from launching a DDoS attack.

Source: JÉSHOOTS on Pexels.


Recruiting a phone into a botnet usually requires the owner to download a fake app - a trojan, a type of malware that pretends to be something harmless to trick users into installing it - to give a criminal access. For example, a DDoS Trojan called Android.DDoS.1.origin imitates the Google Play Store but, behind the scenes, it works with a handler to send text message spam or join a larger botnet.

As both Google and Apple vet their apps before adding them to their respective stores, fake software, malware, ransomware, and a range of other concerns usually come from unofficial third-party providers. With that in mind, malware is almost the exclusive domain of the more experimental mobile phone users or people who download pirated apps. So, while it has been true that almost all mobile malware is on Android, only a fraction (0.1%) came from the Play Store; the rest is hidden out in the wilds of mobiledom.

Finally, most internet activity on mobile phones is undertaken in apps. As apps use dedicated connections (Pokémon Go only connects to Niantic while the BBC app only talks to the BBC's servers, for example) they can be more secure than a mobile browser, simply because Chrome and Internet Explorer encounter more potential threats from ad networks and dodgy links. Mobile is more of an exclusive club or "walled garden" than desktop, presenting far fewer opportunities for criminals to take advantage of.

When it comes to our mobile devices we tend to take security for granted. In truth, these devices are open to the dangers of the Internet just like a computer is. This is why you should consider using a VPN when using your device on the Internet.

So, what is a VPN? A Virtual Private Network is a buffer between your connection and the rest of the Internet. When using a VPN, you are able to hide your IP address and use the Internet not only anonymously but also spoofing your location, so as not to give your geolocation away. It also allows you more security on your device too.

Now that we know what a VPN is, this is why you should use one on your mobile device:


With your mobile device chances are you are going through many public areas and using their hotspot Internet access. Each time you do this you can be opening up your data to possible hijacking. If you use this device for work, that means that sensitive data could be passed around too. What a VPN does is to protect your connection and your data from outside interception. The fact that your data will be encrypted too also gives that added level of protection that you need.


A mobile VPN can act like a permanent connection to your home or work server. This is beneficial if you enjoy gaming on-the-go. The best Android VPN's connect to your Internet connection, and use that to create a more stable Internet access for your phone. This is always a plus, especially when your online activity requires that reliability.

Spoofing your Location

Through using a VPN in a different area of the world not only do you open up geolocked content, but you also can find that foreign websites open faster. If you visit plenty of foreign sites on your phone, or want to connect to faster game servers around the world then this can prove invaluable.

Flexibility of the VPN

Through the way, you connect to a VPN through your Internet connection rather than through an App, this leads to flexibility in the type of connection you can use. This includes wi-fi, 4G networks and any other connections available to you. It all works on the same protocol.

VPN isn't Used for Phone Calls

Unless you are using a service like Skype, be aware that VPN does not encrypt your phone calls. This is something that you should be aware of when using a VPN service. If you want your calls to go through VPN then be sure to use a IP voice service.

The main reason to use a VPN on your phone is of course security. In this day and age with hacking and cyber-crime seemingly rising in prominence, we have to be aware of the dangers towards our personal data. VPNs are the best way to protect yourself, along with virus scanners and malware checkers of course. Always be aware of the dangers that are out there, and take action against them, so that you can concentrate on the more important task of your mobile device (to have fun).


Mobile users are the main driving force behind the growth of internet access across the world. Especially in developing countries, where fewer people have access to personal computers, increasingly affordable data plans and cheap mobile devices allow more and more people gain access to online services. Moreover, rapid growth of mobile connection speeds around the world is a major factor contributing to mobile use. Over two thirds of the global population now have a mobile phone. Mobile devices account for 52% of global internet traffic. The downside of the growing popularity of mobile connectivity is that mobile devices are likely to become increasingly targeted by all sorts of malware. To enhance personal mobile security, 22% of users install VPN on their mobile devices (15% - on their phone, and 7% - on the tablet).

What makes mobile devices a particularly lucrative target?

Portability and size. Mobile devices are so easy to lose. The best that can happen with a lost or stolen mobile phone is it will be wiped clean of all your personal data and sold at a flea market next to a snatched camera and a pair of worn socks. The worst thing that can happen to a stolen phone - if it has no passcode or other locking mechanism - is your personal data will be directly misused or sold separately from the hardware.

Rich personal data. We love smartphones because of their convenience and ability to provide us with technical assets for everyday task management. We collect geotagged photos from our lives (and often task our phone with uploading them directly to the cloud), we install apps to control personal health metrics, to travel (access city bikes, book tickets for domestic and international travel), not to mention gazillions of messages exchanged with our personal and business contacts on a daily basis.

Tons of metadata. Mobile device is something we carry on us almost at all times. It collects, whether we like it or not, vast amounts of metadata about our communications and movements. When you use a Maps app on your phone you allow it to detect your current location in order to calculate an optimal route to your destination, or find suitable cafés and bars in the area.

Personal data you store on your phone, along with ample metadata is what contributes to your digital profile. The place where you start your Google Maps journey most often is probably your home address, and the place where you travel on Christmas day is probably where your family lives. Your connection metadata (what public networks you connect to most often) can reveal a lot about your favourite cafés and bars. Cross-referencing the routes you've taken on public transit with your call metadata (when and who you call) or with your friends' addresses in the contact list can provide an insight into your social activities, identify your closest friends, and patterns of your interaction over a period of time. Not to mention that the articles you read, and videos you watch may reveal a lot about your political and religious affiliations.

Mobile security is a pressing issue both for businesses and for individual users - not least because the two are often connected. Some companies have a strict policy of banning personal mobile devices in the workplace, or connecting personal mobile devices to the office network. It is important to understand that vital component of any cyberattack is social engineering. Two most common ways for your device to be compromised is if you physically lose it, or if you inadvertently open it to ‘hackers' by clicking on a dodgy link in the messenger, or by installing an app whose design leaves a lot of space for exploitation of vulnerabilities.


What is the most common activity for mobile internet users?

Well, social media of course. Facebook still dominates the global social media landscape (over 95% of Facebook users access it on the phone), with YouTube being a close second.

Messaging services are a close second. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger share and equal amount of global users, followed by Chinese WeChat and QQ (Facebook and WhatsApp are blocked in China).

E-commerce (goods and services) has experienced radical growth in recent years, and it is increasingly adapting to mobile users by creating mobile browser versions of the platform or apps with improved mobile user experience. Mobile purchases are projected to occupy almost 73% of total e-commerce share by 2021 - worldwide, and the growth is particularly steep in the Chinese market. Protecting your financial data is, of course, a number one priority for those who shop online on their mobile phones. But when it comes to online shopping, it is not just your credit card information you need to be careful about. Your purchase habits, your social circles, your shopping schedules are all metadata sought after by advertisers and potential hackers.

7 in 10 apps collect your personal data and share it with third parties, specifically ad services that subsequently bombard you with targeted advertising. Ever wondered why you start getting ads for magical hair loss treatment after you searched an online store for a 'toupee' for your Halloween costume? Even more creepy is data harvesting designed into phone and tablet apps for children - logging location and network metadata of each user.

Despite the evolving privacy laws in some jurisdictions (like the General Data Protection Regulation in the EU), protecting the mobile device and personal data you store on it is each individual's responsibility. Encrypting your mobile data, being careful about the apps you install on the smartphone, avoiding public WiFi - and using VPN when you have to connect to it - these are just the minimum of measures one can take to ensure personal mobile security.

More information about VPNs and how can they improve your mobile security: https://vpnpro.com/


As the Internet grows in popularity and the number of users increases every year, your privacy and safety while browsing online becomes increasingly important. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are becoming one of the most popular tools to assist with this. At its most simple, a VPN is used to make it appear that you're browsing from anywhere in the world. This is done by replacing the IP address that shows when you're browsing online which, when not changed, can be easily used to locate where you're browsing from and what you're looking at. Using a VPN will allow you to:

1. Encrypt your IP address, making it impossible for people, including your Internet service provider, 3rd party agencies, and any network admins to read or trace.

2. Make your browser more secure from those that may try to hack you through public WiFi networks.

3. Access websites that may be blocked by the country you're browsing from.

This is quickly becoming one of the most popular uses for a VPN. If you live in a country with restricted Internet viewing, a VPN can make it seem that you're browsing from a different country and makes it possible for you to look at otherwise blocked content. This enables you to have free access to information without being restricted, empowering people with freedom of press.

What's a VPN?

To get into a little more detail, a VPN can be split into several core components:

A VPN client: This is the piece of software you can download and use to access a VPN service through your computer or device. This is also called a VPN app.

VPN protocol: This is the process of your computer or device that has your VPN client installed, connecting to a VPN server to access its benefits.

VPN server: This is what the VPN client connects to, so that you can change your IP and have a secure and unrestricted browsing experience.

VPN service: Finally, the VPN service is the company or provider of the VPN that you can access. This company will provide you with the software and instructions to access their VPN server. This might also be called a VPN provider, similar to your Internet service provider, for example. 

How does a VPN work?

A VPN uses the steps above to encrypt your Internet browsing experience. A VPN essentially adds an extra step when you're browsing online that happens instantly and in the background, so that you'd never notice. Rather than using the IP of your local server, you instead connect to the VPN server, which could be located in any country. When you then browse the Internet, you can make it look like you're browsing from the USA based on your server address when you're actually located in the UK. This makes your location anonymous, which makes it impossible for websites to collect personal information about you or to identify where you are.

If you don't use a VPN, everything you do online can be traced back to your exact location, as well as the device you're using. This is an apparent invasion of privacy and can also be used for highly direct marketing and to create a profile on who you are and what you're looking at.

VPNs also unblock content around the world. A simple and popular use for this is to watch videos on streaming services that are blocked in different countries. If you're in the UK, you may find that the content on a streaming service is limited compared to those in the USA, even though you pay the same amount each month for access, for example. China is notorious for strict walls around what information people can view to restrict the type of content or press they can see. This can be viewed as a restriction in the freedom to consume information from different points of view, and a VPN breaks down these walls and allows you to view content from different countries and perspectives.

Why should I use a VPN?

There are several main reasons that people choose to use a VPN service:

1. To protect your location and browse online anonymously

2. Encrypt your IP to stop 3rd parties like your ISP or the government from being able to see what you're viewing online.

3. Remove restrictions on what websites you can view online put in place by the country you're browsing from, or that's exclusive to a specific country.

4. Make it possible to stream, download, or torrent media.

5. Save money by changing your location when buying flights.

6. Add a layer of protection from people that try to hack others through public WiFi networks. 

7. Protect personal information, including your address, passwords, photos, and card details when browsing online.

Are VPNs safe to use?

Most VPN service providers are generally safe to use, but take some time to browse the options available and read their reviews to ensure you're using a well-known and tested VPN service. There are plenty of good cheap vpn services as long as you do some research. The main VPN services to avoid are the ones that are entirely free to use. These are generally not maintained well and can have issues that might cause a threat to your privacy. One study found that over 80% of free VPN apps you can download on Android devices were found to leak data.

Are VPNs legal?

Across the west and in the developed world, VPNs are completely legal to use, and some huge companies use them every day to protect their own data. If you have a personal VPN, though, use it with care if you travel to places like the Middle East, as some countries dislike the use of VPNs that enable you to bypass the restrictions they have put in place online.



When sensitive data falls into the wrong hands, it can prove disastrous to a company. In as much as one place all the critical measures in place, there's one aspect that you mustn't forget. You need to have a data recovery backup in place as data loss is inevitable. Here's why having a data recovery backup process is a must in any agency.  

1. Data theft 

There exist unscrupulous people who seek to prey on other's weaknesses. Thus, you must be extra vigilant when protecting data that you have. With the right data recovery system in the position, you can combat any data theft that might have taken place. It's an excellent opportunity to recover from any data breach that might slow your company's activities. External intrusions are an unfortunate event that might cause clients and potential investors to doubt your abilities in handling their data affairs. However, with a speedy data recovery system, you can assure them of the best services.

2. Failed technology 

Technology continuously goes through rapid changes. Within a blink of an eye, a trusted technology gets rendered obsolete, and it can ultimately affect data storage. One ought to be careful when storing your documents in various desktops of disks. Some might get corrupted by malicious malware as well as viruses. It ultimately leads to data loss. That's not all. At times there's a power surge, and it blows out your electronic devices. You need to consult an expert tech solution service provider to know the best way forward. Thus, you wouldn't have to offer bad news to your clients that services are interrupted due to such predicaments. Preferably, you will have contained the situation before it blows out of hand.

3. OS failure 

There are unfortunate instances where the operating system will crash, thus leading to data loss. As a smart person, you need to come up with the next possible solution. It would help if you tried having multiple partitions where you get to store your data. However, if you used the same drive, you need to consult an expert on the best forward situation to handle the dire matter at hand.

4. Mistakes are inevitable 

In as much as employees have the best interest of the company at heart, errors are unavoidable. You need to have a speedy data recovery and backup solution to mitigate the situation. You need not overlook this process as one might accidentally delete data. As you rely on the online backup data plan, you need to have another method in place. It will enable you to resume your regular duties within the least time possible as you can locate the lost information rather swiftly.

It would be best if you got ready for any predicament that might befall your organization. Employees might make data loss errors, or the computing system might crash altogether. With the right plan and strategy in mind, you need not worry about any disastrous event. Be sure to work closely with the tech solution service to get the best possible outcome in retrieving lost data.  

We live in the golden age of mobile communications and web browsing, and thanks to advances in technology our computers have become faster and smaller. As a result of this many new industries have grown around the platform to create an ecosystem of functions, services and enjoyment for users. Some new sectors that have grown as a result of the ubiquity of mobile devices are the mobile gaming and gambling industries as barriers to access and cost came down. In this post, we take a look at 3 reasons why mobile devices have grown to become the perfect platform for gaming and gambling activities.

1. Gaming on the Go

By far the biggest contributing factor as to why mobile devices have become the best place for gaming and gambling is the portability of the devices we now use. Smartphones pack lots of sophisticated hardware and software in a pocket-sized device that allows us to access content on the internet such as video games, mobile slots, and virtual casino's. Mobile games nowadays have evolved into very well-designed titles with realistic graphics that provide anything from a quick game to pass the time such as Flabby Bird, to fully immersive experiences that provide hours of entertainment such as PokemonGo.

Whether you're on your daily commute, have a few minutes to kill in a waiting room, or relaxing at home, - mobile users have access to billions of pages of content, services and much more at the tap of a screen. This portable convenience is why gaming has taken off so spectacularly, everyone with a mobile device is a potential gamer, and millions are taking up the challenge.

2. Online Casinos and Gaming Platforms

An extension of the points made above is the fact that casino and video games are now available on the internet and in app stores. Technological advances mean that anyone can enjoy the experience of a casino without having to painstakingly plan a trip to Las Vegas or Macau. In the same way, besides the cost of your mobile there is often no need for further investment to play mobile games as many are available for free. This is in contrast to investing in a video games console or an expensive gaming PC,- as well as the games, for example.

Needless to say, many gaming and gambling experiences are now specifically optimised for mobile to ensure each user's best experience on their particular device. Either way, the availability of virtual experiences on the internet and the speed and convenience of mobile mean have helped to grow the industry's popularity.

3. Social Gaming

Another internet-based phenomenon that has resulted from the digital boom and mobile platforms is social media. Our smartphones have allowed us to connect with our friends and family beyond just having their phone number. Social media also allows people to discover or build communities based around interests they follow and so it is with mobile gaming and gambling. There is no advertising that is as powerful as word of mouth, and that is what social gaming does best for virtual casinos and games; word spreads and fast popular games end up growing very quickly.

The three reasons outlined above are some of the most important factors as to why mobile devices are currently the best platform for playing video games and enjoying gambling experiences. Together they have created the best conditions for gaming and gambling to become as popular as they are today.


Over the past 2 decades, mobile phones have evolved dramatically. Once a luxury, now, the mobile phones are considered a basic tool. The global presence of mobile phones has increased drastically over the years. Be it for communication or to just unwind by playing games like candy crush or a casino game, every other person today possesses a mobile phone. When the global presence of mobiles is so rich, for what possible reason people won't use this network for their commercial gains?

Mobile phones, mobile marketing

Small size integrated with the latest technology has made mobile phones so handy that laptops seem to be an unnecessary burden to people today. Ask for anything, and mobile has a solution for it. From managing your busy schedule to doing fun things like playing games at online sites like Best live blackjack; mobiles have put everything on your fingertips. Then why would anyone take the pain of carrying extra kilos?

It has become something that businesses crave for, a tool to connect to maximum available population. Businesses use it in plethora ways to sell their respective products by flashing irresistible/tempting advertisements on mobiles. Ease of communication through mobiles has made it possible for a person to market and sell his product to another person staying a thousand miles away. The emergence of mobile phones has truly changed the way business works.

Mobile phones have all the answers to your advertisement needs


From text messages to voice calls, from Emails to app pop-ups, from YouTube ads to news feed tags; today a person views at least 20 advertisements daily. Mobile marketing has become an indispensable part of the business. From a pizza maker to a game provider, no business is leaving any stone unturned to reach out to people through mobiles. Everyone is hunting for new ways to use this network to increase his sale. Today, even physical stores use mobile marketing by notifying people about the latest offers available in their stores. Look for anything and you will get a hundred people selling it.

Mobile marketing is indubitably important today. Mobile network mixed with amazing graphics makes advertisements so tempting that most people tend to buy the product that is flashed on their mobile. Advertisement seems more effective when done through mobiles. It has become so important that search engines like Google, Yahoo are preferring search index based on mobile search ranking rather than desktop search rankings. This clearly reflects the increasing use of internet on mobile phones and why not. People today start and end their days looking at their mobiles. The mobile phone is the foremost thing you need when you get up in the morning and also the last thing you need before you go to bed.

Mobile marketing has made its place in the marketing strategy of any company. Moreover, there is no other tool that could replace mobile marketing in today's world. If a business does not consider mobile marketing, it is liable to fall. While a person investing more time in mobile marketing has more chances of rising.  



It doesn’t even matter how much you like your phone, who made it or how much you had to shell out once to buy it, all smartphones get outdated sooner or later. Sure, you can stretch out  its lifetime by buying a flagship device, because they do come with a bit of future proofing, but even that’s not going to do much but delay the inevitable.


That’s okay though, because such is the nature of technology itself, and not just smartphones. Older, slower, less functional devices are constantly being outdated by their successors, which in the grand scheme of things, defines progress and technological evolution. Unfortunately enough, the pace at which smartphone technology is evolving, it can put a significant load on our wallets!


Creation of a New Industry: Take Advantage of the Competition


The best way to soften the blow of updating to a new phone would be to either sell it, or have it exchanged for a discount while buying a new phone. Manufacturers, second hand vendors and retailers know that too, which is why they have exchange or selling options for smartphones going throughout the year. This has in turn, created another business, and where there is business, there is competition to take advantage of for consumers!


Not Every Site Offers the Same Deal


Have you noticed how different sites sell the same smartphones at different prices? The same applies here too, but even more so than buying. The thing is that unlike first hand retail units, second hand smartphones don’t have any OEM set restrictions on how low or how high one can charge/offer for them. This opens up the competition even more, and the exchange or selling prices of old phones will vary widely as a result of that.


What’s Your Best Option?


Ideally, there should be a platform online , where people would be able to go and compare the price they could be getting for their devices from various buyers. Fortunately, that’s exactly what SellCell provides to consumers! They provide a singular, online platform for buyers to compare the deals they can get from the top sellers across United States, so you won’t have to check a dozen sites and keep constant tabs on them separately. It just streamlines the entire old phone selling or exchanging process immensely.


