Samsung raised Apple’s processors Price up to 20-Percent, Apple had to Agree

12 November, 2012 Samsung

Samsung Chips factory

As you may know that Apple A6 and A6X chips and all other previous A-series processor chips that were included on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad is Manufactured by Samsung Inc., Samsung and Apple has a contract so Apple can't simply call another company and ask them to manufacture its chips... So Samsung takes it as a chance for revenge and pumped up the price of the Apple processors chips 20% and as you can see Apple has no choice but to agree.




That's mean that Apple will pay Samsung 20% more for every chip it manufacture for every idevice. Samsung made roughly 130 million processors for Apple in 2011. This year that number is expected to surpass 200 million. And the contract that Apple and Samsung have won't expire until 2014.



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