Under Developing: A System that Block drivers from Making or Receiving Calls

6 July, 2012 Technology

Cell while driving

Researchers at India's Anna University of Technology in Tamilnadu have developed a way to prevent those behind the wheel of a vehicle from making/taking calls or texting. By blocking the signals to and from a mobile phone used by the driver of a vehicle, it prevents the driver from losing focus on his task. The hard part in developing the system say those working on it, is blocking the driver's phone from working while still allowing passengers in the vehicle to use their device.

The system detects if the driver is using the phone while the vehicle is in motion. If so, a mobile jammer blocks the radio waves from getting to the driver's phone. To get around the problem with the passenger's devices, the jammer has a low range which should allow others in the vehicle to use their phone.


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