My6sense: An Application that Predicts What You Want to Read (FREE)

14 July, 2011 Android



my6sense uses a magic formula to serve up exactly what you want to read. They call this formula Digital Intuition and it makes finding cool content a snap. No more digging through RSS readers, search engines, or flipping from site to site; just fire up my6sense or glance at the my6sense home screen widget and ita all right there.

This secret formula allows my6sense to bring unique and relevant content to each individual that uses it. It filters your information streams and pulls out the gold nuggets you are looking for based on your own personal tastes. Just follow your Digital Intuition to become more productive and stay on top of the latest news and updates.

What’s unique about our technology is that there is no need for you to set preferences or give any explicit feedback. ‘Digital Intuition’ learns whats valuable to you by translating your consumption behaviour into a personalized ranking function. Not only that, its a dynamic system so the more you use it, the better it gets.

Getting Started

The nature of my6sense makes it ideal to run an Android device; most Android users do not actually want to spend all day digging through feeds or bouncing from blog to blog on their mobile browser. To get started, you will need to sign up to my6sense. The app allows you to do this by providing just a name, e-mail address, and password. You also have the option here to sign in with an existing account.

Once you are in, you will probably want to connect your social networks. my6sense currently supports connecting Facebook, Twitter, and Google Buzz. Connecting these services provides you with two major benefits. Primarily, my6sense will be able to dig up content from your social networks that you may be interested in seeing. This makes sure you do not mess those ever-important updates as your friends and others you follow post new stuff. The other benefit of connecting your social networking accounts is in sharing what you are reading. With two taps, you can share stuff you find in my6sense to your own Facebook, Twitter or Google Buzz stream.

Design and Interface

The my6sense home screen

The my6sense design is clean and simple. The home screen centers around a My Content button, which leads you to your main data stream. This is all the best stuff from all your sources in one place. You will also find buttons here for Streams, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Buzz.

  • Streams – These are specific sources or sites that you add manually. You can choose from a set of select Topics and my6sense will add matching feeds from popular sources around the web on those topics. The Import option allows you to connect my6sense to your Google Reader account, where most of us store our RSS feeds. This makes sure my6sense knows all about the content you’ve manually subscribed to. Finally, the Websiteoption allows you to add a specific URL for a web site you think is awesome.

  • Facebook - This section allows you to browse through the most important people and posts from your Facebook feed. Opening individual items here will allow you to Comment on or Like the update. Excerpts and images are automatically pulled into the interface. Hitting your Android’s Menu button gives you sharing options for Twitter, Facebook, and Buzz.

  • Twitter - These are all the best Tweets that have come through your Twitter stream. As with Facebook, my6sense does a good job of pulling in photos and excerpts from articles. You can easily Retweet or Favorite a tweet. Hitting the Menu button allows you to view the Original Post, Reply to the tweet, or Direct Message the user who posted the tweet.

  • Google Buzz – As with Facebook integration, you can view items from Buzz as well as Comment on and Like them.


There are a few basic functions that remain consistent throughout the app. By default, each stream will sort items by how relevant they are to you. By opening your Menu while viewing one of your streams, you can sort your items by time. This is useful for keeping track of current events and conversations. You can also Save individual items for reading later.

A Compose button allows you to post a message selectively to Facebook, Twitter, and Buzz. While viewing individual updates, you can use the back and forward buttons to navigate through the stream item by item.


Download My6Sense (FREE)


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