HTC One M8 Official Android 5.0.1 Lollipop is Rolling-out to Europe and UK

28 January, 2015 HTC



HTC is Rolling-out the Official Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update for the HTC One M8. The update is now Available Over-the-air for the unlocked One M8 users in Europe (Germany, France, Nordic... etc) and United Kingdom.


m8 update


The One M8 Lollipop Update has Android build 5.0.1 along with Sense 6.0 and Firmware ROM version 4.16.401.10 that adds a touch of material design to the user interface with a new lock screen and a new app switcher. The update is about 750MB, some versions the update for other regions were 580MB and 650MB.


m8 lollipop


If you have an HTC One M8, Head to About on Settings and "Check for Updates".




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