In case you have held out from buying a new device because you like your old phone too much and can’t get a good deal on it, now you know how to get the best possible deal, without the unnecessary time wasting. On a general note, do not hold onto any Android or iOS device that the OEM has stopped servicing (2 to 3 years at best) with monthly, or at least quarterly updates. Our smartphones carry so much sensitive data in them and without the security patches, they would succumb to malware and hacking attacks without you even realizing it.

Council Post: Why Catering To Mobile Users Is Vital For Today's ...

During the past few years, the Internet has changed significantly. Many of those changes have to do with the fact that people are now accessing the Internet using other devices. When people are away from the computer, they can browse the Internet on a smartphone or tablet. The number of people browsing the web on a mobile device has climbed progressively higher and this trend is likely to continue.

It is increasingly important for webmasters to ensure that their sites are mobile-friendly. Below, readers will learn more about the importance of mobile-friendliness.

How It Works

First and foremost, it is smart to learn a little more about mobile-friendly sites. What makes them different from the competition? When visiting a website on a smartphone, you have to understand that the screen is going to be significantly smaller. Furthermore, the user will need to tap the screen. They'll use their fingers to control the web browser.

Therefore, the experience will be much different than what you're used to on a computer. If the website is not designed correctly, the mobile user may have difficulty using the website in question.

Aspects Of Mobile-Friendly Sites

What makes a website mobile friendly? If you visit a website on a smartphone, you expect that website to fit the screen. You shouldn't have to slide back and forth to read the content. Instead, the website should shrink to match your device's screen. Simultaneously, it is important to make sure that the website is easy to use with two fingers. The user should be able to effortlessly navigate the website.

A mobile-friendly website will make a big difference for the user since they'll be able to access and use the site easily.

Search Engine Importance

Running the best online casino Singapore has to offer will be difficult. You'll want to rely on search engine optimization to increase your site's traffic. This will ensure that people can learn about your casino website by using Google, Bing, and other search engines. With this in mind, you should understand that search engines place significant importance on mobile-friendliness. If the website is not designed for mobile devices, Google will notice.

And, they may punish the website. This means that you'll have a much harder time getting organic traffic to your website. To solve this problem, you should build a website that is going to work well on all devices. Do so and you'll have a lot more success with Google.

Longer Visits

If you want visitors to stay on your website for a longer time, you need to make sure that it works flawlessly. If it doesn't, they're going to have a lot of problems and they'll go elsewhere. This is why you must make your website work well on a smartphone. If you do, you can rest assured knowing that your users will not experience any problems. They'll be able to use the website easily.

They'll stick around long and take advantage of the content the site offers. If you're selling products or services, this will increase the likelihood that you're going to seal the deal.

Making The Sale

At the end of the day, you want to increase your profits. With a website, you'll be able to do that. However, you must make sure that your website is going to work well for your customers. Many of your customers will access your website using a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone. Therefore, you need to make sure that your website works great on these devices.

If you don't, your users may not be able to purchase the items you're selling. Fix this problem and your customers won't have any issues buying your products or services. This will ensure that they'll stick around much longer and purchase what you're selling.

Don't Neglect It

At the end of the day, you cannot neglect search engine optimization. However, you'll never succeed with SEO unless your website works well on all devices. You cannot ignore smartphones since more and more consumers are accessing the Internet using their iPhones and Android phones. Therefore, you'll want to put in a lot of effort to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly.

Do so and you can guarantee that your website will work better for you, your customers, and your company!



You are thinking about purchasing a refurbished phone so that you can enjoy mobile casinos online. Before you are going out and purchase the cheapest refurbished phone you can find, there are a couple of things you need to know.

It is important to reconsider. There are many reasons why you should not consider buying a refurbished phone, and why you should rather spend a little more money and purchase a phone that will give you value for money. These are just five of the reasons why you should not buy a refurbished phone, ever. 

Things can go wrong with the phone

Because a refurbished phone has been used before, things can easily go wrong with the phone. It can happen the same day you bought the phone, or it can happen a week after you purchase it. 

Normally a refurbished phone had one or another fault on that was repaired. But, it won't stay repaired for long. Why is the phone refurbished in the first place? This is something to think about. 

Warranties aren't good with refurbished phones

With a new phone, you will get a warranty of between 12 to 24 months. However, no matter what you will not get the same amount of warrantee with a refurbished phone. You will be lucky if you are getting a 6-month warranty. Some refurbished phones don't even have a warranty on them. Meaning that you are purchasing it as-is.

This is dangerous to purchase a refurbished phone if it doesn't have a good warranty on it. There might be a reason why the warranty isn't long or why there isn't a warranty in the first place. 

You will have fewer worries with a new phone

With a refurbished phone, you will not know when the phone is going to break. Even the battery of the phone won't be as good as a new phone's battery. This means that you will always worry if the phone is going to last through the month or not. Only people that have owned refurbished phones before can tell you that you will always worry about the phone and wait for it to breaks. 

The moment that you have a new phone, you will not have any worries at all. You will know that the phone will be in perfect condition and that it will last for years to come. Or until you let the phone fall and the screen breaks. 

The phone might be damaged and you didn't know that

Most of the time, a refurbished phone is damaged or was damaged before it was refurbished and repaired. Meaning that even if you can't see it, the phone isn't in top condition. In most cases, a refurbished phone looks new, but it doesn't mean that it is really in the good condition it seems to be in. 

The result is that the moment that you are getting the phone, you might realize that there are problems with it. Let you realize that it was just a waste of money. And, then you can't do anything about it. Most refurbished phones aren't replaceable by the business where you have purchased it from. 

It will not feel like a new phone to you

You can ask any person that has purchased a refurbished phone before. Even if this is a new phone for you, and there is nothing on the phone that will remind you that the phone is refurbished, it will not feel the same. With a new phone, it feels just different, then purchasing a refurbished phone.

You might always wonder about the previous owner of the phone. Was there something uploaded to the phone that might gather all your personal information. Or, you might be wondering if the phone was stolen or not. 

For playing mobile casinos online, you might consider purchasing a refurbished phone. It is cheaper and you can use the money you have left for gambling. However, these 5 reasons shown you that this might not be such a good idea to purchase a refurbished phone. You will not know if the phone is 100% in perfect condition, or if there was a screen replacement before. If someone has damaged the phone, that is repaired in such a way that you can purchase it. You need to remember that there is a good reason why refurbished phones don't have a long warranty. Because these phones can't really be trusted on the long run. 

iMyFone D-Back iPhone Data Recovery is a data retrieval tool that's available on both Windows and Mac OS. As you can probably already guess from the name itself, it's primarily used for recovering data from iOS powered devices like the iPhones, iPods (Touch) and iPads. In case you are wondering what makes the iMyFone D-Back iPhone Data Recovery tool so different from all the others available in the market, go through the following points to find out.

It has 4 Recovery Modes

While most data recovery tools usually offer one or at best, two recovery modes, iMyFone D-Back offers users four separate modes to significantly increase the chances of successful data retrieval. The four recovery modes are as follows.

·         Smart recovery

·         Recovery from iCloud backup

·         Recovery from iTunes Backup

·         Recovery from iOS Device

Supports Multiple Data Formats

Most of the retrieval tools available in the market for the iOS offer little more than photo, video and maybe a few document recovery options, but iMyFone D-Back take it to a whole new level by adding support for more than 20 data formats from popular and relevant apps such as Kik, WeChat, WhatsApp, messages, contacts, photos, notes, etc. Best of all, you even get to see a preview of all the recoverable data to know what you are getting, before moving ahead with the actual recovery.

Can Bring Back Data Lost Due to a Multitude of Reasons

It doesn't matter whether you deleted it unintentionally or your phone crashed, with the help of iMyFone D-Back, you can bring back data lost due to almost any possible reason. If you are still not sure about whether or not your particular problem is covered, check out the list below.

·         Broken display

·         Crashed OS

·         Botched Jailbreak attempt

·         Lost device

·         Malware/virus related data loss

·         Factory data reset

·         Password locked/forgotten password

·         Intentional/accidental deletions

Fixes iOS Issues

It might be hard to imagine that a simple retrieval tool can really do this, but it's true! iMyFone D-Back can repair issues with some of the symptoms as follows.

·         Looped reboots

·         Flashing screens

·         Stuck on a black or white screen

·         Stuck with the Apple logo on-screen

·         Stuck in Recovery Mode

·         Unresponsive touch screen

It's Free to Try

The sign of a good software is that it offers a trial version and iMyFone D-Back does exactly that. You can download the free trial version to see if it works for you, before actually making the purchase.

There's a Moneyback Guarantee

It's not often that a software comes with money back guarantee, so the 30-day money back guarantee which every purchase of iMyFone D-Back Recovery tool comes with, says a lot about the confidence that the developers have in their product. If you missed something in the trial version, you can check it out during the 30-day money back guarantee period and simply ask for a refund if it doesn't suit your needs. However, the chances of that happening are pretty slim and the developers are willing to bet their livelihood on it! In case you already have downloaded the software, check out the step by step guide over here.


Human Resources (HR) management software can perform many different HR functions, including but not limited to storing employee data, managing payroll, recruitment, benefits administration, time and attendance, employee performance management and tracking competency and training records. Essentially, this software streamlines the entire HR process into one easy-to-manage digital dashboard.

Small businesses are arguably the backbone of the economy. However, many small business owners may find themselves spending the first several months (or even years!) of operation working out the kinks in everyday processes. Specifically, while the HR department is a vital component of many companies, some small businesses may not have the funds to hire enough employees to complete essential HR tasks. Owners then get bogged down in legal paperwork for their employees, when they should be free to innovate, market and grow their business. Fortunately, HR management software can reduce the amount of labor required for HR tasks, or at least allow employees to complete these tasks more efficiently.

How Does HR Management Software Help Small Businesses?




Simply put, HR management software for small businesses saves time and money. This software can perform a multitude of tasks that would normally take a department of several people to manage efficiently. 

For example, many HR management software programs offer automated payroll, populating and maintaining personnel records, and company benefits management, which are vital functions to any company large or small. These processes can be handled in just a few quick clicks. Not to mention, employees can fill out their paperwork and submit it digitally to a system that organizes and updates when needed. Easy interaction with pretty much a "set it and forget it" ability. Business owners can also run this program in little to no time once a day or even a week and then focus on other responsibilities. 

Additionally, this software provides talent management services for identifying potential applicants, mass-producing job listings on several digital platforms, analyzing applicants' capabilities and providing data analysis on the hiring process to improve it for the future. These convenient features take the headache out of finding the right candidates for any small business.

Finally, HR management software places all HR information - whether it is for record and legal documents or important employee information - in one place so that it can be accessed on any device anywhere. That way, employees can locate essential documents whenever they need to. Employers can also share important information without having to bombard all employees with emails, and employees can access that information without first having to navigate several complicated channels. Likewise, employees can track any claims they have, providing transparency and confidence in the HR process.

Don't Miss Out on the Benefits of HR Management Software for Small Businesses




As a small business owner, minimizing your HR department's everyday workload is invaluable. This type of software can do just that. Finding the right software can be overwhelming; however, if you research thoroughly, you are sure to find a program that perfectly matches your business needs.



A malware by its simplest definition, could be defined as a piece of code that has been specifically written to cause problems for anyone who downloads/installs it on their computer. It can be a fully developed software with malicious intents, or it could be a short program, written only to hijack/damage/disrupt a specific function on the infected computer.

Keep in mind that malware is a very broad classificatory term which can be divided into several different types of malicious codes, based on their primary goal, medium of infection and mode of operation. A virus is just one of those multiple different types of malware, and while it can very well be the most dangerous thing that your computer can catch, it isn't the only type of malware that you should be worried about.


Understand the Threats Which a Virus Can Bring to Your Computer

Before we discuss the various other potential threats, it is imperative that we first discuss the oldest and most common type of malware first, aka a virus. Depending on the kind of infection you have, its effects may vary, and the following would be the usual suspects.


• Boot Sector Virus - The boot sector virus Infiltrates, infects and corrupts the MBR via USB/optical drives
• Resident Virus - Resides in hardware memory and cannot be removed by removing the infected file alone; also spread via physical storage/drives
• Cavity Virus - An extremely hard to notice virus that installs itself in between the gaps in the data of an installed program
• Direct Action Virus - Similar to a resident virus, it installs itself onto the hardware memory, but cannot survive without the core file
• Overwrite Virus - The primary email virus just overwrites or deletes every file it infects, making the user lose valuable information
• Multipartite Virus - Simultaneously infects and corrupts the MBR, as well as the executables
• Polymorphic Virus - The signature will be different with every single replication of a polymorphic virus, making it difficult to identify and eliminate a polymorphic infection
• Macro virus - Infects a MS Word file most often, and replaces the original macro command's execution, without changing the input




What Else Can Your Computer Catch?


Depending on the kind of sites you visit, the type of business you are in and how well your computer is/isn't protected online and offline, you could be looking at any one or possibly multiple of the following malware infections which are not classified as viruses, but can be just as, if not even more dangerous than the average computer virus.

• Trojan horse - Steals information and acts like a beneficial software
• Worm - Corrupts and deletes everything it comes in contact with, including the critical OS files necessary to run the specific OS
• Spyware - Tracks and spies on your online and offline activities
• Malicious adware - Adware designed to show ads that lead to malicious pages
• Ransomware - hijacks your computer and asks for a ransom to let you gain access back to your own data
• Fileless malware - A fileless malware has no file of its own but infects and uses genuine, installed program files to execute malicious commands
• Rootkits - Rootkits act as a restrictive barrier which protects a virus from both discovery and elimination
• Keyloggers - A spyware that logs and sends out information regarding all your keypresses (passwords, credit card data, bank data, etc. could be stolen easily)
• Malware bots - Takes over the infected computers and every infected computer might act as a hive mind, forming a botnet



What about Phishing and Spear Phishing?

In order to land on a phishing page, the user must make one of the two following mistakes:

1. Type in the wrong URL

2. Click on a link from a non-verified source

It should be noted that while phishing is an extremely dangerous threat to your online safety on any unprotected computer, it cannot be categorized as a malware. Phishing and spear phishing attacks do not infect a computer, but leads the user to a malicious page designed to replicate a universally/personally trusted website. The objective of all phishing attempts is to steal sensitive and valuable data from the user, which may include but is not limited to:

  • Usernames and passwords used on the very site that the phishing page is replicating
  • Other usernames and passwords used on related/unrelated websites
  • Contact details and address information
  • Financial information such as asset records
  • One Time Passwords (OTP)
  • Bank account numbers
  • Other bank details
  • Debit/credit card numbers
  • CVC numbers
  • Social security numbers


To avoid such a mishap, always check the URL for spelling mistakes or any difference in the link's structure, as compared to the genuine link, before entering sensitive information. Also, never click on an unverified link. Spear phishing uses personal information that is extremely likely to be considered as relevant by the specific individual/organization targeted. The attacker will be using personal information to make you believe in the authenticity of their email/message, all in the hope of making you click on that phishing link. Even the page where you land could have sensitive information on it, that they have likely stolen by using a malware already.


Can We Truly Protect Our Computers and Personal/Financial Information from Online Threats?

The answer is yes, we can keep our computers and our personal data protected from online and even physical media related threats because the solution is quite straightforward. Get complete web protection from one of the top antimalware developers such as Norton, McAfee or Kaspersky and keep all your devices protected against malware and phishing attempts. Thanks to massive discount coupons easily available online, this can be more affordable than you think. Without the discounts though, total antimalware protection can become a bit costly to keep up with, especially if you have multiple devices, which most of us do.

In spite of how dangerous it might be for us to use the internet today, the top antivirus and overall antimalware software providers are more than capable of handling nearly every kind of cyber threat out there, including zero-day attacks. That being said, every now and then, a malware does come around which infiltrates the defenses of even enterprise grade antimalware programs. Such instances are pretty rare though and patches are developed almost immediately after a few initial infiltrations, which stops the spread quickly.

There is a popular myth that Macs are not susceptible to malware, so anyone who believes that is advised to check for information regarding the ThiefQuest ransomware to know better. Keep all your installed programs updated, including your antivirus software to stay protected at all times, irrespective of the OS. Don't forget to enable browser protection as well, which should come by default with any of the top antivirus software solutions to keep you safe from infected sites and phishing pages.

Finally, just in case you are still using a pirated version of Windows, or a genuine copy of now-defunct Windows XP, buy an original key and update your PC immediately. Most of the time, pirated Operating Systems come with their own embedded malware, and even the versions that do not, cannot be updated. What all this means is that if the OS itself is pirated; nothing can save a computer running a pirated OS from becoming infected.


Mobile apps have revolutionized business. Transactions have been simplified, and brands can communicate with their customers directly and in a personalized manner. If you have a business - regardless of size - pairing it with an app is something you should give serious thought to. The digital age has provided a level playing field for all brands, and standing out has become incredibly intricate. Read on for ways an app can better your service delivery and give you the edge on your competitors:

  1. An app provides you with a free marketing channel

One of the most significant benefits of having a business app is the ability to communicate directly with your customers without competing for attention. Your app carries only information about your brand and product. This means that when a customer opens it, there is zero chance they are there for anything but information about your product or service. Your only job is to ensure the information you provide is relevant, useful, and, if possible, personalized.

  1. Apps separate the great from the good.

Apps are everywhere these days, but don't let that fool you: most of your rivals don't even know their businesses can use an app. You can use the opportunity to leapfrog them and pull yourself closer to the market leaders. Your customers will love your innovativeness, and your brand will take on a new look of credibility and classiness.

But there is a catch to it; a bad app is worse than an absent app. If you are going to develop an app, ensure it is terrific because such a significant addition can only enhance or break your business. Get a seasoned developer to build the app for you. Goodcore is an app development company based in London with a team of experts specializing in different aspects of app development. This is the expertise and level of dedication that you need for your project.

  1. A business app will increase customer engagement.

All clients need a clear communication channel with the provider of the service they are seeking. If customers can't reach you, a chunk of them will likely consider the next brand. Mobile apps enable this reach. You only need to create a section on the app where customers can interact with the support team and chat. A mobile app eliminates the need for customers to visit your website to interact with the business or get more details. 

  1. It increases customer loyalty.

Customer loyalty is achieved when you keep reminding your customers that your brand exists. Then again, everyone uses the same channels to elicit commitment - banners, flyers, flashing signs, newspaper ads, roadside banners, billboards, social media, email, coupons, etc.

You cannot draw on these hackneyed means and expect to realize extraordinary results. A mobile app will help you connect with your clients in a way that makes them feel valued. Gradually, they will develop an attachment to your business and potentially turn into your brand's self-appointed ambassadors.

  1. Build brand awareness

Among the crucial things an app offers to consumers is communication with and awareness of your brand. It offers a platform for regular interaction with the target market, which helps to foster loyalty and trust. Also, when a customer is frequently exposed to your brand, their buying intent increases. That's why mobile apps are considered an effective brand promotion strategy. A mobile app is one of the best tools for enhancing brand visibility. 

  1. On-the-go advertising

Whether they are at a coffee shop, at work, or in a traffic jam, a mobile app allows consumers to access a user-friendly place for your business. The regular use and easy accessibility help to reinforce your brand and business, increasing the possibility of consumers making purchases.

  1. Easier market research

If you have been running your business for some time, you know how market research is crucial to businesses. A business app makes it easy to conduct market research. It makes it easy to collect, analyze, and leverage consumer data. Capturing consumer insights such as consumer preferences and behavior can help you make the right decisions and focus your energy in the right place. Therefore, with a business app, your business can use data-driven marketing statistics to offer customers a personalized experience. 

  1. Mobile payments

Mobile payments are a secure means of transaction, and they have been growing in popularity. Customers are not required to share any sensitive information, and thus there is no possibility of a third party accessing the information. Integrating your business app with mobile payment will make customers feel secure about their private and transaction information. 

