WoW Shadowlands: 7 Tricks to Gear Up Faster

3 February, 2022 Gaming


When you want to play a game, you should play it with style. With MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) on the rise, there's still only one true game, and that's World of Warcraft.


1. World Quests Gear Up


From Vanilla to Shadowlands, we've seen some ups and downs in the game, but player statistics still show around 6 million players playing every month. That's why we've decided to share 7 tricks to gear up faster in Shadowlands.


1. World Quests Gear Up

This is possibly the easiest way to get some gear. Although it's not the best gear you can get in Shadowlands, it is a good start. When you start finishing World Quests, you can get a couple of items per day.


These can be a great way to fill some difficult slots. The item-level loot is kind of beginner-grade, so don't get disappointed. But don't get discouraged either because by gaining Renown, the item level grows as well.


So, once you reach Renown 61, the item level increase is from 194-197 to 200-203. This is not a huge increase, but it is something. That's why you should pay attention to those World Quests.


2. Crafting Skills Boost

When asked how to gear up better as a beginner in WoW Shadowlands, almost all expert players will tell you that you need to start with crafting. With crafting professions, you can have a two-way streak.


One thing you can do is build items and sell them for gold. It's not going to be much at first, but this is the way to go. Once you reach a high enough level to craft a significant piece of gear, you can keep it for yourself.


Crafting professions pay well because at first you're learning and earning, and when you reach level 150, you're starting to see the real benefits. Of course, these items can't be compared to the ones you can get from heroic raids, but they're a great start.


3. Story and Side Quests

Apart from story quests and side quests being a great way to evolve your character, there's a chance that you'll come across some great pieces of gear. The best thing about World of Warcraft is that the experience is not the same for everyone.


So, when you start finishing the story quests and the side quests, there's a good chance that you probably won't get the same gear as other players. Depending on the chapter you can unlock some pretty good stuff.


This includes mounts such as the Eternal Phalynx of Courage. But, it also includes things like the Selfless Collector's Chestplate. It is a higher-level item, but it might not be the level you were aiming for. Not to worry, there are other ways to gear up your character.


4. Boosting

One of the most common ways to gear up fast is boosting. You can easily power up your player, and the thing is that it doesn't cost that much. Especially if you're not willing to wait and play long hours.




Boosting means that a group of people guides your character through raids and such so that you may collect the high-level items that are dropped. There's a possibility to arrange this with friends, but you might not be happy with the outcome of the raid.


Now that Sepulcher of the First Ones is coming, there's no better way to get ahead of the game. Finding a good SotFO heroic raid carry can easily push you upfront with the gear. Consider this a great option to make your character better.


5. Dungeons

As we mentioned earlier, boosting can take you a long way. However, you can go on raids with your guild and still get some awesome gear. The main advantage of someone carrying you through the raid is that you get the top gear.


Nevertheless, going on raids with your friends can also be quite sufficient if you're looking for items that suffice. The thing is if you're aiming for great gear, your friends and you need to be good at the game.


Even being good doesn't cut it sometimes, because there are different difficulty levels for the dungeons. It's best to start with normal difficulty dungeons and then slowly progress to the seemingly unbeatable ones.


6. Legendary Gear

Remember how we mentioned crafting. It's possible to craft legendary items. However, you will need to have something called Soul Ash. The Covenant quest leads you to Torghast. The Tower of the Damned is a dungeon where you can earn Soul Ash.


It requires a lot of patience because you can earn small amounts of Soul Ash in weeks. However, if you play the game regularly, and you've reached a certain point where you can go on this endless dungeon run, you can collect it little by little.


After you've collected approximately 1,250 you can craft. The Rank 1 crafting cost is 1,250 Soul Ash, and this can get you item level 190. With more, let's say 5,150 Soul Ash, you'll be able to craft item level 235, which can be a pretty awesome piece of legendary gear.


7. Valor Points

In Shadowlands, Valor Points go alongside Mythic+ dungeons, because you can use them to upgrade the gear you get from these. They were used in the previous patches to purchase gear and upgrade it as well.


With Valor points, you can get gear item levels from 184 to 220. Earning Valor points starts by finishing Covenant Callings. There are two types you're looking for, the Rare Calling will get you 35 Valor points, and an Epic Calling will get you 50.


Seeing as we mentioned Mything+ dungeons, it's only natural to assume that you can get Valor points from completing them. The best thing is that from completing the dungeon, you get 135 Valor points right away, this number increases each week.



It's important to start developing crafting professions early on, and it's important to complete World Quests if you want to gear up nicely during the first stage of development for your character.


Finally, you can always go with a boost, and purchasing a good carry is worthwhile. With the SotFO coming up, it would be nice to have a heroic raid carry to boost your character and get ahead of the game.


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