The Nothing Phone (2) has been formally affirmed

3 May, 2023 Other

The Nothing Phone (2) has been formally affirmed


Following the launch of the Nothing Phone (1) back in 2022, the organization has since affirmed with a secret picture that the Nothing Phone (2) will be coming soon and that they will be formally making a declaration this approaching summer.


Right now there isn't anything (quip not planned) been aware of the forthcoming handset. The organization noticed that the handset will be fueled by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 series chipset, yet avoided affirming which chipset it will be.


The Nothing Phone (2) has been formally affirmed


There is a decent opportunity it will be controlled by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, which is utilized in most of 2023's leaders, yet the absence of affirmation has us a piece stressed. It is not at all impossible that to reduce expenses, Nothing could go to the utilization of the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 from 2022, however ideally that won't be the situation.


The organization likewise noticed that the Nothing Phone (2) will be a more "premium" offering, whatever that implies. Likewise, there is some uplifting news for aficionados of the Nothing Phone in the US as the organization has affirmed that the Nothing Phone (2) will be accessible for buy stateside interestingly.


Regardless, summer is as yet a month or so away, so we will not need to stand by too lengthy to even consider figuring out every one of the authority subtleties.


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