Mercedes-Benz releases a self-driving Truck [Video]

8 July, 2014 Technology



Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes-Benz, unveiled a demonstration video (Below) of its self-driving Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025 on Friday, showing the vehicle driving on its own at high speeds on Germany's autobahn.




Using a system the company calls the Highway Pilot, the human driver is able to switch control of the truck to the vehicle's embedded system and ride hands-free as a passenger.


In order to allow the truck to autonomously drive alongside other cars, the Highway Pilot uses a combination of vehicle-to-vehicle communication via Wi-Fi (with a range of 1,640 feet), lateral radar on both sides of the truck (with a range of 197 feet) and full range (820 feet) and short-range (230 feet) radar mounted on the front of the truck. The truck also uses a front stereo camera, mounted just under its windshield. Check the Video below!



"The Future Truck 2025 is our response to the major challenges and opportunities associated with road freight transport in the future," said Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard, a member of Daimler's board of management, in a statement. "With the Future Truck 2025, Daimler Trucks is once again highlighting its pioneering role in innovative technologies and is opening up a new era in truck transport."



FT-2025 Video Demo


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