Minecraft arrives on the Xperia PLAY and FIFA 12 joins in as a timed exclusive

16 August, 2011 Android


gsmarena 001 Minecraft arrives on the Xperia PLAY and FIFA 12 joins in as a timed exclusive

For the gamers amongst you, Mojang Specifications smash indie title Minecraft should be no stranger to the likes of your mouse and keyboard. With 11,963,015 registered players and 3,144,868 of those playing the paid survival version, they have already amassed a huge following and E3 brought us news that Minecraft would soon be making its way into the mobile world.

Today that news was realized as Minecraft: Pocket Edition has just been launched on the Android Market. Here is what Mojang said about the new title on their blog:

The first version (Alpha 0.1) will focus on the creative aspects of Minecraft. We have tried to put in the features that make sense for playing on a mobile device while still keeping the core of the Minecraft experience. You will be able to select blocks on the touchscreen or just scroll through them with the circle and square buttons on the Xperia Play device. The first version also supports multi-player on a local wireless network allowing you to create a world and invite friends to build together.  Some of the features in this release include:
• Randomized worlds
• Build anything you can imagine
• Build with 36 different kinds of blocks
• Invite and play with friends to your world (local wireless network)
• Save multi-player worlds on your own phone

The title itself is "Xperia PLAY Optimized, meaning that its yours, provided you have an Xperia PLAY. For the rest of us Minecraft fans in the Android camp, we will have to wait. Although there are no announced plans to bring it to other droids anytime soon, chances are, it will not stay an Xperia PLAY exclusive for long, whether that be an official release or a download of the less legitimate variety.


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