  1. Worldwide audience reach

Most people around the world access the internet through their mobile phones. There are over 4.5 billion active internet users around the world, and most of these people access the internet through their mobile phones. A business app increases your business's global reach. 

  1. Value creation

A mobile app will make your services or products more trustworthy for consumers. 94% of the top 50 retailers in the United States have at least one mobile application. A mobile application also makes your business look more professional. 

  1. Maximize sales and revenue

The flexibility offered by mobile apps has led to increased mobile app transactions in recent years. They offer a convenient, simple, and intuitive purchasing process, which is why most customers prefer them. This helps to improve customer experience, which positively impacts sales. 

  1. Brand endorsement

A mobile app will help you create a good reputation. You see, nobody wants to buy something without reading comments and reviews from other buyers. Just like you wouldn't go anywhere without checking ticket pricing, routes, and hotels beforehand. Positive reviews by your existing customers are an effective way to attract potential customers.


There are many ways to upgrade your business. Creating an app, albeit relatively costly and time-consuming, is one of the most viable ones. Don't ponder it a minute longer. Develop a business app today and see your brand take on a new fast-tracked growth curve.

Today, more and more people prefer to invest in used cars. They are cheaper. It gives a possibility to people to change car models more often. Buying a used automobile, though, is quite a risky investment.

When a person decides to get a used auto, they have to double check what technical condition of the car is. Sellers usually do not disclose the truth about it. They want to sell a car for the highest price possible. A good way to reveal the truth is to use VIN decoding. You can use the link https://www.faxvin.com/vin-decoder to order a VIN decoding.


Where To Order VIN Decoding

Each manufactured vehicle gets certain vehicle identification number. It is a unique 17 digit and letter code that contains full information about a car. To decipher data from a VIN, one should:

        Contact local DMV office. DMV means Department of Motor Vehicle. It is a governmental organisation. It provides VIN decoding for all citizens. It will take several days for an owner to get all the data gathered.

        Order information from a privately owned companies. These are companies that will decode VIN number faster, than governmental agencies. Both types of agencies provide some information free of charge, but full VIN report should be paid for.

There is not much difference what option to choose. Information for any VIN report is derived from official sources. Therefore, no organisation can speculate on it.



What Type Of Information An Owner Can Get

Vehicle identification number can reveal much information. It will help every buyer to make a right choice of a car. Here is data a potential buyer can obtain:

        Manufacturer of an auto. It seems to be evident information. Though, buyers often make professional tuning. They mask a cheap car and convert it into an expensive automobile. It enables them to earn money quickly.

        A year of production. This is another source of speculation. The newer the car is, the more expensive it become. Many sellers simply make false technical certifications. They present them to buyers and ask for a higher price.

        Unique production number. Vehicles are produced in lines. Each item is assigned an authentic production number. It is important to know it. It will help to check particularities of technical features of a particular car. Very often a car has unobvious defects that are typical for series of automobiles from the same production line.

        Country where the car was produced. Very often multinational companies conceal a place where an auto was produced. They usually produce cars in cheaper countries to reduce costs of production. For a buyer, it is better to buy Mercedes produced in Germany than outside the EU.

        Engine type. Reliable companies like Mercedes, Volvo or Opel improve engines yearly. They increase their technical parameters. A right way to find out what exactly engine type a vehicle has, a VIN decoding is needed.

        Safety and brakes. Every driver wants to be safe on the road. He also wants to protect members of his family, any passengers in the car, and also other people around. For that reason, a driver should get full information about safety and brakes of a vehicle.

This is important data that a buyer can get if he orders VIN decode service. This service will help to understand a real technical condition of a used car.

Today's businesses tend to develop advanced loyalty programs. A client gets rewards for buying a product or a service. The same happens in the banking industry. Bank purpose numerous rewards for owners of travel credit cards.

When a person opens a bank travel card he gets points as he spends. It is good to accumulate point. For many miles, you can get a big reduction on a price of an airline ticket. You can read more information about best travel rewards credit card form numerous online resources.


How to search flight options and get price reductions

To get reductions on a plane ticket you can not only keep them accumulated on your bank card. You have to choose an airline that will accept your points. There are too many airlines companies in the world, That is why people use professional websites, that compare the best flight option. They offer a fine way to evaluate flight options. Here is how you can do it:

        Enter into a system the place of your departure and final destination. You also have indicated if you have any points accumulated. Travel credit card issuer will give you such information.

        Get a flight comparison. A system will propose many flight propositions. You can get around 20 flight offers from various airlines. You will also get information on how many rewards you can redeem and how many rewards you can earn.

        You can choose an option you find relevant. You will then have a possibility to buy a ticket for a discounted price.

These are simple steps to take. Using such a comparison tool, you will have a possibility to choose the best flight option.


How to transfer your miles to a specific airline

As you spend money from a travel card, a bank gives you miles. They are calculated in points equivalent. A certain amount of points has concrete dollar equivalent. When you decide to buy a travel ticket you can transfer your reward and compensate ticket price.

To do it you have to register on websites that propose miles transfer service. In the United States of America travelers usually use Chase travel card. To collect miles from this plastic you have to use Chase Ultimate Rewards program.

After you open an account on the website you will be able to see the number of points you accumulated. You can redeem points when you find it necessary. You have to click ‘Transfer points' and choose airline miles should go to. A system will evaluate your request and calculate a final ticket price for you.

Another program that proposes to transfer points is called Starwood Preferred Guest Points. It is a unique program. It helps you to accumulate points as you make a transfer of the miles. You earn as you spend your miles.

In today's world, there are many ways to economize. Take an advantage of it. Choose a program that will help you to earn most of the miles.

Studying in Australia lets students open new horizons and gives them vast opportunities which don't consist in attending classes and seminars only. Being an Australian student means taking part in exploratory activities, conducting lots of researches, developing the skills required for building a successful career and becoming a seasoned professional. Every educational institution lets students fulfill their potential and develop day by day. In spite of the fact the universities establish favorable conditions for all the students, each educational institution has strict requirements concerning the studying process. 

It's not surprising students are always worried and stressed out when it comes to composing academic papers and preparing for exams. More and more of them apply for help to essay writing online in EssayOnTime for getting their paper written for them by real professionals within a short order. Applying for help, students leave their problems behind being able to allot more time to the studying process and getting familiar with all the writing intricacies.

Requirements To Australian Students: Things To Take Into Account

Australian colleges and universities are interested in the students who show initiative, are proactive and take the studying process seriously. Educational institutions don't require the students to attend all the classes, however it is necessary they to withdraw enough credit hours, always learn all the data and don't neglect studying on their own. The students should always be prepared for their classes, read the required material and information as well as attend lectures and practical classes.

It is essential each student to compose several academic papers during the year - essay, research paper, coursework, article, etc. Writing one or another paper, students have to follow certain requirements and recommendations for getting a good grade. It's also necessary to meet the deadline - all the students unable to compose their paper in time get worse grade or even fail credits. That's exactly why you need to get down to composing your paper beforehand and allot proper time to conducting all the researches, gathering information, proofreading and editing the text.

Composing an academic paper, you have to make sure it is unique, since all the educational institutions take assignments' uniqueness seriously. Presenting a plagiarized paper, a student may even be expelled from university. You should keep in mind your paper should not only be qualitative and well-structured, but also unique and second to none.

Why Essay Matters

Composing a paper for Australian educational institution, you need to follow a certain structure and, obviously, use the right tone. It is suggested you should avoid using too many literary devices and too long words, but give preference to short ones which will help you perfectly provide insight into the topic of your paper. Writing too long sentences, you make it harder for the reader to perceive you text and it may affect your final grade.

So why is it necessary for you to know how to properly write essays? Lots of the students don't think essay is a significant assignment, however a great number of professors consider it to be the best piece of writing which helps them figure out whether one or another student is able to express own opinion and thoughts on the matter in hand. Here are a few reasons why it's worth taking essay seriously and learning how to write such kind of assignment:

        Composing an essay, you learn to gather and analyze information, highlighting the most essential and relevant one as well as find out the way to properly cite the sources you used while writing.

        You improve your writing skills. Writing such kind of assignment, you get a specific topic you need to cover and provide insight into. In this regard, you will have to read a lot of different sources, including essay samples, and will be able to improve your skills getting familiar with diverse writing styles and tones, basic grammar and punctuation. It will also be possible for you to figure out what you should start with and find the best way to convey the main idea to the reader.

        You will be able to fulfill your creative potential and learn how to properly express own opinion on various topics. Composing an essay, you gain new writing experience which will help you get down to more complicated assignments, as well as increase your vocabulary and find the way to make your paper even more interesting to read.

A student who knows how to properly express own ideas and thoughts will always be able to convey the desired message to the reader and easily get A+. Being aware of the all the writing intricacies, you will not only get a chance to compose high quality assignments, but also become the best student in class and a seasoned professional in the future.


"Free" as a word has the ability to get consumer attention instantly. While retail stores usually adopt this sales technique to boost sales, manufacturers are also not behind. For innovative companies pioneering in a field in which others fear to tread, free as a tool can be used to gain and retain competitive advantage against others.

In 2015 Samsung's smartphone arsenal comprising of the Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 edge, Galaxy S6 edge+, and Galaxy Note 5 is gaining eminence for wireless charging capabilities. Samsung played a masterstroke by incorporating wireless charging in the Galaxy S6 and S6 edge earlier this year, but the Korean giant took the game to another level by making wireless charging faster in the Galaxy S6 edge+ and the Galaxy Note 5. This resulted in faster charging times and in turn it would compel customers to adapt wireless charging as a necessary part of their lives.

Right now the only competitor to wireless charging is the USB Type-C technology which is available in flagship phones like Onplus 2, Nexus 6p. One problem with this new technology is the replacement cost, when USB Type-C cable gets damaged. If this gets accepted as a mainstream accessory, wireless charging will be left for the "early adopter". But, we consider that wireless charging is a better technology, as it saves the phone battery from mild electric shock whenever it is plugged in and thereby elongating the battery life.

In order to drive adoption and make wireless charging the de-facto technology of charging phones, Samsung can give away wireless charger as a necessary accessory in the high-end smartphones scheduled for release in the future.


If you wondering how iPhone 7, Galaxy S7 and LG  G5 can compared, when none of these phones are released yet. But the currently available information about the Galaxy S7 and the LG G5 can help us conclude that for at least one more year, performance wise the iPhone will be superior than the Android phones.

Every year a new version of the iPhone comes out, and  two things are always true:

  • improved camera
  • best CPU and GPU performance in the market.

While using it actually, new iPhone performs better although the competitors feature better hardware specifications.

The Galaxy S7 will be backed by Samsung's Exynos 8890 octa-core processor and Qulacomm's Snapdragon 820 SoC. The LG G5 will only get the latter variant .As per the benchmark tests, the comparison between these two CPUs shows that, the Exynos is better in single-core Geekbench tests (2282 vs. 1873), and the Qualcomm ship is speedier in multi-core testing (4979 vs. 5946).

These scores are less than the iPhone 6's score got in single-core tests (2490), and more in multi-core tests (4340). If Apple can achieve the same with the dual-core processor featured in the iPhone 6s, A10 chip will surely a thing to look forward to. Also taking into account the  recently performed Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 performance test, Apple's A9 processor (present in iPhone 6s Plus)  is superior than the other two processors.


Samsung is yet to declare the official reason as to why a number of their Galaxy Note 7 smartphones started to explode all around the world which led to two recalls and a subsequent discontinuation of the device. However, that hasn't stopped Instrumental from publishing a report on what they believe is the real reason behind the Note 7's hazardous behaviour.

According to them, it's the race to be the slimmest phone around that got the Galaxy Note 7. Simply put, the capacity of the battery was too big to be encased in such a small and slim casing. Apparently, the two separator layers of polymer found within the Note 7's battery was too thin to keep the negative (graphite) and the positive (lithium cobalt oxide) layer apart from each other, even under normal circumstances like pressure from being in a tight pocket. It is only natural that if the positive and the negative layers ever came into direct contact with each other, that would continue to generate heat until the entire phone exploded into flames.

They also went on to state that the engineers at Samsung definitely knew there would be some risk associated with choosing design over safety here, but went with it anyway. A smaller battery would have been safer, but it wouldn't be enough to power the beastly specs which the Note 7 boasted of. A race to release the smartphone prior to the Apple iPhone 7 might have also contributed to the cause, given that we are guessing the batteries did not go through sufficient testing to be branded as "safe."

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

After what has been roughly three and a half months since the Galaxy Note 7 was discontinued, Samsung has finally disclosed its findings regarding the cause behind the exploding smartphone. Just like previously thought, Samsung blames the batteries used inside the Note 7 for causing the safety hazards that the phone did, back when it was still being sold.

700 engineers worked with 200,000 Note 7 smartphones and 30,000 batteries used in those phones to reach the following conclusions.

1. The first batch of batteries which were supplied by Samsung SDI had curved corners which resulted in the electrodes inside the casing to bend. As they bent and came into contact with each other due to heat or pressure, fire and explosion became inevitable in certain cases.

2. After the first recall, Samsung equipped the next batch of Note 7s with batteries supplied by Amperex Technology Ltd. In a bizarre coincidence, these batteries also turned out to be faulty and began to catch fire as a result of inadequate welding and subsequent internal short-circuits. This was probably brought on due to the tremendous pressure of manufacturing millions of batteries in an impossibly short time.

As Dong-jin Koh, the chief of Samsung Mobiles explained all this in a press meeting, he also confirmed that the Galaxy S8 will indeed be delayed this year, and therefore, we will not see the device at the MWC next month.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

We all know that the biggest gripe most people have with the Galaxy S8 and the S8+ is the awkward location of the fingerprint scanner. While I think the 3,000mAh battery on the regular S8 is a much bigger problem, that is not the point of this article. It seems that The Investor from South Korea actually has a decent explanation for the strange decision by Samsung.

The under-the-screen fingerprint scanner revealed by Synaptics a few months ago was apparently funded mainly by Samsung. They were supposed to be a part of the Galaxy S8 and S8+ but unfortunately, the technology just wasn't ready before the mass production of the Galaxy S8 series of smartphone began. As Samsung could not place the fingerprint scanner on the front anymore and the middle of the back wasn't an option because the design wouldn't permit it, they had two choices. The first was to exclude the fingerprint scanner altogether, and the second one is what we are seeing now, an awkwardly positioned fingerprint scanner right beside the camera. Additionally, this could also be the reason as to why the S8+ doesn't feature the initially expected rear dual camera module. The whole affair makes sense too. Samsung is a market pioneer and industry leader; to think that they would simply opt for a stupid location for the fingerprint scanner voluntarily is a silly concept in itself.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

It has now been close to a month since Apple had launched the iPhone X, alongside the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. Although the iPhone X is yet to hit the stores, it wouldn't take too much guesswork to predict that it would be a hit, in spite of the hefty price tag. However, there is ample reason to believe that Samsung wouldn't mind, not this time!

The thing is, the iPhone X could make Samsung more money than even the combined sales of the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8+! You see, the beautiful full-screen AMOLED displays adorning the iPhone X's front are going to be supplied solely by Samsung and on each unit sold by Apple, Samsung will be making $110 in profit. If the estimations are right and Apple does manage to sell about 130 million of its smartphones, Samsung will make $14.3 billion from those sales! Now that's billions more than the Galaxy S8 and S8+'s estimated combined sales profit ($10.1 billion at a profit of $202/unit). So when we say that Samsung loves the iPhone X and may be even more than the S8, we are probably not wrong.

Via: Android Authority

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)



There have been recent concerns over the security issues in the rather outdated WebView mode in Android Jelly Bean (v4.1 - v4.2 - v4.3). Due to its outdated nature, it is facing security issues, which would otherwise be a non-issue on newer versions of Android.


Google has responded to these concerns by basically saying they won't be updating the WebView in Jelly Bean. But while that may not be what people have been expecting, Google does have a reasonable explanation for it.


jelly bean


Starting KitKat onwards, the WebView component, that is the browser that you see within apps that open links in their own built-in browser instead of sending you to your default browser, runs on the newer Chromium engine, which is the same as in the Google Chrome browser. However, Jelly Bean and older versions of Android use WebKit engine, which is pretty vast and being updated by hundreds of developers since it's open source. So, it is not easy or secure to update a part of that engine for Google.


Secondly, even if Google does release an update, it is entirely in the hands of the OEMs to deliver the update. For phones that are still running Jelly Bean when there have been two major updates of Android since, it's unlikely that OEMs are going to release any updates for them, meaning the security update may never reach the users.



By now, we all know that not all smartphones are created equal. If there's something that sets Android devices head and shoulders above some of their competitors, it's the possibility to customize them to no end. And one of the best ways to personalize your Android experience is through the proverbial lens of a new launcher.

The launcher market is constantly growing as more and more users look for different ways to personalize their Android devices, and more developers creating apps to answer those needs. To be clear, most manufacturers pre-install their own launchers on the Android devices they produce. It's the reason a Samsung phone looks different from an LG, for example. Obviously, that does not have to be the be all and end all of the way in which you phone looks and functions.

Through the use of a launcher app, you can customize your phone with new animations and graphics, and get new features like gestures and widgets. If you're really looking to change the look and feel of your Android device, you can even get a launcher that completely changes the user interface.

How does a launcher work?

The Android operating system uses an interface app to display the entire user interface when you access the home screen on your phone, tablet, or even wearable. Once installed, an Android launcher will replace the standard interface app, changing things like the home screen and the app drawer. It can also become more intuitive and bring your most used apps front and center, but more on that later.

Although both provide personalization options, launcher apps should not be confused with custom ROMs. While you only need to download and install a launcher on your device in order to use it, a custom ROM requires you to root your device. The main difference between a launcher and a custom ROM is that ROMs offer deeper system changes than mere user interface tweaks. However, since rooting your Android might end up causing more damage to a device than it's worth, most users prefer sticking to softer means of personalization.

Launchers allow you to have customization at your fingertips, without the anxiety of possibly causing serious damage to your device.

Why should you use one?

Pretty much all launchers fall in two categories: design or smart.

As the name suggests, a design launcher is created to break free of some of the design limitations your Android device might have, and bring focus to what the user interface looks and feels like. From simple, slick designs, to more intricate ones, the sky's the limit with design launchers. You can also add new custom gestures and icons to further personalize your device. All in all, a design launcher gives you a myriad of customization options for your device's UI, allowing you to basically have the last say on what your device looks like.

Meanwhile, a smart launcher goes beyond design and adapts to how you use your device. It ‘looks' at which apps you use to make them more accessible for you, basically ‘learning' what your priorities are. Depending on what kind of information you provide a smart launcher, you can even see different apps on your home screen depending on the day of the week or time of day. This is all meant to make life easier and create a uniquely customized Android experience.

If you really want a launcher that combines the both categories, smart and design, you should try Redraw Keyboard.

So, there you have it. Whether you're looking to ‘redesign' your phone, tablet or wearable, or make your device a little more intuitive, launchers have you covered on all fronts. All you need to do now is explore the market and find one that best suits your needs!

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Look around you at the phones that West Africans are using today. Gone are the Nokia of yesteryear. Now, everyone seems to be using smartphones, and almost always Android.


Why is Android so popular in West Africa? Why hasn't Apple cornered the biggest chunk of the smartphone market, like in Europe and North America? 


We're here to find out.


We want to investigate exactly why Android is so popular among everyday Africans. What caused the market dominance of Android phones?


Wondering why everyone is using Android? Then you'll need to read on.


They are Cheap


First and foremost, Android smartphones are a cheap solution to a modern problem. If you want to get ahead in the modern world, being constantly connected is massively important.


