USA Mobile Data Usage is Heavy in 2010

8 November, 2010 Other


The regular reader will be well aware of my love affair with data sets, statistics, graph and infographics of all kinds so I got quite a treat when I came across this report from Chetan Sharma on the growth in mobile data usage in the US

Mobile data in the US is taking off in a big way, usage is way way up and revenues are doing likewise. In fact in Q3 of this year alone revenues were a whopping $14 billion. The total projected service revenue for all of 2010 is a very hefty $55 billion. I should point out that this data revenue is not just being driven by mobile phones, or rather smartphones, but by e-readers tablets and all manner of connected devices.


Its the actual data usage itself though that provides the most striking numbers with a projection that 2010 will see U.S. users eat through a full exabyte of data. Translated into per customer usage thats 325 MB per user per month, or a 112% increase year on year. That level of usage places the US, once one of the backwaters of the mobile data world, second in terms of per capita mobile data usage with Sweden being the only country surpassing them.


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