HTC’s Android 5.0 Lollipop Update with Sense Leaked, Here's some Screenshots [Photos]

23 December, 2014 HTC

sense 6.5


HTC's Android 5.0 Lollipop update is coming on Early February,2015. In the Update HTC is working on integrating its Sense UI into the Lollipop to bring the HTC Sense 6.5 along. In the latest Leaked screenshots of the Sene 6.5, HTC fully integrated Lollipop's recent apps switcher, a rolodex-style cards interface that gives you a visually appealing interface for jumping between your most recently used apps. The last bit HTC borrowed from AOSP was the ability to search for specific settings inside the Settings app.


sense 6.5


Beyond all that, HTC is looking to bring something of their own. It's Easy Mode, which makes the user interface much simpler to use for those who might find the default smartphone experience too daunting for them.


sense 6.5


Easy Mode's interface will put the most important apps right in your face, with a button to access all apps sitting below all that. You can add and remove apps at your own discretion so those who opt to use this mode do get a bit of customization. It should be easy enough to switch between the two modes, so those who start off using Easy Mode can graduate to the full home-screen experience to lay things out exactly as they want it.



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