Samsung Galaxy S3 Gets KitKat 4.4 through a Community Custom ROM

14 May, 2014 Samsung

Galaxy S3 KitKat ROM


Samsung officially announced that it won't update its Galaxy S3 I9300 smartphone to Android 4.4. KitKat due to unresolved Hardware limitations issues, which came as sad news for the S3 users worldwide. Today, thanks to the Android XDA community, you can Now get Android 4.4. KitKat on your Galaxy S3 I9300 through a custom ROM. As long as you don't have an issue with rooting your device and following the instructions on the forum (source link below), then you'll be able to enjoy KitKat on your S3.

However, as with most custom ROMs, the KitKat ROM for the S3 isn't perfect. There are still some stability and usability issues, and not all features of the phone may function properly. Users may experience some glitches as well. However, if nearly all previous custom ROMs are any indication, the KitKat S3 ROM will get better with time as the community continues to work out the kinks.


Android KitKat 4.4.3

It's interesting to note that the KitKat ROM file is too large to fit onto the Galaxy S3's internal storage; Samsung's pre-loaded bloatware is primarily to blame. Once it was removed, the hackers were able to successfully port it without any storage space issues.



Source (XDA)


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