HTC will keep M8 updated with latest Android versions for 2 years and Fix your display for Free

25 March, 2014 HTC One M9

HTC One M8


HTC Americas President, Jason MacKenzie, confimed at HTC One M8 launch event that HTC will keep the M8 owners happy, Keeps the One M8 update-to-date with the latest upcoming Android versions for the next 2 years, which means till 2016, this long term promise should keep users satisfied.


htc usa vp

"For at least two years, HTC is committed to keep your phone up to date for two years, not just 18 months, like other Android manufacturers." - Jason Mackenzie, VP - HTC USA


Also MacKenzie said that if you cracked your HTC One M8 screen by accident, HTC will fix you screen free of charge with its full warranty plan on all M8 devices. Here is the first unboxing video of the M8.


M8 Full Specs


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