AT&T LG G3 Lollipop 5.0.1 update is Rolling-out

12 February, 2015 LG

LG G3 Lollipop


AT&T is now rolling-out the Android 5.0.1 lollipop update for the LG G3. The update features the Material Design used on the Lollipop UI, pull-down Quick Settings, the new "Recent Apps" menu, the 64-bit ART compiler, and the battery saver mode to mention a few.


With the latter enabled, your phone will turn off vibrations, reduce performance, stop apps from running in the background and more, all in the name of longer battery life. You can set your phone to turn this feature on automatically when you have 15% or 5% of your battery life remaining.


The update is about 800MB so we recommend that you use a Wi-Fi signal when downloading and installing it. And make sure that your battery life is up to 50% or higher before starting the process.



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