Google to set an Update Lifetime for Android M devices, Full Schedule Here

26 May, 2015 Android Updates

Android Updates


Android "M" is almost here and it looks like Google will set some new rules regarding software updates. One of the most popular problems facing Android users is "Updates", even if you have a Nexus device.


Google is looking to end the confusion once and for all, according a new report. Android "M" will set a lifetime for updates which makes it explicitly very clear "How long the device will be supported ?" so that you will know how long you'll get official software updates for your Android device.


Android M


Google Nexus phones running Android M will get 2 years of major OS version updates to future Android versions and 3 years of security updates after the OS release or 18 months after you buy a device from the Google Play Store, whichever is longer. Other manufactures should announce their updates lifetime plans too, check the info below for more information.


Android "M" Update Lifetime:
• Major System Updates (OS level updates): 2 years
• Security Updates: 3 years after OS release
• Security Updates: 18 months after date of purchase from Google Play Store.


Updates Lifetime support Schedule:
• Nexus 4: OS updates done, security updates until end of 2015.
• Nexus 7 (2012): OS updates done, security updates through this summer 2015.
• Nexus 7 (2013): OS updates until Q3 2015, security updates until Q1 2016.
• Nexus 10: OS updates done, security updates until early Q1 2016.
• Nexus 5: OS updates through Q3 2015, security updates through Q3 2016.
• Nexus 6: OS updates through Q3 2015, security updates through Q3 2017.
• Nexus 9: OS updates through Q3 2015, security updates through Q3 2017.




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