Whether you're a jobseeker, a businessman, or an engineer, being available for contact is paramount. 


When the iPhone launched, it was far too expensive for most people to buy. Despite recently cut production costs, the iPhone is still too expensive for a large chunk of the population.


If you want, you can buy a Leagoo phone for just under 50 USD. That's affordable, even on a low wage. Due to lower wages, many people in West Africa said they consider price first when buying a smartphone.


It is Open Source


If you want to tinker with the Android operating system, then you can happily do so. Customization of the OS, creation of apps, and uploading these apps to Google Play, are all easier on Android than iOS. 


This encourages local programmers to work on Android, rather than iOS, as they don't have to pay licensing fees. 


The software market in West Africa is large, and Android makes a natural partner for this. Just as Linux has a lot to offer African developers, so does Android. It's a way to sharpen skills, make some money, and potentially, become rich.


Androids Often Have Better Battery Life


If you live in area that doesn't always have electricity, battery life is crucial. Androids best iPhones here. 


While iPhones are stricter in what apps can run in the background, Android phones do mostly have better battery life than their Apple rivals. They also often come bundled with fast chargers, which allow for much quicker charging times.


In rural areas, battery life is perhaps the most important feature for staying connected. If that is what you need, then you'll need an Android phone. The iPhone's shorter battery life is fine for the city, but that's all.


Androids Offer Far Better Navigation as Standard


If you want to use your phone as a GPS, chances are, you'll want to use Google Maps. While Apple Maps is improving all the time, it still lags behind Google Maps.


For example, do you want to use your navigation app to get directions for public transport? If you're on Apple Maps, you're out of luck. The app only offers detailed public transit directions in 17 countries. 


On Google Maps, you get access to thousands of different cities and towns' transit networks, at the touch of a button.


While you can install Google Maps on iPhone, it is an irritating additional step. It is also beyond the reach of some users, particularly older people. For ease of use, Android absolutely dominates the smartphone market when it comes to navigation.


A Greater Choice of Apps


The open-source software that underpins Android allows for an abundance of apps. There are around 2.47 million apps on Google Play. In contrast, the App Store offers just 1.8 million.


While the App Store does have a lot to offer consumers, it's lacking in hyper-local apps. Many West African businesses offer apps of their own, as do some cities, such as Lagos. 


The ease of Android development promotes a healthier business environment, with greater choice for the consumer. 


This greater choice is immediately evident when comparing search results from the stores. Apple's own apps often appear first in search results, which some have seen as an unfair advantage. By contrast, searching for software on Google Play gives you a much larger immediate selection to choose from.


Better Hardware Connectivity


When Apple did away with the headphone jack, there was uproar, and justifiably so. 


Countless millions of people use wired headphones every single day to enjoy podcasts and music. Those who have bought iPhones since the iPhone 7 have had to spend far more money on hardware than Android users.


If you want, you can buy a dirt cheap headset, and plug it into an Android phone. You don't have that choice with an iPhone. 


It's not only headphone jacks that are symbolic of this problem with Apple's design philosophy. It's lightning, too.


Lightning cables are expensive and break easily. They're also only able to be used with Apple products. 


The latest Androids use USB-C, which offers fast data transfer and charging, but can be widely used on a huge range of hardware. The cables are far more common and cheap to purchase. It's a much more user-friendly experience.


The Android Smartphone Market Offers Far Greater Choice


You cannot even begin to count the number of different Android phones on the market today. From ultra-cheap phones to the latest Samsung phones, there are thousands of different devices. There are just three iPhone 11 models. 


Whatever you need an Android phone for, you can find a model that fits those needs. You don't need to shell out for superfluous features you don't need. You don't have to go with a model because it's the only one available.


Instead, you can choose from a dizzying range at your local phone store. You're in control, from the very beginning. 


Final Thoughts


Android phones dominate the smartphone market in West Africa for three key reasons.


One, they offer cheap access to the latest technology. Two, they're rich with customization options. And three, because they are easy to use. 


If Apple truly wish to catch up with Android in West Africa, they need to embrace this trio of factors.


However, we doubt that you're going to see a budget iPhone on sale in the near future.


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There are quite a few YouTube downloaders/converters available these days and YouTubNow is one of the most popular options among them. Now, the recent popularity of the site suggests that it's actually quite good, but what exactly are those features that make it so good? Well, there are quite a few as it turns out, but we will now take a closer look at five of the most useful features that the online video converter and YouTube downloader boasts of.

YouTube to MP3 and MP4 Converter

You can essentially convert any YouTube video into an MP4 video, before downloading it onto your phone or PC. To do this, simply paste the YouTube video link into the YouTubNow Search box and select the output format as MP4.

If you are more interested in listening to music, easily convert your favorite YouTube music videos into portable MP3, M4A or WebM files, download them and carry the songs around in your smartphone to listen to the tracks anytime and anywhere you want, independent of whether you are connected to the net or not.

It's An Ad-Free, Unlimited Service

The YouTubNow site doesn't have any ads on it that will interrupt your experience while using the converter and downloader, but more importantly, it's a completely unlimited and unrestricted service! What this means is that users can download as many videos in various formats as they wish for free, and it doesn't even ask for verification details, so there's no risk of data theft either.

Its Compatible With Your Apple Devices As Well

Due to the restricted nature of Apple's Operating Systems, most downloading sites do not work on Apple devices very well, but fortunately, Safari is perfectly supported by YouTubNow, which means that whether you are using Chrome, Edge or Safari, YouTubNow will work flawlessly.

Advanced Search Functionality

In addition to being an excellent YouTube converter and downloader with support for multiple formats and browsers across the various Operating Systems and devices, it also has a superb search functionality as well. Just in case you can't find the video you want to download on YouTube due to regional/age related restrictions, simply search for the video with relevant keywords on YouTubNow's search box and it should be able to find the video for you easily.

Better Download Speeds Even at 1080p

To download your videos faster from YouTube even at 1080p (YouTubNow also supports downloading of YouTube videos in lower resolutions), simply replace the "youtube.com" from your video link and replace it with "youtubnow.com." It should ideally look something like what you see below.

From: https://youtube.com/my-video

To: https://youtubnow.com/my-video

As mentioned already, it's completely free and doesn't have any restrictions whatsoever, so don't just take our word for it, click here and try it out for yourself right now!

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While the mobile app industry may be relatively new, it has grown at such an exponential rate that it is now one of the most expansive markets in the world. It is expected to reach a peak of $77 billion by the end of 2017, with everything from games to productivity apps available through the freemium business model that profits through option, in-app purchases.

This model is driven by volume rather than the profitability of individual apps, meaning that the market has grown thanks to minimal barriers to entry and the ability of developers to create thousands of diverse apps across Android and iOS. Interestingly, the relatively low-cost of app development and the ease with which tools can be conceived has encouraged numerous brands to create commercial apps, and there is evidence to suggest that this may offer businesses an advantage over their competitors.

So, why exactly should you look to develop a mobile app and use this as a direct marketing tool for your brand?

1. App Store Optimisation drives as ROI on your investment

If you have never heard of App Store Optimisation (ASO), this is a new process that enables businesses to use specific techniques which enhance the ranking of their branded application. Borrowing heavily from the concept of SEO, you can market your app based on a number of relevant and organic phrases, competing with rivals in order to thrive across multiple app stores. There are even a number of tools which can help to underpin your ASO campaign, which in turn helps you to measure and determine an accurate ROI.

2. Target new customers with a mobile app-install

If you ocassionally play online casino games you will note that the vast majority have a prominent mobile app which sits alongside their primary website. While the two offer a largely seamless experience and feature consistent branding, they can be considered as separate entities for the purpose of targeting specific demographics and players.

This makes perfect sense, especially as CRM software makes it easier than ever to understand demographics and target defined customer profiles. If you know which type of consumers are using your mobile app, it is easy to tailor your marketing efforts and optimise the impact of your efforts.

3. Create an additional revenue stream

Obviously, the nature of your app will depend on your brand and the products or services that it delivers, but regardless of this it can also have an impact beyond marketing. While it is always wise to make marketing applications available for free, you can incorporate in-app purchase options and tiers which have the potential to generate incremental income from loyal customers.

This is an opportunity that should never be ignored, as the combination of creating additional marketing reach while also boosting revenue delivers a diverse ROI that impacts on various aspects of your business.

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People in the past would have never thought that there will be something called a "car" that would help them travel from one place to another without crossing miles and miles on feet. But then technology played its part and we had cars and bikes and whatnot. However, a few years back even this generation never thought of a gadget that could take them from one place to another swiftly and smoothly without using a car and consuming any petrol. Here by the term gadget, we are referring to none other than a hoverboard. Yes, you read it right, hoverboards are a sign that yes technology has now gone too far and now with every passing year our lives are being upgraded by such amazing inventions. You can find more info in our guide on Petagadget.

Just for a while imagine that you are moving swiftly from one location to another without hopping in the car. Isn't it amazing and exciting to even think about it? Well, if you find it wonderful then why not turn this all into a reality by investing a little into a hoverboard?

Now, if you are someone who yet has some doubts on the advantages of a hoverboard then stick a little longer to this article because today in this article we will give you proper reasons on why you should get yourself a hoverboard right now.

1-No Fuel Consumption

We all know how important it is for us to save money at this age because we never know when we fall victim to a financial crisis. Now, on the other hand, we also know the fact that we have to spend a big figure on our traveling too because of the fuel consumption. Now at such point, we are pretty sure that you would love to save a few dollars and cut down the fuel cost and that can be done only if you are ready to invest a little in buying a hoverboard. You see, a one-time investment in hoverboard can save you hundreds of dollars every month and especially you will be able to go on short commutes without spending even a single penny. The best part about hoverboards is that if you charge it fully, it can take you on a ride of almost 15 kilometers which will save you a lot of fuel.

2-It Is Eco-friendly

The need of the hour is that we all start using those products and gadgets that are eco-friendly because we all know how much harm we have done to the climate and to our environment by using and releasing poisonous gases. Now, in such a situation, products like hoverboards are pretty useful because they don't work on any kind of fuel or gas, it's just that you have to charge them with electricity and they will be on the go for you. This is another major reason why you should invest in buying a hoverboard because first, it will save you a lot of money and secondly it causes zero harm to your environment and the overall climate.


3- It Is Portable

Another amazing reason why you should go for this gadget is that it is completely portable and compact too. Like if you have to reach a place where you would need a hoverboard then yes you can carry this miraculous gadget without any problem. Hoverboards seem like something very heavy but in reality, they are extremely light in weight and you can carry them anywhere you want to. The only thing you have to be careful about is that you have to handle hoverboards with care, like if you are carrying them to a place then make sure you are using a handle bag or a car to take them to another place.

4-It Is Fun To Ride On Them

The major reason why you should say yes to a hoverboard is that they are fun to use. Like you can go out to the park with your family and children and enjoy riding on a hoverboard. Once you use it, you will actually know how entertaining it is to take a tour down the street and enjoy the view and the nature around you. Especially if you've got kids who don't like to spend much time outside then you can use a hoverboard to build interest in them and motivate them to play outside. Moreover, you can have a fun time teaching your little one how to ride this gadget, it can be a little tricky to maintain the balance and ride with perfection but once you practice it, you will know how amazing of an activity it is.

5-Hoverboard Is Easy To Learn

If you are someone who is confused on whether he should buy a skateboard or a hoverboard then know the fact that hoverboarding is a lot easier to learn than skateboarding. The only thing and the only effort you have to make with hoverboarding is that you have to learn how to maintain a steady balance and how to move in the right direction. Once you've mastered the art of balancing on a hoverboard, you will then love to take it everywhere with you because yes, it is that fun and addicting.

6-They Are Safer

People usually think that hoverboards are dangerous but the reality is the other way around. Basically, the features with which it comes make it a completely safe option. You see, hoverboards are safe because they come with movement sensors, gyroscopic motors and foot pads too that make sure that you don't fall or get hurt. With all these features you will have a perfect and steady grip on the board so don't be afraid to buy it because again, hoverboarding is fun and entertaining only if you learn it properly.


7-They Use Better Technology

The most advanced and latest technology is used to make a hoverboard, you just need to be able to stand steady on the foot pads and consider your job done here. The best part about this gadget is that it comes with a sensor receiving signals from the foot pad that sense the direction in which the rider wants to go. Once you ride it, you will feel like it's a magic wand that knows the direction which you desire to go on.

These are the few reasons that justify why you should buy a hoverboard for yourself. Also, you can gift a hoverboard to your loved ones and we assure you that they will love this gift. Especially if you have a teen around in your house then buy him this amazing product on his birthday or on his special day and honestly, he or she will be crazy happy with this gift of yours. Don't wait any further and get yourself and your loved ones a hoverboard and have fun at a whole another level. 

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A Virtual Private Network or VPN is typically a service to hide the original IP address of the user from hackers, trackers and everyone else, including the ISP itself. It makes for a more secure and private browsing experience that cannot be traced back to the user. Taking a closer look at the reasons why everyone should start using a VPN is often an eye-opener, so here are four of them everyone should know.


As mentioned earlier, a virtual private network protects the user from being traced by anybody on the Internet, as it hides the original IP address of the user. This means that no one, including your internet service provider, can possibly see your browsing history, as you will essentially become untraceable and invisible to everyone on the Internet.

Unrestricted Use

Geoblocking is a concept that allows websites and search engines to filter content, based on a user's geographical location. This is the reason why you can't watch certain Netflix US shows from most of the Asian countries, as Netflix filters out some of the content based on the region. Google will do the same to your search result pages, so you will never be able to see unrestricted results.

If you want to access blocked sites, shows and SERPs, VPN Service by VeePN will let you do exactly that. As you will be able to set your IP address to any location in the world, it will essentially open up your computer to every site, search engine result page, and streaming service in the whole world.

Use Public Wi-Fi Safely

You probably already know that it isn't safe to use public Wi-Fi in a café, or anywhere else for that matter. But did you know that a VPN can actually protect you against hacking attacks, a common threat for public Wi-Fi users? Well, it can really do that, so if you love using Wi-Fi in your favorite café, you really need to start using a VPN!

Download Torrents Anonymously

Do we recommend downloading pirated material with a P2P torrent client? Absolutely not! Can you protect your identity with the help of a VPN if you do download torrents? You certainly can.

While a VPN is rapidly becoming a necessity because of its wide implementation possibilities, there are a few things that even the best VPNs can't help you with, and they should be noted as well.

• They are not antivirus replacements, and you will need a good antivirus to protect your computer on the Internet

• You will still have to pay for Netflix, Prime Video and other streaming services to access the content

• A VPN service provider will mask your IP, but you will still need your ISP for the Internet connection

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apple and samsung

Recently there has been some talk of Samsung designing its own augmented reality glasses, as well as exploring mobile hologram possibilities. These headlines can blend in given the clutter of AR- and VR-related news that’s saturating internet tech news these days, but they may actually be quite significant. In fact there are various reasons that Samsung may essentially need to put forth an appealing device in this emerging market.

First and foremost is the fact that other major tech companies are known to be developing similar glasses. Apple, most notably, has long been rumored to have patents filed and designs in the works for AR glasses, and depending on where you’re reading you might even get the impression the company expects these to be its next major products. One can imagine Apple putting out glasses (and expertly marketing them) to be essentially an even more convenient version of what the Apple Watch was billed as: a wearable accompaniment to an iPhone that fuses the real world and users’ tech needs together right before their eyes. If the device is appealing enough, and pairs exclusively with iPhones, Samsung simply can’t afford not to compete, nor to rely only on third-party Android headsets (which will be widely available in short time).

As for specific uses, there are some markets just waiting to explode in AR, and which will drive users’ need for the glasses Samsung may be providing. Gaming certainly comes to mind first. Right now AR games are fairly limited, but the added flexibility of AR glasses will make them more appealing, and allow hugely popular genres to thrive all over again. There has been some talk of casino games’ potential in AR, for instance. Right now, mobile and online casinos are driven by the game variety of international hosts and developers, and the slew of welcome bonuses that attract gamers. But the good ones thrive when they can make people feel like they’re playing more realistic games, or in more realistic environments - all of which AR can help with. Shooting games, too, will be poised for a leap forward. Right now, while there are innumerable mobile shooters (including major titles like Fortnite) they’re constrained by s mall screens and touch controls. With AR they could be brought into the real world, so to speak, with greater scope and more interesting controls.

Gaming isn’t the only space in which one can imagine AR apps exploding in populalrity, ether. Personal health is another area to keep an eye on. In fact it’s been specifically mentioned that Apple’s forthcoming AR glasses could be the company’s next health device. This could apply to everything from specific disease monitoring and detection (glaucoma has been mentioned specifically). But it could also simply refer to new levels of fitness tracking and exercise assistance. Imagine the related features of a fitness band or smart watch simply transferred to smart glasses, such that you can see before your eyes how far you’ve run, how fast you’re going, what your heart rate is, or maybe even how many calories you’ve burned. Health and fitness have come to comprise a great deal of the activity people look to their mobile devices for, and like gaming, this is a potential whole ne w marketplace of AR apps that would make Samsung’s glasses more desirable and valuable.

We could go on well past gaming and health. Some see glasses as the next step in making navigation programs like Google Maps safer and more efficient; there are already lots of practical applications for AR, from taking virtual measurements to shopping for furniture; we don’t even know yet how these devices might be used for things like messaging, social media, or internet browsing. But even the few examples outlined above, coupled with the fact that Apple is making strides in this space, speak to the necessity for Samsung to get in the game. Surely there will be other, Android-compatible glasses that can pair with Samsung phones - a sort of variety that iPhone users may not be able to tap into. But it’s looking more and more like AR glasses are going to be major new tech devices in and of themselves, and Samsung will need its own.

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One of the most popular assignments in most colleges and universities is writing an essay. This type of written work allows the professor to see how the student understands the subject, how he or she can analyze the facts and develop the ideas, in what way a student will express his or her own thoughts. This also expands the knowledge of the subject, as the writer needs to look for information, facts, data and then analyze them. In such a way, a student not only learns some new information but also understands it as it is then necessary to explain it on paper. It's evident how important and useful essay writing is but why so many students struggle when doing them?

Actually, there are numerous reasons why a simple paper may be such a difficulty for a student. It's even hard to define where to start. However, let's highlight some of the most important facts to understand how one can avoid them or easier to deal with them.

  1. Time-management. Lack of free time is one of the usual concerns of many students. However, how can one talk about free time if numerous pupils don't even have enough time to complete all the homework. It is not breaking news that the amount of the assignments is huge as each professor believes that his or her subject is the most important one and without hours and hours of self-study it is impossible to capture it. In that way, many students are looking for the best college essay writing service to have some free time for their hobbies, interests, or even a part-time job. This is a perfect possibility to delegate the tasks, deal with other issues, and receive a great result.

  1. Source finding. Each qualitative paper requires a good ground. This is why it is essential to find only relevant academic sources. These could be articles, books, researches, and so on. There are plenty of them in libraries and on the Internet but some writers still experience difficulties looking for a reliable source. There are several requirements to a credible source and in particular, these are:

l  peer-reviewed;

l  published within 10 years;

l  authority;

l  objectivity;

l  accuracy.


It is essential to consider these features when looking for a source on the Internet. They will help you verify that it is worth using for your paper. Another good idea of finding a credible source is signing up for big proven databases. There are plenty of them created for each subject separately or containing multisubject information. The articles and data there are examined verified by professionals. You can start with the following ones: ProQuest Reseach library, JSTOR, PubMed or Custom Essay Meister.

  1. A lack of understanding. This problem can relate to several issues simultaneously:

l  topic;

l  purpose of writing.

