Nokia Symbian Bell OS Screenshots

24 August, 2011 Symbian^4

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Nokia pulled the cover off Symbian Belle, which will debut with the three new models (600, 700 and 701). It succeeds Anna and brings more improvements to the Symbian OS to quote the press release, "All in all, Symbian Belle provides Nokia most competitive, seamless and intuitive Symbian experience so far."




By the sound of it, this new version brings more improvements to the homescreen than Anna did. The homescreen now consists of up to six rather than three panes and the widgets that live on those panes will be available in five different sizes. The widgets can be resized too, which gives you even more flexibility.






The way multitasking works has changed too instead of the old task switcher, you can now flick between live images of your open apps. Unfortunately, we did not see a screenshot of that, it sounds pretty cool. The main menu is now flat its vertically scrollable and all the shortcuts are placed on the same screen, no more folders.





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