Google Allo is finally here and so is Google Assistant

22 September, 2016 Google

Allo was announced earlier in 2016 at the Google I/O and the new messaging app is finally becoming available to Android and iOS devices around the world. If you are not aware about what makes Allo special in a world that's filled with messaging apps from different developers, let us enlighten you. Allo will work in perfect coordination with the new Google Assistant. In other words, Google Assistant is embedded as a part of the new messenger, which will allow users to reply to conversations based on the suggestions by the Google Assistant and perform in-app searches through both your personal data on the phone and also the internet.

Google Assistant is said to take digital assistance to another level through direct interactions with the evolving AI incorporated into the program. It will take the experience you had from Google Now and raise it up by quite a few notches. Now that Allo is finally here, we will learn about new ways to utilize the digital assistant. Keep in mind though, Allo is strictly limited to mobile devices only for now and won't be available on desktops for a while. Download it and give it a try now, it's free!

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


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