If the writer doesn't understand the topic, it is evident that he or she will not be able to produce a good result. To write a good paper, it is necessary not only to know the subject (which is already a struggle for some) but also to understand it. You will need to explain the notions and the facts in your own words and develop personal ideas based on this knowledge.

Another sticking point is that the writer doesn't understand why he or she needs to spend so much time on writing a paper. Sometimes it seems senseless (and sometimes it really is). But in general, this is a great possibility both for a student and a professor to check the knowledge, understand what fields still need to be developed and improved, and so on.


How to Deal with It?

If you understand that you need an essay but you just can't force yourself to start, it is relevant to analyze the situation. Maybe you just need to develop a greater understanding of the purpose of this type of work and analyze how it relates to your personal goals. Or maybe you need to develop your mechanical or content skills.

Talking about mechanical ones, you just need more experience in writing. In other words, the more you write, the better you become. It is essential to receive feedback from your professor, analyze it, and consider it in future writing.

Concerning the content skills, it is worth mentioning the use of different writing styles, understanding the audience, and working with enthusiasm. It is OK to ask for advice from your professor if you can't overcome some difficulties. Remember, you are still learning and asking for help is a necessity. Being initiative is always commendable. Moreover, the professor will see that you are really interested in the subject and good results. 


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It seems like almost everything can be found online nowadays; the proliferation of technological expertise has seen the expansion of online capabilities, and with this, the ability of what we can do at the touch of a fingertip has grown massively. 


A lot of this has been due to the expansion of online gaming, making the design of sites necessary to get right. The best payout online casino sites are played for a reason - to make money - but some users are put off by uninviting and clunky sites. 


Mobile gaming, by 2021, is estimated to generate the greatest proportion of total gaming revenue worldwide - it therefore cannot be underestimated how essential it is to succeed with your online website design.


Obviously too, when people are outside of their house, checking a website or doing a bit of online gambling on NZ sports betting sites for example can be done via mobile, making how companies design their online mobile website imperative to increasing interest and thus sales. Here's why it's important to get your mobile design right in 2020.


Responsive design trend


Mobile traffic is currently hitting heights that more traditional desktop traffic can only dream of getting to. Last year, mobile traffic made up 52% of all web traffic and 63% of all mobile phone users accessed the Internet through their mobile for the most part by last year's end, especially through gaming as the likes of online casino sites continue to adapt and expand to new demands.


As a result, it has perhaps never been more appropriate than to latch on to the responsive design trends that tend to be leading the way. This is especially true when considering that Google has altered its algorithm to reward those sites that are optimized for mobile.



Simplicity and interest


"What does that company offer?" someone calls. "Hold on, let me search it," says another. Technology has ensured that queries can be answered at the drop of a hat.


But, if when searching for a website you are met with a complicated mess of unclear navigation and slow-loading pages, then those types of deficiencies are unlikely to get you any supporters or customers.


With the internet taking over the vast majority of peoples' lives as ecommerce engenders its influence over tens of millions of consumers, ensuring that readers can access information they want to acquire as easily as possible, is essential. 


For the most part, it's about giving those online shoppers what they desire with regards to user experience and interface. Effectively, the quicker and easier to get your hands on something, the better.


Take Starbucks for example. A simplistic colour design with just three menu options provides a not so overwhelming home page where would-be customers can navigate - and thus plan to buy - with ease. 


With mobile search growing at more than ten times that of a desktop, being a mobile ready site is a necessity or your business could lose up to a third of their traffic.


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When the US state of Ohio announced in late 2018, that it is going to be the first state to accept taxes in Bitcoins, it sent a strong signal worldwide. The Governor of Ohio stated that the state will not start accepting 23 different kinds of taxes in Bitcoins. 

The intention was to allow more people to pay taxes in ways, which were convenient for them. This was also done as a means to attract investors and businesses operating in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The State Treasury Head, Mr. Josh Mandel was proud in proclaiming Ohio to be a state, which is pioneering Blockchain technology. Bitcoin has been very favourable in various countries in recent days. 

Ohio is not the only state that has adopted a favourable response to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. In this article, we will look at how states and cities are using Bitcoin to power growth stories for their population. 

Why Small States and Cities are taking the lead in Cryptocurrency adoption?

Most of the old states in the American Union have been severely affected because of outsourcing. There are towns, cities and states, which have lost factories, mining, heavy manufacturing because they have been outsourced to third world countries. 

The government in these regions are betting big on investors coming to these regions to innovate on Bitcoin and Blockchain technology. States are wooing investors in many ways. Some of them are-

  1. Easy access to land at a convenient spot in the city. 

  2. Cheap electricity for Mining activities and maintaining Data Records of Blockchain

  3. Exempting cryptocurrencies for paying transaction fees.

  4. Easy business licenses to speed up setups and start innovations. 

Tax exemptions on operating cryptocurrency businesses for the first few years. 

Some of the states, which have already removed transaction fees on cryptocurrencies are- Wyoming, Tennessee, Kansas, Texas, New Hampshire, and Illinois. Without a doubt, this number will definitely go up in the future. 

Can these Small States hope to the center for the Next Silicon Valley Revolution?

Most of the states, which have been mentioned above are expecting Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies to be the next Silicon Valley wave. However, its needs to be investigated whether their expectations are correct or not?

Many experts and tech moguls have proclaimed Bitcoin to be the greatest tech invention in the world after the internet. The philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of Bitcoin are strong. It aims to create a world of financial inclusion. The success of the same for over a decade demonstrates that it is not a trend, which is going away anytime soon. 

By being one of the front-runners in the entire Bitcoin ecosystem, states are expecting businesses borne out of Bitcoin to favour them. Yes, Bitcoin or mining itself is not going to generate too many employment opportunities.

It is only associated businesses, that are using Bitcoin or Blockchain technology, which are going to the real drivers of local economies. 

Is Bitcoin a Reliable and Safe Bet for local populations and authorities?

If the recent Coronavirus pandemic and market crashes are any indication, most governments should start exploring an emergency proof currency system. There are many advantages of using cryptocurrencies. It is inflation proof, is not subject to the highs, lows of market crashes, and aims to help the lowest rungs on the financial ladder. 

Financial inclusion can be a reality for almost 2 billion of the world's unbanked population. It is no wonder then that Mark Zuckerberg, the Founder and CEO of Facebook, has jumped on the cryptocurrency bandwagon, with his own ‘Libra'. 

Do you think Bitcoin and Blockchain can guarantee employment opportunities? Let us know in the comments section below.

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As of Dec 2019, there were more than 3000 formally recognized cryptocurrencies in the world! That means that in less than a decade, over three thousand companies, individuals and crypt ecosystems have been founded. 

All of them have been competing with the first one- Bitcoin. When Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin way back in October 2008, no one had expected the cryptocurrency rage to linger for a decade. However, Bitcoin continues to not only corner the market, but also dominate it comfortably with over 70% market share in the entire crypto world. 

In this article, we will look at why Bitcoin is superior to every other cryptocurrency out there in the market. In addition, we will also shed some light on Bitcoin's greatest feature- its decentralization. 

Why Bitcoin continues to dominate the Crypto ecosystem in 2020?

According to experts, the viability and value of a financial asset is determined by the amount of time it has seen. Now you might say that ten years is not a long enough time to proclaim Bitcoin a success. However, if you look at Bitcoin's competition, you will think that Bitcoin quite an old phenomenon. 

Ever since 2011, other companies and tech gurus have experimented with different cryptocurrencies of their own. IxCoin, Tenebrix and Solidcoin were some of the earliest competitors to Bitcoin. All of them came up in 2011. They hoped of taking investors away from Bitcoin. Within a few years, all of them winded up their operations. 

Two others, Litecoin and Namecoin also came up around the same time. However, Litecoin continues to enjoy some form of popularity in the asset and investor market. 

Why the absence of Satoshi Nakamoto was a boon to Bitcoin's success?

One of the major reasons why people prefer Bitcoin as compared to other cryptocurrencies is because there is no concept of ‘Premine'. Premine essentially means that a previously arranged or specific number of coins will be accrued to the Founder first and then start the networking process. 

Many investors who want to associate with the concept of a truly decentralized currency do not want to go in for premine. They do not see any value there. By disappearing Nakamoto ensured two things-

  1. Complete decentralization

  2. Avoiding extra taxes on cryptocurrencies. 

You will notice that practically all major alt coins take some kind of dev fee, maintenance fee, storage tax, etc. This literally translates into the same thing as traditional fiat currency. Why would you want to create a digital/crypto and then burden it with the same moulding of taking transaction fee?

Bitcoin did not do that. This made it a truly one-of-a-kind decentralized currency, which worked between sender and receiver. By not having a central figurehead, every concerned party in Bitcoin will have to create and manage the consensus within the system. 

Is Bitcoin's Decentralization going to fuel its success in the future?

The brief answer to this is ‘YES"! In the last few years, especially in 2019, Bitcoin has started showing signs of maturity. The investors in the Bitcoin ecosystem are also showing signs of maturity. In other words, the volatility associated with the hugely profitable bitcoin code is seeing some form of stable investments. 

According to many, this signified Bitcoin's coming of age moment. Experts state that 2020 is going to be a great year for Bitcoin. This is because the famous ‘Bitcoin Halving' is expected to happen in May 2020. The year 2029 also saw more and more investors taking their assets out of altcoins and investing them in Bitcoins. 

There is a belief that if national governments are going to engage with cryptocurrencies in the future, they are only going to have a dialogue with Bitcoins, and no other cryptocurrencies.


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Recent estimates suggest that there are approximately 40 million adults in the world who now vape. That's 40 million former smokers who no longer smell bad, no longer pollute their local landfills with thousands of plastic-filled cigarette butts a year and are now significantly less likely to die early from lung cancer and other horrible diseases. 

Even if you don't smoke or vape yourself, you should still give some serious consideration to vaping as the most disruptive technology of the century to date because it's almost certain that you have at least one close friend or family member who smokes. The existence of vaping significantly reduces the likelihood that you will one day have to watch that person die from a chronic illness before their time.

E-cigarettes and vape shops like E-Cigarette Empire have only been around in the United States for a little over a decade, but vaping technology has evolved unbelievably quickly during that time. One single aspect of vaping technology - pod-based vaping - is probably responsible on its own for helping many millions of people switch from smoking to vaping. 

Pod vaping is probably the most exciting thing going in vaping today, and it's a fascinating topic to study even if you don't vape yourself. 

What is it that makes pod vaping so exciting? That's what you're going to learn from reading this article.

Pod Vaping Combines Style and Convenience Like Nothing Else

Pod vaping changed the look of the typical beginner's e-cigarette forever. Before the first pod systems hit the market, an e-cigarette designed for beginning vapers was typically modeled after the appearance of a tobacco cigarette. Smokers - many of whom weren't yet aware of vaping - needed the visual cue of the cigarette shape to understand that the e-cigarettes they saw in convenience stores and other retail outlets had something to do with smoking. The visual cue made them want to investigate and find out what those devices were.

The cigarette shape helped to introduce vaping to the world, but the extremely small size also created some major drawbacks. An electronic device that's as small as a cigarette will be severely limited in terms of its battery life. An e-cigarette also needs to provide storage for vape juice, and it needs a heating coil to vaporize the juice. If you cram those things into a device that's as small as a tobacco cigarette, you're going to have something that stores very little e-liquid and produces very small, wispy vapor clouds.

By the time pod systems appeared on the market, most smokers knew that vaping existed even if they didn't vape themselves. An e-cigarette no longer needed to provide the visual cue of a cigarette-like appearance. It was time, in fact, for e-cigarettes to develop a unique design language of their own. Smokers were no longer looking for "the next cigarette" - they were looking for the thing that came after cigarettes. Pod systems were a little larger than tobacco cigarettes, but they were still extremely small and stylish. They provided an updated visual styling that really resonated with smokers. Many people who hadn't been interested in cigarette-shaped e-cigarettes at all found pod systems very intriguing.

Being slightly larger than the earlier generation of cigarette-shaped e-cigarettes, pod systems were also far more capable than first-generation vaping devices. They worked more reliably, held more e-liquid, produced bigger vapor clouds and had better battery life. People who tried the first e-cigarettes and weren't impressed with those early products loved the new pod systems.

Pod Vaping Introduced Nicotine Salt E-Liquid to the World

The magic of pod vaping systems doesn't just come from their advanced functionality and updated visual styling. Pod systems also have a magic ingredient that makes them as satisfying as tobacco cigarettes - something that cigarette-shaped e-cigarettes never were - despite their small size. That magic ingredient is nicotine salt e-liquid.

Any vaping device can use nicotine salt e-liquid, of course, but pod systems are uniquely positioned to deliver a perfect experience with that type of vape juice. That's because nicotine salt e-liquid typically has a very high concentration of nicotine and provides nicotine to the body at the ideal rate only when it's used with a small vaping device. 

One of the biggest problems with the first-generation e-cigarettes was that they didn't deliver nicotine to the body efficiently enough to be completely satisfying. To switch fully from smoking to vaping, people would have to adjust to lower blood-nicotine levels - and some people just couldn't get through the transition. E-cigarette makers had to keep the nicotine content in their e-liquids relatively low because higher nicotine strengths would cause throat irritation and coughing.

Nicotine salt e-liquid contains a high level of nicotine but doesn't cause irritation because it contains a mild acid that lowers the e-liquid's pH. Standard e-liquid is alkaline, but nicotine salt e-liquid has a more neutral pH and feels smoother in the throat. Millions of people now depend on it to keep them off of cigarettes.

Pod Vaping Continues to Improve With Each Product Generation

Pod vaping systems have become so popular that many of the world's manufacturers of vaping products now invest the majority of their R&D money into pod systems. In the vaping industry, a typical product generation lasts a year or less - and with each new hardware generation, pod systems are getting better and better.

Vapers who use pod systems these days don't just enjoy the convenience of replaceable pods and the smooth satisfaction of nicotine salt e-liquid. They also enjoy some of the most stunning designs in the vaping world as well as all of the modern conveniences that the vaping industry has to offer. 

One of the most exciting conveniences that you can find in a pod system today is a "Replay" mode that you can enable with the touch of a button. If you puff on the device supporting the Replay feature and find it particularly satisfying - because the temperature of the device's atomizer coil is just right, for instance - you can press your device's Replay button to save the characteristics of that puff. As long as Replay mode is enabled, your device will replicate that puff every time you press the fire button.

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SMS has become a globally adopted channel of communication. Endless chains of private messages have exposed the opportunities text messaging holds as a service channel. The usage of mobile phones is rising fast globally. In a recent survey, the respondents showed SMS has an open rate of 98%. SMS marketing's pro benefit is that texts within 3 minutes of delivery, 90% of recipients open the text message. You only need to get the marketing edge right to hoist your business above the competition.

SMS marketing can be used effectively in sending messages for sales, promotion, appointments, and event reminders. Presently, many brands use SMS marketing for advertising products and services to attain instant results. Here are seven reasons why SMS has significantly impacted the world.

Immediate Delivery

SMS messaging is very quick and efficient. Sending a text virtually guarantees that your marketing message will reach your target audience almost immediately upon being posted. The majority of consumers have their phones with them most of the time, providing a perfect channel for time-sensitive offers. SMS has better delivery over email. There are no spam filters. Therefore, there are no design elements; it is as simple as typing in your text.

High Engagement Rates

People are more receptive to SMS messages. 30% of recipients respond to texts, and 32% will respond to surveys sent by smartphones. This makes SMS a fantastic way to carry out research and boost engagement. SMS ensures the message is delivered straight into the right hands at the right time. With more than 90% of messages read within 3 minutes of being received, you could expect immediate results. SMS is one of the quickest and easily affordable tools to help you reach your target audience.

It's for this reason that almost most marketing agents will recommend that you fully utilize the power of SMS marketing. You can read more on their blog to understand how high engagement rates impact positive results. With expert SMS tips and tactics, you can easily succeed.

Quick Consumption

One of the most alluring things about SMS for the recipient is concise messaging. SMS is limited to only 160 characters, forcing businesses to get their message across direct and fast. It's heads and shoulders above any other communication methods based on reading rate. Most people send and receive text messages daily as they engage with each other. That being the case, you ought to know your customers have access and know-how to use SMS.

Universal Reach

Mobile is a widely used, versatile, and efficient means for B2C communication. Text messages a massive group in a short period. The number of unique mobile subscribers is at 8.1 billion globally. In business, reaching an active customer base with a single tool is crucial for anyone looking to utilize broad marketing strategies. SMS is pretty compatible with every mobile phone, so you need to consider getting your clients on board with the text messages.


Due to its simplicity and broad reach, almost everyone knows how to open, read, and text a message. SMS can be scheduled, and you can send one message to a large group of people at a go. Text messaging is simple and gets the message across instantly without any interference. It can be frustrating to try to solve issues over the phone. SMS cuts down on the frustration creating room for more positive customer service.

Increased Business Activity

As an entrepreneur, the high chances are that you are probably struggling to strike everything out of your to-do list. SMS allows you to improve your productivity by creating a project tracker system to assign, monitor, and organize your tasks. With information overload, employees often spend too much time searching for content that they need to do their job. Promptly, the SMS with information about your lead prospects can be sent to a specific team member for quick action. With this, you can switch your focus on the tasks you want to streamline and those tasks you need to complete faster and smarter.


Using SMS, you can keep your clientele posted about your business, especially when it comes to new offers. You can track SMS easily using delivery reports. These reports permit you to see the efficiency and success of your promotional campaign. For example, SMS can be automated, reminding your customers about payments and pending bills. In the event of any problems with the payment collection, SMS is a great way to keep tabs with your client base and help them make timely decisions promptly.


Text messaging is a powerful tool for driving sales and growing an active customer base because of its popularity and prevalence to consumers. Customers have shown to like SMS, with 64%prefer texts to phone calls for customer service.SMS marketing could be the most beneficial tool for your business.

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With the continuous growth of the field management service industry, a commercial contractor would need a partner to keep up with a competitive market. Choosing the right application or software can drastically transform your position in the market. However, with the hundreds of options available, figuring out which to use can be quite difficult.

Image credit: sol | Unsplash.com

To make decision making easier, we've compiled six must-haves for the best field service contractor app for your business.

1. User-friendly and organized

Using a field service app eliminates the chances of lost, sloppy, or even disorganized paperwork. After all, you'll use the app to sort your business out to avoid misunderstandings and mistakes. Your chosen app should then be able to organize and host relevant documents and information that your technicians will need.

The field service app should also be user-friendly. Technicians shouldn't find navigating the app confusing and instead help them manage their tasks better. If not, they might resort to handwritten paperwork which can bring back issues.

2. Real-time access to information

Delays and mistakes happen when your technicians don't have access to key information when they need it. This is why it's important that your field service app allows your technicians to access key information about the job and customers real-time.

The app should contain details about the current project as well as previous records that can help technicians perform their job. This way, they can create a trusting relationship with the customer, increasing their satisfaction.

3. Seamless communication

As teams are deployed to various locations, communication becomes difficult. When this happens, collaboration between your back-office and field staff becomes challenging, causing misunderstandings among teams.

You can prevent such events by choosing an app with centralized and seamless communication channels. Using these channels allow teams to become updated with any information or clarify any issues that may cause problems in the project.

4. Sales enablement

Field staff have a different expertise compared to your salespeople. However, when your field service app has sales enablement features, they can offer solutions to every client problem and increase revenue without sounding too "salesy".

5. Enabling accountability

Accountability is one of the concerns on field service work. After all, you aren't there to oversee teams perform their work, making you think whether they've followed SOPs and best practices.

However, a well-designed app for your field service business has features aimed to foster accountability among your staff. This way, you can breathe easier knowing your staff can perform their jobs well and provide clients with the best customer service possible.

