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Contrary to what you might have been expecting, the HP Veer won't be showing up in stores quite as soon as was promised.


As the history books show, O2 Germany Twitter feed, 'o2inside', has been a steady source of all things Veer and one of their latest posts eludes to a June release, rather than May as was previously thought. This does not sit with the tiny handset big launch party in the US which is still scheduled to take place on the 2nd of May and so we can only assume this rescheduling is primarily going to affect its European release.

If you simply cannot wait for the diminutive WebOS device, O2 have kindly setup a site (in German) which will notify you at the very first sign of availability. The site also lets you reserve your handset up to a chosen number of days if you do not have time to pick yours up at launch.


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In case you have not heard HP is preparing to launch a webOS-based tablet called TouchPad this summer. It will run on the tablet-optimized webOS 3.0 that nobody has seen. Up until now.


WebOS 3.0


Today five screenshots taken from a webOS 3.0 emulator escaped into the wild for our viewing pleasure. The shots give us a glimpse into the browser, messaging, maps and music apps plus the dock icons and notification area.


WebOS 3.0


As you can see all the apps use a minimalistic and intuitive interface. The Web (the browser app) has been renamed to Browser. There you can also see the new virtual QWERTY keyboard, which has a dedicated number row and a Next key to ease your interaction with various page elements (such as text fields).


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Nowadays we are already very used to seeing the latest gadgets in music videos, prior to even those getting to the shelves. And in most cases those gadgets are doing the impossible stuff, nobody thought they can. And in most cases they really cannot do it, its just some visual trickery to make us want to buy it pronto.


HP Pre 3 and Touchpad

In this case, though, we caught the HP Pre 3 and the HP TouchPad, sharing a scanner picture wirelessly without even touching each other. All the while among them are music superstars Dr.Dre and Eminem.


HP Touch pad


I cannot imagine how much HP paid in order for Dr.Dre to use their devices in his video, but its surely worth it. And the cool part of it is that this time there is no magic, there is no lie. The HP Pre 3 and TouchPad can actually do the thing that they are advertising, while a very few other devices can do the same thing.


Follow me @Josephws

Looking to experience the webOS user-friendliness in the most compact shell possible? Or is it a gift for your heavy-texting girlfriend that you are after? Then you will be glad to find that the HP Veer is just a couple of months away from hitting the shelves.

The news came through the O2 Germany Twitter account. The carrier will be having the little fella on its shelves in May. There is no information about the Veer pricing, but we are guessing that will be available soon.

Previously HP mentioned that they are going to release the Veer in Q3 of 2011, but obviously they are at least two months ahead of schedule.

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Palm webOS


Hey, Pre 2 owners: want the webOS 2.1 action that Germans have been enjoying on their Pre Pluses for a couple weeks now? Of course you do  and HP got your back. The new update been posted with support for the Touchstone's Exhibition mode, Voice Dial, and a plethora of updates to existing apps throughout the system.

On a related note, remember 
Classic? The old-school Palm OS emulator for webOS was so neat back during the Pre introduction that Palm worked closely with the developer to get it supported and available but when webOS 2.0 happened, Palm dropped the emulator like a hot potato by removing critical stuff from the platform updated libraries.

Well, with some sweat, blood, and a whole lot of elbow grease, it appears that PreCentral forum members have somehow managed to get Classic working on webOS 2.1 once again and you can, too, with a ten-step procedure. It feels like Palm OS is becoming more of a vintage novelty than a mission-critical platform by the day, but hey, we can understand the sentimental value.



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