Android App CancerBlock put your phone into Airplane Mode

13 January, 2011 Apps


With app stores getting bigger and bigger its little wonder that some fairly crappy apps end up appearing, but for the most part they are just mindless rubbish, fart apps, etc. Well one Android app I have come across goes beyond that and into the realms of being a pathetic, intentionally frightening con.

Its called "CancerBlock". The name is presumably designed to both catch your attention and instill a sense that without this app you are running the risk of getting a tumour from your mobile phone. The app itself is pretty simple, it turns off the radio functionality of your phone at various intervals. In other words it puts your phone into Airplane mode. Oh and they want to charge you $3 to do that. The app makers do say that 10% of the money will go to cancer research.


The thing is that the health risks of mbile phones have not been conclusively established. One study says they pose a risk, another says they don't. However, this app ignores that and attempts to get your cash by presenting itself as some sort of health boost. The terminology used throughout the app only adds to the idea of fear being promoted here, phrases like CancerBlock and Radiation reduced by... are not exactly phrases that put people at ease.


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