Windows 8 on ARM should target tablets first

21 October, 2011 Windows 8


Windows 8 tablet


NVIDIA president Jen-Hsun Huang has warned Microsoft not to position Windows 8 on ARM as PCs, arguing that tablets should be the company first focus. The outspoken CEO described his argument as coming from "a finesse perspective" in an interview with AllThingsD, and a hope that Microsoft puts its software emphasis on bringing full Office support to the ARM-based version of the platform. "That would be the killer app" Huang reckons.

Everything else is on the web. As we have already seen, in our preview of Windows 8 on tablets, the platform does a solid job of integrating the browser into the normal workflow, as well as allowing multiple pages to be juggled and simultaneously viewed on a touchscreen-only device.

Huang obviously has a vested interest in Windows 8 being tablet-centric from the start. NVIDIA chips are currently inside around 70-percent of the non-iPad tablet market, and he said he would definitely be open to powering future Apple iPads too.

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