Android 5.1 Lollipop still have Memory Leak, Google to fix it on Android 5.1.1

15 March, 2015 Android Lollipop

Android 5.1


You may remember the memory leak bug that was reported on Android 5.0.1 Lollipop when it was released. Unfortunately, the same Bug still exists in the Google's latest version Android 5.1 Lollipop and it affects the system performance in the long-run. Google promised a final fix for this issue.


Issue No. 159738, "Memory leak still present on Android 5.1" was reported at the AOSP issue tracker. Last Friday, Google closed the bug and said that it has internally fixed the issue and plans to include it in the upcoming release version, Which most likely would be Android 5.1.1 Lollipop.


Android 5.1.1 lollipop bug

The complaints are beginning to read the same. Apps, especially Google+, restart on their own. Some active apps disappear in the middle of using them, and free RAM drops in hours to about 750MB-800MB from 1.1GB-1.3GB. Most of the people who sent in a complaint appear to be using the Nexus 5, although other Nexus devices have been cited. Some complaints said that opening apps would increase the amount of RAM in use, but closing apps would not reduce that figure.


Android version 5.1.1 shouldn't take long until we see it rolling-out to Nexus devices and tablets as an OTA package or a Factory Image.


Source [AOSP]


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