6. Enhanced customer experience

As a business, you want to provide customers with the best experience possible. What they say about you will affect your reputation which has a lasting impact on your revenue.

It's best that your app of choice allows for convenient and seamless customer experience. This allows clients to easily navigate and use the app to complete transactions in just a few clicks.

Scale your business today

Contrary to what many people think, technology isn't an enemy of businesses. In fact, using technology and apps has helped businesses streamline their operations. This helped many owners and managers to save costs in the long run and increase their revenue. Therefore, it's important that businesses find the best app for their needs and processes to prevent any mishaps while everyone's in the field.

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iOS 9


It's been a little over a month since Apple's new iOS 9 was rolled out. Just a few days later, Apple announced that its new operating system had been installed on more than 50% of active iPhones and iPads, which made it the fastest adoption rate in the company's successful history.


It's undoubtedly an exciting time, not only for Apple fans but gamers at large. Why? iOS 9 introduces a series of game-changing (pardon the pun) features and engines which, if proven as successful as tech experts predict, will have an industry-wide impact. After all, mobile gaming is a $25 billion per year industry on both iOS and Android. It's actually expected to surpass console games in terms of revenue by the end of the 2015.


Let's take a detailed look at the iOS 9 features which will make a difference in the way we play on smartphones, and explore what each one means for end users.


3D Touch: Being Under Pressure is Great


iOS games

(Image Source: gamezebo.com)


3D Touch is the innovation cornerstone of Apple's iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, as it brings brand new ways to interact with the screen. Since their popularization in the late 2000s and up to now, touchscreens have been registering a set series of gestures: tapping, swiping or pinching. 3D Touch brings new gestures into play, which Apple has named "peek" and "pop." iPhone screens now respond to actual levels of pressure instead of mere touch or finger movement. As demonstrated in the Special Event Apple this September, this technology - dubbed "the next generation of multi-touch enables you to preview an email, by pressing lightly, or make it pop up by pressing harder. Similarly, users can access different interface features and shortcuts by applying different levels of pressure.


There are, of course, many more applications to this haptic technology and gaming is perhaps the most interesting area at least according to Wired magazine, which has welcomed it as "Apple's biggest gaming innovation." These new gesture options will effectively enable game developers to make complex games more intuitive and improve on the shortcomings of mobile gaming controls in comparison to other platforms.


Among the first games to take advantage of 3D Touch was an App Store Editor's Pick, futuristic racing simulator AG Drive. While accelerating and breaking your vehicle used to require tapping and holding different points on the screen, developer company ZORG has now mapped acceleration to 3D Touch, adding new depth to the already acclaimed game.


iOS games

(Image Source: badlandgame.com)


Another interesting case is multi-award winning platform puzzle BADLAND. Frogmind games recently updated the addictive side-scroller with 3D Touch-based controls which help players navigate stages, as well as new optional "force objects" available in the level editor. Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade, is the first game developed specifically for the iPhone 6s. It is based on the popular tabletop strategy game franchise of the same name. In Warhammer, pressure is mapped to zoom controls to allow players to zoom in on the action.


According to the Entertainment Software Association's annual report, casual, puzzle and card games are the most frequently played genres, reaching an impressive 77% of all games played on mobile devices. After the introduction of 3D Touch, developers within these genres have been implementing the technology in the most creative of ways to make their app stand out. While games like Zombie Tsunami have opted to feature 3D Touch merely in mini-games and menus, the potential is great - and smart, innovative use will prove catalytic in making a game more popular.

ReplayKit: Play it again, Sam.


iOS games

(Image Source: youtube.com)

Although iOS 9's new ReplayKit is a tool for developers, its implementation has certainly been swift and clear to gamers. ReplayKit easily enables videogame creators to implement game recording and sharing features, so that you can share your accomplishments with friends and social networks.


It seems that Apple has wisely picked up on the latest trends in eSports and the growing popularity of game streaming services, such as Twitch.tv. More people than ever -71 million in 2014, as reported by SuperData Research - watch competitive gaming events while e-gaming revenue predicted to hit $465 million in 2017 according to research firm NewZoo. Replaying your own games and watching others' sessions for enjoyment as well as tips and tricks seems to be all the rage right now, and iOS 9 brings that functionality right to your fingertips.
Many iOS games were already touching upon this trend by providing gamers with detailed history and stats on their previous games, such as PokerStars Mobile. The popular poker app, which recently added a range of games for the casino market, dedicates a whole section of their app to a history feature, giving gamers the chance to follow their progress closely. However, the introduction of ReplayKit technology makes this process more visually appealing, by introducing video and also adds the capacity to conveniently edit and add voice-over commentary.


This feature was welcomed by gaming companies and implemented almost overnight, as a number of games have already been updated to include it. One of the first was Gang Nations, the popular combat strategy game for iPhone and Android. It now enables players to record their battles with rival gangs and share them on social networks. Many more games, such as Breakneck and Playdemic's Sims-like hit Village Life followed suit and more are still to come.


GameplayKit and Model I/O: Under the Hood


One of the three game developer-exclusive kits Apple introduced in iOS 9 is the aptly named GameplayKit. It encompasses a series of tools that handle gameplay logic - randomness, simulation, pathfinding... Similarly, Model I/O is designed to light 3D models in both game and app design. Finally, the pre-existing game-specific SpriteKit, SceneKit and Metal have been updated to developers' delight, allowing for better use of the iPhone's central and graphics processors.


iOS games

(Image Source: iphonefaq .org)


If all this sounds a bit too technical, but don't worry. All you need to know is that in effect, these tools will help developers create more immersive games with more complex rules and ultimately, better gameplay and more realistic graphics than ever. Apple promises that it will bring "console-grade" games to its devices.


For a taste of Apple's SceneKit, used for powering 3D games, you can check out the free fast-paced game Marballistic, where you control a marble ball frantically jumping from platform to platform.


Game Center: Let your Friends Play


Game Center, Apple's social gaming network, has also received a handy add-on. With the advent of iOS 9, Game Center supports guest players. Device owners no longer have to worry about friends borrowing their phone to try out games and messing up their stats, high-scores and achievements. Said friends can now play as guest players - in fact, up to three players can play real-time games and up to a massive fifteen players can play turn-based games on iOS 9.


Battery life and App Thinning: Every Little Bit Helps


iOS 9 promises to deliver up to 4 hours longer battery life than before thanks to under-the-hood performance tweaks and a new feature called Low Power Mode. By automatically disabling unneeded services, Low Power Mode enables you to conserve juice so there's more there when you feel like gaming. This feature seems similar to Sony's Battery STAMINA mode and brings a much needed update to iPhone's battery life, which is promised to also last longer because of hardware optimization.


On top of that, Apple introduced a new technology named App Thinning. It allows for apps to be optimized for specific devices, so that downloaded packages don't include irrelevant files and are, as a result, less chunky. This way, devices are left with more available space, while games are faster to install and launch.


iOS 9's reviews have been stellar, especially in terms of gaming capabilities. Now it's up to the developers to utilize all that it has to offer. As gamers, all we have to do is explore their efforts and decide for ourselves.

Editor: Mo Cheng

YouMobile, Inc

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Everyone now wants to be using an iPhone. One of the most luxurious and flamboyant phones one can ever get. The one thing that beats people is, why an iPhone is the most expensive phone there ever is and people still strive to get it when there is an abundance of mobiles that one can pick from.

So if you are one of those people sitting on a fence on why you should buy an iPhone x and not go for the Samsung S9 plus then we are here to put things on the clear for you. Give us this opportunity not to convince you but to tell you why you should go for an iPhone.

Money Talks!

If it wasn't about looking expensive then what is it? An iPhone is that one phone that speaks sophistication, flashy and the high life. Everyone wants to live the life we see on the telly. And what better way to do it, by buying an iPhone.

This is one brand that will promise you value for your money and deliver. The last thing you want is to buy a phone and later on have problems with parts of the phone. Then you have to dig into those reserve funds ear-marked for online gambling sites.

Battery Life

With some phones, you have to thank the phone gods if it makes it through the morning without the phone's battery dying. But then come to the territory of iPhones when you can see through the day with the intense use and still be charged up.

Battery life is very important to invest in. Once it is dead then you are forced to get a new one. But that should be the least of your worries. And when you are using an iPhone that is on your worry list.

Picture Perfect 

You cannot talk of a phone and not mention the picture quality. If you have an iPhone then there is no need for you to buy a camera with your sportsbetting winnings. This is just not a cliché line to make you buy it but, one of its greatest inventions is the awesome camera no one has been able to beat. 

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Last year, Apple came up with a delightful 5.4-inch iPhone 12 mini. When every smartphone manufacturer is busy making phones with massive display screens, Apple decided to go against the trend and released a mini version of its regular iPhone 12 released in 2020. Don't get me wrong. The iPhone 12 wasn't so mini when it comes to price as the price started at $699 only. The phone was 11% thinner and 16% smaller than iPhone 11. The price wasn't cut down mainly because the phone was just small in size; whereas its specs were powerful as the regular iPhone. It had the same camera, same processor, the same storage option, the same design, same IP certification as the larger iPhone - with only a difference in screen size.


Rumor suggests that Apple is going to discontinue the mini version of the vanilla iPhone 13 this year. This might not be good news for people who wanted to upgrade or switch to iPhone without breaking their banks. But we think that Apple should reconsider its decision. The biggest reason is obviously the price factor. Another reason that not everyone wants a phone with a massive display. Yes, there are lots of people who want bigger devices but lots of people aren't everyone.


According to unofficial sales figures, mini contributed only 6 percent of iPhone sales within October to November quarter 2020. Even that 6% may sound like a small number, that's a lot of people when you are talking about iPhone total sales. Smaller phones are not just convenient. But they also take us back to the time when the Nokia 3310 and Moto Razr were popular. Both these devices have come back with the latest technology. And having an argument whether there should be any iPhone mini or not, is pretty baseless. iPhone mini variants are smart, convenient, powerful yet affordable devices and there should be a choice whether we want a big phone or a reasonably sized phone. Do you agree with this or not? Let us know your opinion in the feedback on our Facebook Page.


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With smartphones becoming more powerful every year, the games which we can play become even more impressive. For those who want 3D adventures, the phones can now handle these, as well as casual games like Candy Crush Saga.

The rise of mobile gaming on not only smartphones but also tablets has taken many by surprise, even appearing to be a threat to the mighty consoles when it comes to popularity. What caused this success, and why are so many companies investing money into this form of gaming? The simple answer is that people are finding it an easy new way to keep on gaming on the move. Looking deeper into it though, there are some signs that highlight the reasons mobile gaming is becoming such a success.

The Mobile Platform and Digital Downloads

Mobile gaming has found its strength in casual gaming and the "free-to-play" model for gaming releases. It is so easy for players to just download a game for free, get a taste of it and then decide if they want to invest money through microtransactions.

While microtransactions may not have been that popular at first, it has slowly become an easy way to make progress in games while on the move. Whether it is adding extra lives to the game, adding cosmetics, or even adding money into an online slots game, transferring money into gaming accounts has never been easier.

The fact that this money is being spent in the billions also means that big gaming companies are starting to take notice. Companies like Activision buying mobile companies like King, the makers of Candy Crush Saga show that things are being noticed. That fact that the sale was made for $5.9 billion also shows just how much money is being spent.

Mobile Gaming is Flexible

Mobile gaming can be done anywhere, and on the move. While this may mean more casual type games that are played in smaller chunks so not to take up the player's concentration, it still means there is plenty of chances for games to be played.

The ability to play games anywhere though is what makes mobile gaming so popular with gamers. It can relieve boredom while having to wait for the bus, or while travelling on the train, or even while waiting for a doctor's appointment. The versatility that this form of gaming provides will always win out.

Mobile Gaming Diversity

While console gaming can sometimes be a little restrictive based on the style of games available, mobile gaming offers more of a choice for a more diverse number of gamers. Whether you are male or female, old or young, there are games available that fit your gaming needs.

Smartphones and tablets offer us choice, and an easy way to start playing games. This makes them a very popular way to game on the move, whatever your taste. Whether you're playing on your favourite iPhone Casino, the latest strategy release, or the latest Candy Crush Saga clone, the choice is yours, and you have plenty to choose from.



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Do you remember the movie called National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation, when the gaming fever consumed Chevy Chase's impersonation of Clark W. Griswold? He went on a losing streak, to defeat all losing streaks and in the meantime, his son Rusty won four cars by playing on slot machines. Perhaps Clark might have done better if he had read this article. Here, you will discover the fundamental ideas behind slots and how they work. This will let you get past all the myths and create a strategy that is entirely based on probability.

Understand the Average Payout

When operators advertise that their slots payout an average of 90%, the fine print they do not want you to read states that you lose 10 cents for every dollar you place in the machines. In terms of probability, this endorsement means that your expected wins are minus 10 cents on each dollar that you spend.

Suppose that you start with $100 and wager one dollar at a time. After you insert $100 into the slot machine, 100 pulls later you will end up with $90 on average since you lose 10% of your funds.

If you run the $90 back into the machine, you will end up with 90% of it back. Or in other words 0.90x 90 = $81. Moreover, if you run that through, you will have approximately $72.90. If you do not stop for about 44 rounds more, all your money will be gone, unless you have Rusty's luck.

So, how many pulls at this rate do your $100 give you? Each time you will have less money to play through, so you will have less pulls left. For instance, if you play $1 at a time, you can expect approximately 972 pulls with the average payouts. This is the total pulls in about 44 rounds. However, you should keep in mind that operators are designing slots to go faster between spins. Some of them are even doing away with the tokens and handles by using digital readouts on the cards that you place in the slots. The faster machines can play about 25 spins per hour, and if you have money for 972 spins, you will have 38.88 minutes. Thus, you will not have a long time to enjoy your $100 before it is gone. So, what is the worst part here? Casinos often boast that their average payouts are as high as 95%. However, this number only applies to specific machines, and the casinos will not tell you which ones. So, you need to ask or read the fine print before you rush into playing. Another thing you can do is check the information on the slot to see if it lists its payouts.

You're probably wondering if the same works for online slots. The answer is yes. However, the percentages are usually higher, since sites have less expenses than land based operators. That is why every day, gamblers all around the world are discovering new slot websites where they can play the popular game.

How to Implement a Simple Strategy for Slots?

Advice varies regarding if you play nickel, quarter or dollar slots and if you should max the number of coins you wager or not. In this section, we will give you several tips on getting the most bang for your money.

When it comes to slots, strategy boils down to knowing your probability of winning, the expected payouts, and the rules, quitting while you are ahead and dispelling any myths.
If you win $100, you should cash out half and play with the rest. After you lose a particular amount, you should not hesitate to quit. You should go to the all you can eat buffet and try your luck with the food, the odds are that it is good.

How Many Coins Should You Play at a Time?

When you are determining the number of coins you should bet per spin, you should scrutinize that more can be better. If the slot gives you more than 2x the payout when you place in 2x the coins, you should max out instead of playing only one coin. This way you will enhance your chances of winning a larger pot, and the expected value will be higher. If the machine just gives you n times the payout for n coins, it will not matter if you use the max number of coins or not. You might as well play 1 at a time until you can make money and leave so your money lasts longer.

For example, if a quarter machine pays you 10 credits for the 777 outcome when you place one quarter. However, if you play 2 quarters, it will give you 25 credits. And if you play the max number of quarters, for example four, the same outcome will result in 1,000 credits. You can see how playing four quarters at once will give you a greater chance of winning a larger pot in the long run compared to a single one at a time for four tries in a row.

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Mobile online casinos are nothing new, they still represent undiscovered territory for online players which should not be the case. Just like playing on any online betting site, mobile betting platforms are not anything different, on the contrary, they are usually the same just designed to fit smaller screens of portable devices and even provide players with extras.

Play Via Favorite Device


Just like any online gaming site, mobile casinos will usually have the same or a similar layout designed to fit smaller screens of tablets and phones. This also includes cutting away usage of external devices as keyboard, mouse or a touchpad are not needed in this case. It is already all there built in your portable device as it is. With mobile casinos, it is now possible to bet, raise, fold, check, double up or split just using your touchscreen and the software keyboard on the mobile gadget.

Mobile casinos players get a completely new experience including:

  • Accessibility. Online gamblers are no longer tied to a single place. Play card games anytime anywhere
  • New, simple and practical way to play your favorite table game. No need to point and click anymore, everything is already there on the small screen of the portable device
  • Special mobile user bonuses. Players downloading gaming apps get bonuses available for them only
  • A new way of depositing. Online gaming sites already have a bunch of options for depositing that make it easy for gamers to refuel their accounts or deposit for the first time, but there is a new way with mobile gaming. Mobile players have the opportunity to deposit through mobile (SMS) billing.
  • Notifications. Players get noted through email, SMS or pop-up notifications when there is a new bonus available. Just like regular online gaming sites with deposit bonuses, welcome promotions, reload bonuses and others, it's all there at mobile gaming sites as well.

Mobile Game Availability


Mobile casinos are already far spread and can be visited by any portable device, be it a phone or a tablet, all you need is a smart device and an internet connection and you are good to go. For passionate online gamblers, there is no need to be tied to your home private computer or dragging your laptop everywhere around whenever you want to play a few hands of your favorite card game, poker, blackjack, baccarat or other. With mobile casinos, you now have full access to your favorite games wherever and whenever you want it. Although most of the mobile gaming sites are available on all platforms, users should check compatibility of the mobile gaming apps they download, whether on Windows Phone, Apple, Blackberry, Android, etc. With Android gadgets, it should be the easiest since its users can open any web page through their web browser just like on a PC or a laptop.

Card Mobile Games


Playing card games have never been easier. While a hand of poker is ongoing you have a full view of everything happening at the virtual table. In the center of players gadget screen everything can be seen, from stack sizes, pot value, number of players in the hand, button position, just like sitting at the real poker table. Most mobile apps will have play buttons at the bottom of the screen below the table. Fold, Call and Raise controls are there at one touch of a finger. If gamers wish to increase their raise there is a scale for that. For not so lazy users or the ones that want to, for an example, three-bet a specific amount, one tap on the value of the raise will bring out the mobile keyboard to type in the exact raise amount. At the top of the screen, gamers have access to app settings, lobby button to go back to the app main menu, hand history etc. This is the usual layout of a mobile poker table and can differ from app to app. Everything users want or need to control is there with a simple touch of a screen. The same can be said for blackjack, baccarat and other table games. Mobile Blackjack layout is same as a real blackjack table that fits the portable accessory screen from edge to edge, corner to corner. Specific chip values are offered to gamers to measure their bets precisely by pressing different values and then the bet button at the bottom of the screen. Stand, Split or Hit controls are also there making it really easy to play the 21 game.

One Step Forward


With mobile gaming, there is no more need to sit at the work table and operate the PC or carry around a much heavier laptop compared to any portable device such as a tablet, phone, blackberry. Players can now sit back in the comfy sofa at home and play. Going through a really long trip and want to kill some time? Mobile gaming works outside just fine. Developer's effort to make online gaming sites suitable for portable gadgets result in a much more user-friendly environment. Mobile gambling is the next step forward for online gambling sites.

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Smartphones and tablets are now the most popular media for not just online gambling, but gambling in general. And it's not hard to see why; with a host of apps available, punters now have more ways to play than ever before. Here are just some of the many reasons why mobile gaming is so popular...


Play on the move


Almost certainly the biggest advantage that mobile devices offer gamblers is the ability to play on the move. While laptops are essentially mobile, they are also heavier and slower to turn on than your smartphone or tablet.


Whether you're standing up in a crowded train carriage, in the dentist's waiting room, or even in bed, mobile betting gives you a world of ways to win at your fingertips. Just pick up the device, tap the app icon and get started - it's that easy!


