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Mozilla Foundation at the MWC 2012 showed its New Platform that called "Boot2Gecko", a cloud based open-source Mobile OS, Which is coded entirely with HTML5, CSS and Javascript.
Boot2Gecko is using the latest open web standards for its apps, which means that apps written for it will be compatible with just about any smartphone running the OS, or even every device with an HTML5-enabled browser. And do not worry even though the OS itself is cloud-based, you might still use your phone offline and even run apps and games on it offline caching is a technology already supported by the web standards.
Check out all "B2G" OS Screenshots
The Mozilla team had the platform installed on a Samsung Galaxy S II and were doing all the demoes on the Samsung former flagship, but the company is actually looking to release a completely different device. Its aim is to produce an ultra-cheap smartphone, powered by a 600 MHz CPU and packing just 256MB of RAM.
Mozilla's Boot2Gecko HTML5-based OS is getting ported to New Smartphones, Alcatel and ZTE jumping on to Make the first B2G devices running this mobile OS.
At MWC 2012 Mozilla announced the first ever Boot 2 Gecko devices are going to launch in Brazil by the carrier Vivo. Now, the project has been backed up globally and carriers such as Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, Smart, Sprint, Telecom Italia, Telefónica, and Telenor are also going to start offering devices.
Furthermore, all Boot 2 Gecko phones will be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon chipsets. Sadly, there isn't any information detailing which chips exactly will be put to use.
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