Is It Possible to Spy on Snapchat?

22 August, 2018 App Updates

All photos and videos sent via Snapchat self-destructs automatically within 1 to 10 seconds, depending on the sender's choice. While that's essentially a good thing for privacy purposes, minors all over the world has been found to use this feature for swapping nudes and other images of sexual nature. As a parent, that's a very alarming thought to have, especially since it's virtually impossible to find out what your children are up to because of the self-destruct feature. "Virtually impossible" being the keyword, the good news for parents is that it is actually possible to use any of the top Snapchat spy software to monitor the activities of your children on the social networking platform, without them ever finding out about it.

How Does It Work?

The Cocoscopy cell phone tracker will need to be downloaded onto the target phone first, but once the download is complete and everything is set up, your child will have no idea that the app exists because it doesn't leave any trace behind, making it completely invisible to everyone else. The spy app will also have a client on the parent's phone which will simply mirror everything that's going on there in the target phone, enabling the parents to keep an eye on everything that their children are doing via social media, email, text messaging or even voice and video calls.

Is It Legal?

As long as the target phone belongs to a minor and it's the guardians who are installing the Android spy app online, it is legal. Using it on adults without their permission though, is most certainly illegal, except when the adults are employees under contract and the phones in question, were provided by the employer. The potential for unethical use of these spy apps is certainly there, but the potential of vulnerable teens making disastrous mistakes on Snapchat are much greater


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