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Biometric authentication seems like a norm these days. According to a survey conducted in 2016 of 4000 consumers across the US and UK by Gigya revealed that almost 52$ of the users prefer biometric authentication solution over a traditional login and password. Biometric authentication provides a more convenient and powerful alternative to the traditional ways, the user doesn't have to remember weird passwords. The Biometric measurement is reliable, repeatable, convenient, and stable but is it as secure as well think or assume?
In the recent era of smartphones, companies feel proud to integrate security measures like in-display fingerprint scanning and 3D face recognition in their devices. A new report suggests that Samsung's recent flagship smartphone Galaxy S10 can be easily fooled a fake 3D print of a fingerprint. At a user darkshark explained how he managed to fool the new Samsung Galaxy S10's ultrasonic fingerprint scanner by using 3d printing. He took a snapshot of his fingerprint on a wineglass, processed it in Adobe Photoshop and made a model using 3Ds Max that extrudes the lines in the picture into a 3D version.
After a 13 minute print and 3 attempts, he was able to print out a final product of his fingerprints which fooled the phone's ultrasonic sensors. This isn't the first time, someone tried to ditch the security measures. In 2016, police officers used a 3D printer to get into a murder victim's phone. The concern is that if someone stole your phone, chances are your fingerprints are already on it. This isn't just about phone unlocking. Many banking apps also use this mechanism to secure the user's authentication to its bank account. But if Samsung Galaxy S10's security system can be fooled, what else is secure? You can read more about this experiment here.
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