Microsoft Working On Video Calling App

13 January, 2011 Microsoft


Video calling was initially seen as being a killer 3G app that would wow the punters with its futuristic appeal. Of course that did not happen, rather it fell flat on its face and few, if any, actually used it. Fast forward to the iPhone 4 with FaceTime and suddenly, despite cheesy advertising, video calling is back in vogue. Enter Microsoft. Apparently the Big M is working on a video calling app of its own that will seemingly be integrated into Microsoft's Live services and be available to various Windows powered devices.

There are suggestions that the app would be a closed loop meaning that users would only be able to video call other people also using the same app. Its also worth pointing out here that currently no Windows Phone 7 powered smartphone has a front facing camera so this app, if it proves true, would presumably be for future hardware and thus may also come with a change in the minimum hardware specifications for Windows Phone 7.

The information was given out by a Microsoft employee described as being in a key position at Windows Phone 7. The employee was quoted as saying that the app would
reach beyond the hand of Skype. If further proof than comments from a mysterious employee were needed then take a gander at the picture below. Its a a screengrab from the Microsoft.Phone.Media.Extended.dll and shows work on a front facing camera system.



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