The internet gaming industry as a whole used to be considered the poorer cousin of traditional brick-and-mortar casinos.


And while mobile devices don't yet rival the likes of Las Vegas for sheer immersive thrills, the technology is improving all the time. 3D games with real dealers are already popular on mobile because they provide much of the excitement of real-world casinos. This all comes without the need to tip your host, or get past a grumpy doorman who doesn't like the look of you.


Less expensive


Smartphones and tablets are generally cheaper to buy than laptops or desktop computers. Whereas most desktops cost £300-£2000, smartphones range in price from £100 to £500 and tablets are available to buy for as little as £49!


Fast and powerful


Experts have been predicting for a while mobile graphic and processing capabilities would soon surpass those of consoles. While this remains to be seen in 2018, the 2017 release of the Qualcomm 835 processor represents a step change in processing speed for mobile devices. Now smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S8 boast processing speeds of 2.45GHz, which puts it among the fastest mobile devices in the world.


The latest mobile devices allow punters to enjoy live dealer casinos and talk with other players with pristine graphics and no noticeable latency. With each passing year, there are fewer and fewer reasons to choose either traditional casinos or desktop gaming over their mobile equivalents.




Due to the low costs involved, many operators make casino games especially for mobile devices. Whereas some developers try to emulate the traditional casino experience, others use cute animations and stories that can only exist in the digital realm. The low cost of mobile app development has resulted in a deeper level of creativity that just didn't exist prior to the release of the Apple iPhone (the world's first smartphone).


Bonuses and other rewards


There are hundreds of mobile betting operators. As a result, operators try to outdo the competition by offering an array of attractive sign-up bonuses and in-game rewards. While this is somewhat true of online gaming in general, merchants also offer rewards for downloading their apps, which of course you can only take advantage of using a mobile device. 

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Photo by Raw Pixel, CC0 Creative Commons

One of the biggest trends in the world of iGaming is the rise of mobile usage. Fans of casino table games, video slots and online poker are increasingly using smartphones and tablet devices to play their favorite games at their convenience, without the need to venture to land-based establishments. According to the U.K. Gambling Commission, the number of people that used a mobile device to place a wager rose to 51 percent in 2017.

With more than half of all British iGamers going mobile, it's a trend that is also felt elsewhere around the world. The global iGaming industry is forecast to be worth almost $60 billion by the turn of the next decade, with sports wagering markets and casino games available on mobile driving most revenues. The online poker industry has also become increasingly mobile. Even the latest blockchain-powered poker rooms that accept cryptocurrency as payment at the tables are now available on Android and iOS devices. So, what are the driving factors behind the appeal of using smartphones to play for real money?

The Rise of HTML5 Technology

Ask any budding gamer today what makes a great mobile game and they will tell you slick graphics and audio. Gaming has come a long way since the days of Pong and Space Invaders. Today's iGaming brands can provide the best possible user experiences on mobile devices, thanks to the implementation of HTML5 technology, transcending desktop, laptop, smartphone and tablet devices that provide consistent gaming action on all platforms. Prior to the arrival of HTML5, Flash-based casino games were commonplace, but their resource-heavy nature was not beneficial for a slick mobile experience. HTML5 technology has enabled iGaming software developers to seamlessly translate their most successful iGaming titles from the desktop onto mobile devices.

24/7 Access Ideal for Gaming on the Go

It's also crucial to acknowledge the increased accessibility of iGaming on mobile devices. The ability to download and log in to an iGaming app on a smartphone or tablet means that gamers can sit down at their favorite table games or video slots at any time of the day or night. Such 24/7 accessibility also means players no longer need to venture to land-based casinos as much, opting to play on mobile devices from the comfort of the living room, on an early morning commute or on a lunch break at work.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Could Take iGaming to Another Dimension

Advancements to the quality of live-streaming technology in recent years has enabled iGaming brands to offer live dealer table games managed by professionally trained human dealers. Doing so offers players similar levels of interaction and engagement they would get from a night in a brick-and-mortar casino. Technology is evolving at a rapid rate right now, and the next generation of iGaming is already in the making. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is being developed for mobile devices to transport players to virtual casino environments and create sensory gaming experiences on another dimension to what's available today online. Smartphones' compatibility with AR and VR will stand mobile devices in good stead to cement themselves as the market leader for immersive iGaming in the years to come.


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The world of technology has made day-to-day tasks rather convenient and has even pathed the way for a hub where users can make online payments, pay utility bills, transfer cash and even shop online. The latest craze to the online world are a slew of applications that connect users to their favourite music, e-wallets, banks, games and more. With that being said, mobile apps are becoming the way of the world and everyone is trying to think of something clever to put into an app format. When online casinos created their own mobile applications that could be downloaded through the iStore and Google Play stores, developers noticed a distinct spike in downloads which the led to the question; "Why are mobile casino apps so popular?"

Let's find out shall we?

Instant Access to Top Casino Games

The best online casinos offer a mobile platform that instantly transports users to their existing PC casino account. However, through the mobile app, users will also be able to create new accounts and still benefit from all the perks offered to general online players. You can find new slot sites app on shopify. The massive benefit here is that players are able to access games and casinos whenever and wherever they like!

Sign Up Perks via Mobile Casino Apps

Not only are mobile players privy to instant access to their real time casino accounts, but they can also create new accounts by signing up and claiming welcome bonuses or new player deals such as free spins. Although by being downloaded to a mobile device, mobile apps work much in the same way desktop casinos do. They still provide users with sensational cost-effective sign up deals, however as with desktop casinos, players are still required to meet wagering requirements on bonuses. Be sure to check out the terms and conditions of your favourite mobile casino application before trying to withdraw winnings. All the information is provided through the app, as in most cases, the information hub of the application visible for all users to see.

Better Quality Games Based on Portable Devices

Depending on the mobile device used to download a casino app, players may in fact have better graphics and sound quality thanks to modern smart devices supporting high definition graphics and the like. Not only are mobile users treated to optimised design and high resolution sound quality, but they can also enjoy improved buffer speeds making provision for smoother gameplay time and uninterrupted live streaming directly from the game servers to the mobile device.

Continuous Growing Database of Industry Leading Games

Each casino app update is designed with better software, gaming usability and in some cases, with a variety of new games. Mobile users are able to take their favourite casino games with them wherever they go and may even experience a wider selection of games once the app is updated. Online casinos are continuously adding new functions and games to their mobile apps and are looking to improve gaming quality, so that app users benefit from this in more ways than one.

With technology on the rise, smartphones doing the impossible, and a generation filled with millennial's, it's no wonder why mobile casino apps are so popular and why players are checking to see if their favoured casino is available for mobile app access.  

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Slots are probably one of the most popular casino games out there. One of the reasons why they gained so much popularity is due to their diversity. There are millions of slot games to choose from in online casinos, exploring different topics that appeal to different people. They range from games inspired by Hollywood movies to games inspired by outdoor sports, and many others.

If you're a fisherman and you enjoy playing casino games, there is a number of slots that you can play on days when you cannot get out on the water. Fishing Frenzy is one of them, and it is a definite must-try for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it's fun and well thought out.

Let's analyze it and see why it is one of the best fishing-themed slots out there.

Features an Immersive Topic

Fishing Frenzy is inspired by the big blue ocean teeming with life. If you decide to play this game, you will be taken out on a beautiful boat where you can start fishing for the Wilds, Scatters, and other valuable symbols. At times, if you get carried away, you might easily be under the impression that you are really outside.

While playing the game, you can see a number of things that will remind you of your days on the water. Some of them include fishing rods, hooks, different types of fish, boats, and so on. It's a whole fishing package, and all it needs is an enthusiastic fisherman to start spinning the reels.

Enjoy Simple and Engaging Gameplay

The Fishing Frenzy slot is straightforward to play. Even if you haven't played any slot games before, you will easily find your way around and learn the ropes in a matter of minutes. If you have experience with other slot games, then you can start spinning instantly.

This slot is created by Blueprint Gaming and it has a 5x3 layout. That means that it has five reels with three symbols placed vertically on each of them. Moreover, it has ten paylines, so there are ten unique ways in which you can combine high and low symbols to make a win.

A good thing about Fishing Frenzy is that players can place very small bets or very large bets, depending on their preferred style of play. The bets range from 0.10 to 400.00 units, so feel free to choose the perfect bet size for yourself.

Finally, this game also features autoplay mode, which means that you can just kick back and wait for the big catch, just like you would while fishing in real life.

Play with Authentic Symbols

Other notable highlights in the Fishing Frenzy game are the symbols and bonus features that you can see while playing. All of them are related to the topic of the slot, so the experience is more authentic and it's easy to spend hours playing.

The symbols are split into two groups: low-paying and high-paying ones. The high-paying symbols are related to the topic and include different types of fish, a fishing rod, a lifebuoy, some baits, and a heron.

Low-paying symbols are usually unrelated to the topic, but that's not the case here. They are represented by playing cards symbols 10, J, Q, K, and A, but these are stylized so as to resemble fish.

The Scatter symbol and the Wild symbol are there as well, which means there are some extras to win.

A Chance to Win Free Spins

Part of the reason why we believe Fishing Frenzy is the best slot game for fishermen is that it offers a great bonus feature. A good slot game cannot be imagined without a chance to win a large number of free spins.

In Fishing Frenzy, if you are lucky enough to land three, four, or five Scatter boat symbols, you will be rewarded with 10, 15, or 20 free spins, respectively. All you need to do then is put your fishing hat on (if you haven't already) and wait for some coins to get hooked.

To make everything even better, a fisherman symbol will appear during this free game and catch the fish on the screen to earn you an additional prize.


As you can see, Fishing Frenzy has a lot of great aspects that make it worth trying out. If fishing is your favorite hobby but, for some reason, you cannot get your fishing line wet right now, the Fishing Frenzy slot game is the next best thing.

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Spotify just launched in India and received its first one million users in less than a week since its launch. The music streaming platform hit a major milestone six days since its debut, according to the company spokesperson. It's unclear how many of those users are on the fremium model.

Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming platforms and has changed the way artists succeed. If you don't have Spotify, here are six reasons why you should try it. If you are looking for something else to do on our phone than listening to music you can check this out and let us know what you think of it.


Discover Weekly Playlist

Every Monday, Spotify creates a playlist of songs based on your preferences. Consider it a weekly mixtape, courtesy of Spotify. Their algorithm has been spot on and the Discover Weekly feature has become popular.


Image credit: time.com


It's one of the best ways to discover new music even if you don't keep up with the latest artists. Both free and paid subscribers can take advantage of this incredible feature.


Get a Deleted Playlist Back

Spotify allows you to recover a deleted playlist. If you deleted a playlist you want back, you can get it back. To recover the deleted playlist, go to your Account section. Choose "Account Settings" and click on the option for recover playlists. This can save you time for creating a new playlist.


Listen to Music in Offline Mode

You can also listen to some of your favorite music in offline mode. It's a great way to listen to your favorite music while on the go. When you embark on a plane or trane, your device may get disconnected from the free public Wi-Fi connection. In this case, you would have to pay for Wi-Fi.

Streaming is usually difficult for these types of situations. When you upgrade to Spotify premium, you can download over 3,000 songs to your device. You can bring your favorite music and albums with you on your travels. This feature helps you save on mobile data rates.


Listen to Spotify Radio

If you don't want to spend time creating playlists, let Spotify Radio pick songs at random for you. Travel over to the Radio section and select the "Create a new station" option. Spotify can create a radio based on your favorite song or artist. You can also tailor the station if you make changes in your preferences or block certain artists. This allows you to uncover a whole new world of music.


Listen to Spotify Podcasts

Tired of listening to music? Spotify also has the option to check out some podcasts. This is a great way to keep up with your favorite podcasts while you work. Travel over to the Podcasts section and listen to some of your favorites. You can also check out the Top 10 list to see what else people are listening to.


Use Private Mode

Private mode is a terrific feature that hides your activity from your friends. They no longer have to be informed on what you've been listening to. It's a great option if you prefer to keep your musical preferences to yourself. Maybe you're not comfortable with all of your Facebook friends knowing that you've been listening to music every second of the day.

You can hide your activity by clicking the Private Session mode on the drop-down menu. This allows you to listen to all of your favorite music without other people knowing.

There are so many different music streaming platforms out there, but these features alone make Spotify better than the others. It's no wonder why it's gotten millions of users in India. Spotify can help improve your music streaming experience. 

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Even at the risk of being ostracized by the huge list of fans who love their Nintendo Switch, I must say that the Switch Lite is a big letdown. Before you reach for your pitchforks, at least go through what I have to say. At the end of reading this article, some of you might actually agree with me.

Why the Lite Version Makes NO Sense


The Switch is already powered by hardware that's aging for even mobile gaming, since the current gen SD 855, Kirin 980 and the Exynos 9820 found inside the flagship handsets are multiple times more powerful than the Tegra X1 chip powering the Switch. As far as fully fledged consoles such as the Xbox One X or PS4 Pro are concerned, the comparison is not even fair.

However, all of that that wasn't a problem because of Nintendo's exclusive and an absolutely fascinating game collection. Aside from that, I personally, always considered the Switch to be a handheld gaming console, rather than something you would connect to the big screen.

Unfortunately, there comes a time, when the developers have to downgrade everything within a game, just to make it run on outdated hardware. Whether that time has come for the Switch or not, is a debatable affair, but with the release of a new iteration, one would think that Nintendo would upgrade the hardware.

Instead of taking that logical and happily anticipated step, Nintendo has downgraded everything about the external hardware and has even put in the same, old and outdated chip to power it all.

The Pros and Cons List


If you have any doubts about my conclusion, just check the pros and cons list, then verify it on the web.



·        It's about $100 cheaper (officially)

·        Slightly better battery life



·        Smaller screen size (5.5")

·        Negligible weight difference, unless a .27lbs/.12kg difference matters to you!

·        The Switch Lite isn't compatible with all games

·        You can't use a dock to connect it to the TV

·        The controllers are non-detachable and therefore, harder to replace or repair, if not impossible

·        No IR motion camera, HD Rumble or even the kickstand!

·        Uses the same outdated chip, slow USB-C charger and port, 720p resolution LCD and 32GB internal storage with micro-SD slot

·        Bluetooth connectivity is also not added to the "new" console

The question is, are you willing to sacrifice so much to save $100? Especially when discounted options are often there for the full sized console, which will easily shave off at least $25 from the original price.

Stay away from the Nintendo Switch Lite if you already have a Switch and if you don't have one yet, just spend the extra $70 - $90 and get the original! The Switch Lite is cash grab and we expect better from Nintendo.



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Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

In the new decade, iGaming is expected to grow despite its legally grey status in many jurisdictions. According to the Superdata industry report, throughout 2019, free mobile games alone collected $87.1 billion, achieving a 6% yearly growth. Many of these games include iGaming titles, such as free casino slots, as well as legal gambling in countries that allow it within their borders.

The iGaming has been growing since the early 2000s when game developers and casinos started experimenting with applications and simplified versions of popular table games like poker. Today, mobile apps are surpassing PCs and consoles in player base and revenue, urging new companies to join the market and push technology further.  

Let's explore these trends in more detail.

Mobile Gaming Rise

According to the Superdata report, mobile digital games now account for 60% of global gaming revenues ($64.4 billion), followed by PC ($29.6 billion) and Console ($15.4 billion) markets. In comparison, only the casino gambling market earner more than $41.7 billion, not considering other gambling sectors. As most populations gain easy access to mobile devices everywhere in the world, the share of mobile games is only expected to grow.


Virtual and Augmented reality gaming isn't exclusive to desktops and consoles anymore. Companies such as Oculus, Samsung, Sony, and others are introducing Virtual Reality headsets that plug into mobile phones and work with native applications. Even the latest technological advances get more exposure, reach, and market penetration by catering to mobile gamers.

There is a complicated debate about where «gaming» ends and «gambling» begins with such apps. Different countries have their responses to this question. Regulatory barriers restrict games that enable real money wagers and classify them under Gambling laws. However, some countries go further than others. Practices such as random rewards, loot boxes, micro-payments, etc. - all of these can fall on either side of the law.

In the United Kingdom, the Gambling Commission regulates explicitly only titles with «prizes that are money or money's worth. » If a social casino or mobile slot game uses a virtual currency, it doesn't count as gambling - which is the same approach most state legislators in the United States go with. This legally narrow definition restricts iGaming and online betting, creating a market that blurs the line whenever it can afford to do so.

It makes it challenging to separate iGaming from free-to-play mobile games - in the eyes of many lawmakers, a «social casino» with virtual bets is no different from a title like Fortnite. In the massive growth of the mobile app market, there is no exact distinction between iGaming titles such as slot machines and poker or idle games, RPGs, arcade games, and so on.


Convenient Content


Expectations for iGaming keep growing much more rapidly than most other markets. While traditional slot machines could please casino goers for decades, it took online markets several years to move past that into arcade-like games. Nowadays, they begin licensing games after famous movies and TV shows and generally develop more player-centric experiences. This trend is called Gamification, and it includes:

  • Level systems. Giving players a way to raise their profile with in-game challenges.

  • Achievements. Rewards and badges tied to specific activities.

  • Leaderboards. Tallying user scores and rewarding top players.

  • Tournaments. Organized events, whether by organizations or players themselves.


These can also be rewards for continual play, logging in, solving puzzles, etc. Mechanics usually tie into each other and exist in real money casino games as well as regular Free-to-Play titles, further blurring regulatory lines.

Traditional reel-spinning has been substituted for games with stories and improved graphics. Regular Vegas-style video slots have been reworked into Bejeweled-style cascading symbols and arcade mechanics. Skill plays a factor in bonus games and regular play, changing the way players used to think about casino machines and table games of the past. 


Free-to-play mobile games can be downloaded and played for free, with certain bonus features or cosmetics locked behind a virtual currency. They often include «ad walls» - having players watch advertisements that can be skipped by paying a subscription or single fee. Sometimes ads are tied to virtual currency, and other times they gate parts of the game or show up at random intervals.

Such titles are so popular with developers that they make up 94% of all mobile games on the market. The 6% yearly growth of the market suggests this trend will only continue into the next decade, with future non-gaming applications and games everywhere adopting this advertisement-powered business model.


In mobile casino applications, these are free slot games with no download no registration in instant play. They always include free spins, play with no deposit, come with bonus features, and no sign-up and email requirement. New video slots, Vegas slots, and fruit machines can be played now with jackpots. It's impossible to win real money or prizes in free for fun games, but top Google Play applications in the UK, Ireland, and France allow gambling for real money.

Following Trends

The iGaming trends going into the 2020s look as follows:

  • Catching up regulations. This trend is controversial with industry analysts. Some claim regulations will become more streamlined as governments worldwide learn to understand and accept mobile gaming. Others expect it to become more challenging to create new games and push them on the market once laws in different jurisdictions become harsher. Either way, the market will see many rounds of changing legislations before it settles on a single gold standard of where the «gambling» line is drawn.

  • Technology penetration. VR games, Live Casino applications, and arcade skill-based slots have already been created. The 2010s were all about innovation, while the 2020s will be about penetration and acceptance. New types of games and ways to experience them will become widely available on the markets, with VR headsets getting cheaper and skill-based slots becoming prominent. As the market grows, so will the number of licenses and cross-platform compatibility. The iGaming will consolidate in a way, with players only using a few top platforms.

  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency support. Online casinos already accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies - the 2020s will expand this trend into mobile markets. As Blockchain technology spreads, so rewards and Smart Contracts will be based on it. Casinos, developers, as well as organizations, will create their tokens and reward systems based on Blockchain technology, potentially exchanging them for real money through emerging mobile wallets and automatic conversions. This process will also depend on cryptocurrency regulations in various countries and can be sped up or hindered depending on decisions made by lawmakers.

