Lenovo Patents an Interesting Approach to Laptop Cameras

6 July, 2023 Lenovo

Lenovo Patents an Interesting Approach to Laptop Cameras


While cameras on laptops aren't anything new, they certainly could use some improvement, especially given the often unflattering angles that most users find themselves in during video calls and such. It seems that Lenovo is currently working on a way to address this, according to some patents uncovered online.


The patents - which were originally covered by tech site Pigtou and @xleaks7 - show a rather unique design approach in terms of optical hardware on laptops. Instead of a traditional design wherein the camera is embedded either in a laptop's bezel or on the keyboard, a handful of diagrams from Lenovo refers to a design that allows users to fix a camera's position, extending it to more favourable angles and even eye-level adjustments.


Lenovo Patents an Interesting Approach to Laptop Cameras


Essentially, a laptop using this approach will come with a dedicated compartment where the extended camera can fit inside, reducing unwanted weight and size. In addition to manually adjusting the height and angle of a camera, users can also automatically set a fixed angle which will turn on everytime that they need to use the camera for a meeting or such.


Lenovo Patents an Interesting Approach to Laptop Cameras


Alternatively, Lenovo also designed a slightly different patent that features a pen tool with a camera fixed onto the tip, which will likewise go into a dedicated slot. While there are currently no Lenovo products that make use of this design, it wouldn't be surprising to see these be integrated into a market-ready device in the future.


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