Samsung Galaxy S24 could include a redesigned telephoto camera

28 December, 2022 Samsung

Samsung Galaxy S24 could include a redesigned telephoto camera


We've cut to the chase in our smartphones where megapixel consider isn't significant as it used to be. This is on the grounds that at one point and furthermore founded on our requirements, is there actually a requirement for such a high megapixel count? All things being equal, we're beginning to see more organizations center around the camera lenses themselves.


As indicated by a new talk by Ice Universe, they are guaranteeing that with the Samsung Galaxy S24, Samsung is evidently expected to present a new and overhauled telephoto lens that will be preferable over what is as of now accessible. The insider likewise guarantees that the principal camera probably won't change excessively, so it appears to be that until further notice, the fundamental change will be the telephoto part of the camera.



That being said, we ought to take note of that the Galaxy S23 hasn't even been declared at this point. The Galaxy S24 is simply expected to be sent off in 2024 which implies that this gossip is extremely, early and we ought to take it with a piling hill of salt for the present. Simultaneously, we can't say we would be excessively amazed assuming that it were valid.


LG themselves have as of late presented another telephoto module of their own, and perceiving how Samsung and LG contend intimately with one another, we're certain that Samsung won't lounge around and sit idle. One way or the other, we're still far off from realizing any more strong subtleties so don't place an excessive amount of stock into this until further notice.


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