  • Continued growth. All of the above trends, as well as industry statistics, support projections between 5-10% yearly growth for the iGaming and mobile games industry. Even if new regulatory barriers are erected, the global nature of mobile applications makes it difficult to implement it at this time.

Privacy & Safety

Online and mobile security is continually improving due to the standardization of technology and the use of licensed software. Developers can now white-label solutions from top security companies instead of developing their own, making apps safer. Moreover, games cannot be put on a digital storefront without adhering to modern security standards.

Google and Apple enforce such standards on their stores - they safeguard credit card information and personal data from third parties. Mobile games have less complexity in development than PC video games, making them inherently easier to secure on the user and developer ends.

These Privacy & Safety improvements also benefit from Blockchain technology and overall lead to a more predictable market for gamers and companies alike.

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It is estimated there are now approximately 2.5 billion active Android users in the world. That is a lot of smartphones or tablets and a lot of people who enjoy using them in their daily life. One major thing all Android users love to do is play online games. An illustration of this is online casino real money games which many use their mobile devices to access. It is easy to see why these types of games are so popular as they give people the chance to win real money with little effort.  

The popularity of these types of online games is shown by how much they have caused mobile gaming revenues to rise. In 2019, it is thought that mobile gaming generated $68.5bn in global revenue, which made up a significant portion of the entire gaming revenue. With total global games revenue predicted to hit $196bn by 2022, we could well see online games played via mobile devices make even more money. But why do we love gaming in this way so much? 

They are fun!

This may sound a little simplistic but it does cut to the core of why online gaming is so popular. Humans are hardwired to seek out excitement and fun, especially if we have some free time or are feeling bored. Playing games over the internet helps us to satisfy this need for thrills and in turn makes us feel good. The feelings of satisfaction and happiness is what draws us back time and again to play online games. Of course, game developers know this and use immersive storylines, bright designs and cute characters to draw us in. 

Social element 




Another major reason that online gaming has caught on so much is the social interaction between players that it offers. Perhaps the easiest way to understand this is looking at how games such as Clash of Clans or PUBG mobile are so widely played. By allowing players all over the world to compete and interact online in games, it makes gaming itself a much more inclusive experience. It is certainly better than sitting on your own in front of a PC or console to play by yourself. Online games allow you to connect with others digitally wherever they are on the planet and to get more entertainment from playing games. That is not only true for mobile video gaming - Live Casino games on mobile casino sites now use online gaming tech to help players interact socially while playing. 

Great range to choose from 

From slots to card games, role-playing games, puzzle games, sports titles or action games, there is a great choice when it comes to online play. This means there is something for everyone, and that has helped us all fall in love with playing games over the internet. Most online mobile games are free to download, which makes it a cheaper way to play. If you get bored with the game you have been playing, and fancy trying something new, app stores, online casinos and internet gaming sites all make finding something new very easy.

Convenient and portable 

Android smartphones, like the Google Pixel 4a, took off originally because they made our lives easier and also fitted in with how we now live. This is also one reason why online gaming has become so popular around the world. They are the perfect way to quickly fill in any spare time you have on your way to work, during your lunch break or when bored at home. As online games can be picked up and put down instantly, they are a very convenient way to entertain yourself. Of course, portability is crucial for our modern lifestyles and online games you can play via your mobile tick the box here, too. Wherever you are, you can enjoy a fun game as long as you have your Android device with you and Wi-Fi access.

Online gaming is here to stay 

Anyone who owns an Android device knows what great fun online gaming is and just what makes this way of staying busy so loved. This is not actually limited to mobile gaming either. Playing online games has also taken off in the home computing market where many people connect globally through their PCs or consoles to battle it out. When you consider all the reasons above for the growth internet gaming has seen recently, it is no surprise to find it has quickly become a major part of many people's lives.


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The casino industry isn't necessarily considered high-tech. Even those so-called state-of-the-art slot machines have their roots back in the 1890s. In a way, it's understandable - why fix a winning system? Why change something when you don't need to? 

That's not to say that casinos are immune to technological advancements. While the games that we play are the same as they were a hundred years ago, the way that we play them has changed. The most extensive of these changes is the move from brick and mortar establishments to online gaming. 

While it took some doing, casinos were finally able to move into the online sphere legally. That's not where the evolution ended, however. Casinos like สมัคร Gclub Casino have taken further steps to offer consumers genuinely mobile gaming.



As you'll see on this page for สมัคร Gclub Casino, if you have a smartphone and an internet connection, you may gamble almost anywhere in the world. In this post, we'll look at why casinos have moved onto mobile.


Why Casinos Opt for Mobile Models


There's nothing quite like the experience of being in a brick and mortar casino for a punter. The casino owners prime the environment so that it's as inviting as possible. Tricks of the trade include cutting off all outside light, giving free drinks, ensuring that machines pay out regularly, and sometimes even increasing the amount of oxygen pumped into the air to keep gamblers alert.  

The goal is to ensure that gamblers have fun and are less aware of the passage of time. The theory is that the more they're enjoying themselves, the longer they'll stick around. It's a tried and tested method, and most industry experts agree that it works. 

These techniques do, however, make running a brick and mortar casino expensive. Aside from that, not all punters bet every day. Going to the casino might be seen as an outing. For many punters, it's not convenient to go to the casino regularly. 

Some avoid the environment because they understand the tactics that casinos employ. In other cases, visiting a casino regularly might not be an option because it is too far away.


Enter the Online Casino World


Online gaming and advances in technology have helped casinos fill in the gaps. Online casino games were initially plagued by issues such as stilted play, glitches, and easily definable patterns. As technology has improved, however, the gameplay has become a lot more realistic.

Artificial intelligence can be incorporated into casino gaming software to ensure that the results of some games are entirely random. AI may also be used to ensure that dealers in games like blackjack act more like the real thing. 

Online gameplay allows casinos to reach a broader market and cut their costs. Instead of footing the bill for banks of slot machines, rental costs, employees, and all the associated freebies, online casino owners can start a site with a relatively low investment. Overheads to maintain the site are also significantly lower than with a brick and mortar store.


Why Mobile Gaming?

Mobile gaming was the logical next step. When was the last time that you left home without your phone? Mobile gaming allows casinos to reach punters whenever they have a few free moments. It would be highly unusual if casinos like Gclub didn't offer their patrons a mobile option.

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The gaming industry has made a huge leap over the past couple of decades and the gamers moved from playing 8-pixel games on huge computers and clunky consoles to playing games with insane graphics on their mobile phones. Of course, mobile games are still a long way from the quality of games available on the popular consoles, but people around the world already claim mobile entertainment to be the next big step in the development of the entire industry. The quality is not the sole reason why these games are so popular; people love mobile gaming for the freedom it brings, the freedom of going wherever you want whenever you want and still being able to enjoy your favorite games. Let us dive deeper into it and find out why people love mobile betting.


A Huge Selection of Options

Portable devices like smartphones or tablets allow for a wide variety of games to play. You can play RPGs, side-scrollers, racing, fighting, and all the other types of games on your phone and have a great time. This also touches the world of online gambling since people can now indulge in their hobby using their phones. Finding the best online casino for a mobile device might be challenging, though, so you should totally check out the review for the best paying casino online to find the most lucrative gambling website for yourself. Online casinos are, of course, one of the many options you have here as there are games in different genres and styles, so you can easily find something that fits your taste and suits you best. Make no mistakes, mobile entertainment is still a kind of a young industry, so we can expect it to become bigger over the next couple of years.

Different Game Titles for Different Players

With such a wide array of genres, you can tell there are thousands of different games that would fit most players out there. You can find tons of different games developed by various studios around the world, and each of those games can offer something new to the players. When it comes to casino entertainment, you can also find such games as the American roulette, slots, poker, blackjack, and many others to have a good time. 


Choosing the best online casino might be tough for beginners, which is why you need to check a professional review of the online casino websites to find the best option for yourself. It is always a good idea to lurk around and try to find the reviews for the betting websites you choose to avoid any scam or other kinds of bad experiences. When playing online, you must always remember about the safety and security of your private information and your money, so you should only trust reliable websites.

The beginners can surely find tons of great titles that would get them into the world of mobile entertainment. This is a great way to have fun, find something new, and maybe even win some money. All roads are open, so you just need to pick your phone up and enjoy the fun. This is simple and free, so you should not lose any more of your time. Install any game you want from the app store for free and try it out for yourself - this is a great way to start an introduction to the exciting world of mobile entertainment and all the possibilities it opens. 

Freedom is All

Some people say that playing on mobile devices is pointless because the quality of these amusements is inferior to what top PC and consoles offer. Let us be clear here, consoles and PC can run much better games; but can you take your PC or console anywhere you go? No, you can't. The common misconception about mobile gaming experience being underwhelming compared to its counterparts does not stand a test when you go out and want to play. 


Mobile devices give you total freedom to enjoy all kinds of entertainment you want wherever and whenever you want. Go to a park, to a beach, to a bar, or to any other place you want, and if you happen to crave some betting fun, you can just take the phone out of your pocket and start playing for real money or just of the fun of it. The best thing here is that you don't have to compromise your free time staying at home all the time, just take your phone with you and do whatever you want while still having a good opportunity to play the games you love.

Wrap Up

What you need to remember is that mobile amusements are still a new thing and that this industry has years of development ahead of it. Being totally frank with you, PC and console games are truly better than anything mobile devices can offer, but mobile betting already has an army of fans and professional developers that want it to get better. It is not a stretch to imagine mobile pastimes getting as good as anything consoles might offer within the following decade. This industry does not stand still, and you can surely expect mobile gaming to get as great as anything your top PC or a console might ever be. That is why we are excited to see the future of mobile entertainment and the way it might reshape the video game industry as a whole.


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You're looking to claim a lucrative betting sign-up bonus on your Samsung smartphone. Or maybe you've been betting for a while and now you're finally ready to take the plunge into the world of betting apps. But you go on the Google play store and you can't find any iGaming apps.


What gives?


You could swear that you saw somewhere that there was supposed to be an Android betting app for your favourite bookmaker.


Or were you just dreaming?


No, it turns out that you were probably right. And here's why.


If you were staying up to date on the latest Google Play Store news then you would know that prior to July 2017, Google didn't allow any gambling or Australian betting apps in their app store.


However, it's not all bad. Since then Google has begun to soften its stance on iGaming apps.


Which countries have Android betting apps on the Google Play Store?


Since July 2017, Android betting and gambling apps have become available in the UK, France and Ireland, as well as in other countries like Australia where betting is heavily regulated and Australian operators must have a licence.


However, Google's strict stance still means that most betting companies do not have their apps on the Google Play Store, even in countries where they are legally allowed to operate like in Sweden or New Zealand.


Can you still download Android betting apps elsewhere?


Yes. For example, New Zealanders who are looking for Android betting apps can still download them directly from their favourite bookmaker's website. All the best betting sites in New Zealand have this option.


If you are a Kiwi or a bettor from one of these restricted countries, you'll also see that all Android betting apps are free and they generally function just as good as their Apple counterparts.


What betting apps are the best?


We recommend trying out the Bet365, 888sport and LeoVegas Android apps.


Bet365 consistently has the best sports odds of any international betting company and they also have fantastic live streaming coverage on their Android app. 888sport offers heaps of lucrative bonuses and boosts and provides great value for money. LeoVegas has won plenty of awards for their app. In fact, LeoVegas' whole company was born out of a ‘mobile-first' approach.


Overview of Google Play's restrictions on iGaming apps



  • Companies must be licenced in countries like France, Ireland or the UK
  • Apps must not be available for download in other countries
  • iGaming apps should be free
  • Apps must have information about responsible gambling
  • Betting and gambling apps must offer real money wagering
  • Underage players must be restricted from iGaming apps
  • iGaming companies need to pass Google's application process


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Welcome to a world where productivity reigns supreme, and you often forget your own well-being. In today's fast-paced society, taking breaks may seem like weakness or laziness. As professionals, you often feel pressured to work long hours, take on more responsibilities, and stay available 24-7 through technology. Yet, did you know that taking breaks is essential for mental and physical wellbeing and increasing productivity? Yes, taking breaks can actually increase productivity. Set aside any guilt or stigma associated with taking a break and embrace its importance in terms of overall success and happiness. Whether you are an overworked employee or a busy entrepreneur, this post will discuss why breaks should be included as part of your daily routine.

The science of breaks

Take time for yourself. Taking breaks is not simply a way to procrastinate or avoid work; it is essential for productivity. Your body needs time to unwind and recharge so you can operate at your best, studies have proven this through taking short breaks during the day can significantly improve focus, motivation, and overall job satisfaction. Studies also indicate productivity declines sharply after working more than 50 minutes without taking breaks. Allowing yourself to take breaks allows you to reduce stress levels and avoid burnout. Remember this next time you feel guilty stepping away. Taking care of yourself makes you more productive long term. So next time, when feeling guilty, taking care of yourself makes you more productive long term.

Breaks can increase productivity

Breaks are integral to maintaining focus and increasing productivity, so instead of mindlessly scrolling social media or watching videos for distraction, consider taking something more rejuvenating like walking outside to take in some fresh air and stretch your legs. Even just a few minutes of stretching exercises can relieve muscle tension while increasing blood flow to your brain. Listening to music may also provide relief and restore the mind. Experiment with various genres to see what works for you. Whenever you feel stuck or overwhelmed, remember that taking breaks can lead to better long-term results.

Build breaks into your busy schedule

Modern life can often leave you feeling overwhelmed. Finding time for relaxation can often prove challenging. Integration of short breaks throughout your day can do wonders for both productivity and overall wellness. Try the Pomodoro technique, in which working for 25 minutes followed by taking five-minute breaks is beneficial in both productivity and wellbeing. Scheduling break times in your calendar is another effective way to ensure you prioritize self-care. Instead of scrolling mindlessly through social media during breaks, try going for a walk or meditating instead. Finding the appropriate balance between work and rest can lead to long-term success.
You can do what you want during this time, as long as you'll enjoy it. You could look up the best online casino Australia has to offer or do some research for your next vacation. What matters is you're taking a break.


Breaks aren't indulgences. They're essential to productivity and wellbeing. By including short, frequent breaks in your daily schedule, taking regular breaks can increase focus, creativity, and job satisfaction. Not by how many hours are spent but by how well they are spent. So, let go of any guilt associated with taking breaks. The path to success doesn't involve constant hard work without enough rest time in between.

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One of the most popular and entertaining activities is gaming. The best approach to ensure a seamless and fun gaming experience is to select the appropriate platform. As the market for mobile gaming grows, selecting the ideal operating system for your gaming activities becomes increasingly important.

Why Android?

There are a number of reasons why Android is superior to other operating systems, devices, and gaming platforms.

Android’s main competitor is iOS. When examining the general population of iOS users, one can deduce that it is tailored to mid to high-income personnel and individuals who primarily use their phones for organizational and work compatibility. However, when you shift your focus to Android, the landscape is notably different. Android caters to a broader spectrum of users which encompasses diverse demographics and preferences. Its open and adaptable nature allows for a more inclusive gaming experience. Whether you play games for fun, or professionally, or someone seeking a specific gaming niche, Android offers a range of options.

The Android player base is also significantly more extensive compared to iOS, mainly because not all games are cross-system compatible. There are certain games that are unavailable on iOS operating systems, but that can be found on Android.

Moreover, Android's accessibility extends beyond financial considerations. While iOS may be associated with mid to high-income users, Android devices are available at various price points, making advanced gaming experiences accessible to a wider audience.

Diverse Game Selection

Android proudly features a diverse array of both video and casino games within the Google Play Store. The platform accommodates many game preferences. The user-friendly interface simplifies the process of discovering games, which offers convenience for users to explore and install games tailored to their unique tastes.

Whether you're playing video games or betting online, Android offers a diverse array of game options to suit every preference. While video games capture gamers from all around the globe, online casino gaming is booming. Slots are one of the most popular casino games today, due to their simplicity. In fact, some of the best casino apps are available on Android and not on Apple, thanks to the latter’s stricter rules about what can and cannot be published on the App Store.

Big Market

Businesses are spending money on gaming app development in order to capitalize on the quickly growing online gaming market. When compared to iOS users, there are more Android users because Android devices are usually cheaper and offer more features. Because of this, Android has managed to control more than 75% of the worldwide market share over the past few years. 

Wide Range of Devices

Thanks to Android's operating system, a lot of options are at your fingertips. In contrast to its competitor, iOS, confined to iPhones, Android is the operating system for various phones across a broad spectrum of manufacturers. This allows you to pick your preferred mobile phone based on your favorite brand, with Android seamlessly integrated. This freedom ensures a satisfying experience when selecting the mobile phone that best suits one’s preferences.

Enhanced Gaming Experience

As technology advances, Android devices evolve too. They come packed with robust hardware specifications, giving gamers a smooth and optimized gaming experience. You get improved graphics, faster processors, and more RAM capacity, ensuring you can dive into high-quality, graphics-rich games without any hiccups. Whether you're playing the latest video game or an intense game of blackjack, the technology backing the Android operating system will ensure your experience is seamless.

Seamless Transition Between Devices

With Android, switching between devices is easy, so players may begin a game on their smartphone and carry on playing on a tablet or other Android-enabled device. This adaptability enhances comfort by customizing the gaming experience to the preferences and everyday schedules of the users.


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Affiliate marketing is one the biggest things to hit the marketing world in the past couple of decades. Many brands as far-ranging as multinational retailers like Amazon to casino gaming websites like Slotplanet.com have found plenty of success in using this innovative marketing method.

But what is affiliate marketing, and how can you use it to make your own business grow? Our quick guide to affiliate marketing will tell you all you need to know about this exciting marketing phenomenon.

Affiliate marketing basics

Affiliate marketing is a process whereby a merchant will pay an affiliate site for directing potential customers to their services or products. This process of paying affiliates for referring customers to a business is a fairly new concept and it only took off through the arrival of internet technologies in the 1990s.

However, the affiliate marketing industry has now grown to become a multi-billion dollar business, and there are now many intermediary parties who now specialise in building links between affiliates and the merchants.

But whilst the process of affiliate marketing has become more complex, the underlying role of affiliates directing customers towards a particular product or service has remained the same. And just like internal marketing, it can take a certain amount of skill to get right.

Examples of affiliate marketing

The internet is filled with successful examples of affiliate marketing that range from price comparison websites for car insurance, to loyalty sites that give you points for purchases.

Many people have noted that Amazon's affiliate program is one of the most striking examples of this kind of marketing. By giving an affiliate partner money every time that a shopper uses an affiliate link, it has helped the brand become a world-beater.

What are the advantages of affiliate marketing over other methods?

The key thing to remember about affiliate marketing is that it is much less confrontational than traditional blanket marketing methods. As the potential customer is making an active choice in choosing to find out more about something that's related to your business, it gives you a much greater chance of converting that action into an actual purchase.

In addition to this, affiliate marketing means that you can get your brand's message to reach into areas that may have previously been inaccessible. Above all, it's about making marketing feel much more human - surely something many commerce bots could learn a few things from.

The explosion in mobile marketing means there are now more channels than ever to expand your affiliate marketing adventure. Mobile SEO has also become increasingly important in recent years, particularly with the recent Mobile First Update by Google.

Does affiliate marketing have any limitations?

Like any other marketing method, it's clear that affiliate marketing is not a failsafe option. Many affiliate marketing plans have fallen apart as a result of the affiliates not being sensitive enough to the product or service that they are promoting.

In addition to this, many affiliate programs can also be surprisingly expensive which can eat away at the profit margin for many small to medium level businesses. And just like many other internet phenomena, affiliate marketing has been subject to many unscrupulous scams. So read this quick guide to discover the key things to look out for in any suspicious affiliate marketing deal.

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