Is Your Current Crypto Trading Software the Best One?

3 August, 2020 Technology



Cryptocurrencies are in a boom. So, the demand for accessing digital assets on the trading platforms is a sure thing.

Unlike the stock markets, do not expect the crypto market to sleep or close. As a casual investor or crypto trader, you need to stay updated. In just a matter of minutes, you may see a large gain or loss.

Seasoned crypto traders are very familiar with the feeling of being treated with either a good or bad news as they check their portfolio. Since the market is volatile, there's an increased demand for using crypto trading software to have control over the trading at all times.

On the other hand, with so many trading software for cryptocurrencies, how sure are you that you are using the best one. In this article, you will learn the different factors when choosing a crypto trading software.

Let's get started!

Security Features 

One of the most important features that you should look for in a cryptocurrency trading software is the security features. Make sure to look for two-factor authentication or 2FA since it is accepted as modern security level standards. If the software lacks this feature, then you should avoid it.

Once you find out that your chosen software features 2FA, it is time to check for compatibility. Authy, Google Authentication, and YubiKey are the most accepted avenues for 2FA. Additionally, ensure to look for other security features like custodial storage services.

Smooth Payment Process

Unlike the traditional money systems, cryptocurrencies work differently were sending and receiving funds largely relies on third party wallet services. These services should be user-friendly. Make sure that the platform is away from the daunting process, and it comes with an automated wallet payment tool.

With integration in the whole closed cycle of the crypto payment, you will experience quick and easy payments without worrying about delays. You do not need to leave the platform to access your crypto wallet. By choosing a fully integrated crypto payment process, you can have a better trading experience.

Fiat Exchange 

As a crypto trader, you need an exchanging mechanism, from local currency into tradable units. Apart from that, you will also require converting your profits from the trade of crypto into local currency. Fiat exchange will help you with that.

Be aware that different platforms come in different fiat options. Besides, these options only work with certain banks. It's your job to find out which banks have compatibility with your chosen software, including the fiat exchange options.

Transaction Transparency 

Cryptocurrencies introduce a more advanced method in auditing, as well as tracking payment and assets. This method is powered by a decentralized ledger, which is known to record ownership.

Choose a crypto trading platform that allows you to see and track the transfers, from owner to receiver. That way, you are aware of the location of your funds as well as the time to complete the transaction. 


The last thing you want to experience when trading is getting the margin called since you cannot log in to close an order. Remember that the crypto market is round the clock market while the prices move all the time. Not only that, but the prices are also unlimited by geographic zone. So, a stable platform is essential.

The cryptocurrency trading software should give you complete access to the market. The platform should run 100% to satisfy your trading expectations.


As a 24/7 market, make sure that your crypto trading platform can keep you updated on the latest happenings in the market. To ensure a satisfying result, you can take advantage of Besides, it is user-friendly, and you do need to deal with the daunting process.


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