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Nokia N9


Nokia N9 is heading to Australia where all major carriers and phone retailers should get it. It is almost there, with one of the companies already accepting pre-orders. Do not get too excited though, cause you will have to pay a small fortune to grab the first MeeGo-powered device. Retailer Harvey Norman asks a whopping AU$829 for the unlocked phone which translates in about $854. That is way out of line for any phone, no matter how cool it is. We can only hope that once it hits more stores and carriers, the price will go down, eventually hitting the magic price point of free.


Follow me @Josephws



A Romanian online retailer has listed the MeeGo-running Nokia N9 for €550 on pre-order. If you want a more trustful source, takes pre-orders, too, but its demanding €620. This Romanian retailer is taking the N9 pre-orders for €550 . For a gray market price it sounds reasonably for the launch, although its more expensive than most of the high-end droids today.


The German Amazon also has the N9 on pre-order, but its even more expensive €620. So these prices should give us the basic idea of what to expect at Nokia N9 launch. It will cost a small fortune for sure, but we bet it will drop price in a month or so.


After all the N9 is a smartphone with limited availability and doubtful support, so pricing should reflect that.


Follow me @Josephws

Nokia N9

Nokia has added another country to the list that will be getting the N9 and unless you live in Mexico you have no reason to rejoice, Mexico will is not just on the list, its the First on the list too, Yes, Mexico is one of the first countries to get the N9, even before the US and Canada which Nokia will not release the phone there.



Nuevo Nokia N9 - ¡Próximamente en México! #NokiaN9Mon Aug 29 00:30:04 via Nokia | Connecting People



Yes, some lucky Mexicans will getting their hands on the N9. Meanwhile their neighbors, the Americans, along with several other countries are finding it hard to believe that Nokia would deprive them a chance to buy the one really good phone they made in years. Nokia probably thinks we are better off with Windows Phone 7 but we cannot help but crave for a slice of that sweet MeeGo OS.


Follow me @Josephws

The Nokia N9 is the first MeeGo handset to launch out of the Finish giant and the world seems to just cannot get enough of it. And today we have some great news for you despite Nokia's claims the N9 has FM radio receiver and an FM Transmitter in its premium-quality plastic body.

So while the Nokia N9 specs sheet claims that the smartphone has no FM radio, let alone FM transmitter the hardware is actually there. That was confirmed by no other than Nokia itself on one of its developer websites.

However, there is no software support for either of those and the Finns chose not to include it in the N9 specs sheet so no one got confused. Plus the FM transmitter might turn out to be totally unusable.

Yet, we are confident that the software issues will be dealt with eventually and the N9 will be getting FM radio functionality. The developer website says that its not possible to control the receiver using Qt Mobility API so we would need a native app, but that should not be that much of a problem, really.

Now the discouraging part of is a line on the same website saying that "there is not a way for the phone to access the transmitter as the device has not got a transmission antenna". Now we are not 100% sure, but we but we suspect that the transmitter only has a controlling chip and no antenna, which might make enabling it impossible.


Follow me @Josephws


In a move that is going to break the hearts of a lot of people, Nokia has decided against launching the Nokia N9 in the US as well as the UK.

The company was contacted by Engadget and The Inquirer regarding the availability in the US and UK respectively and in both the cases they were met with a negative response. Although Nokia is delighted with the positive response the N9 has received from everyone they also made it clear that they currently have no plans for launching the N9 in these markets.


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