You can now insert FB profile pics into your Facebook chats instead of emoticons [Tutorial]

26 December, 2011 WEB Technology


facebook chat gimick


Now, a new gimmick is making us like Facebook built-in chat function a whole lot more. As demonstrated in the photo above, you can make the profile pictures of Facebook users and pages show up inside your chat windows.

Tutorial for How to do it:


    1. Start chatting with someone (pretty simple).
    2. When you would like to refer to a mutual friend or,  you dump their facebook UID or username into double brackets. So, that would be [[cocacola]] for a picture of Coke, [[zuck]] for Mark Zuckerberg and [[joseph.w.s]] for My proifle pic lOl !
    3. Now try it put with your own UID [[yourusername]]
    4. Amaze Your Friends on Facebook chat with this cool new gimmick.


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