Google Confirmed: Android Lollipop Final version Launch Day is November,3rd

23 October, 2014 Android Lollipop

Android Lollipop

We all still waiting for the final version of the Android 5.0 Lollipop to be released, so that manufactures can start preparing for their OTA updates.


Today, Google officially announced that "Android Lollipop Day" is November,3rd... This day will be the day we see the official Final version of the Android 5.0 Lollipop Images. Google announced that via an Email to Google developers:



Starting November 3rd, Nexus 9 will be the first device available to consumers that will run Android 5.0. Therefore, it is a great time to publish on Google Play, once you've updated and tested your app. Even if your apps target earlier versions of Android, take a few moments to test them on the Android 5.0 system images, and publish any updates needed in advance of the Android 5.0 rollout.





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