Rooted Androids not welcome in Google Movie Rental

22 May, 2011 Android


You rooted your Android, Well, you can leave the popcorn here, there is no Movie Rental for you. The Google Movie Rental service launched at Google I/O and lets you rent a movie and watch it on your droid smartphone. However it will not be working on rooted devices due to copyright violation concerns.


If you try to watch a movie through Google Movie Rental on your rooted Android you will get Error 49. The support page states that:

You will receive this "Error 49" message if you attempt to play a movie on a rooted device. Rooted devices are currently unsupported due to requirements related to copyright protection.


I am guessing this is done to stop apps that can just copy the rented movie and let you keep it forever. Its not an unreasonable concern but it clashes with Android open nature any have rooted their device just to customize it to their liking.


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