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Microsoft's Bing AI has snuck its way onto Google Chrome


There are many companies that are working on AI right now, but in terms of the tech that's available to consumers such as ourselves, Google and Microsoft are essentially head to head on that front.


Microsoft was kind of "first" to the market by working with OpenAI to integrate a version of ChatGPT into Bing, and to great success. Google later followed up with Google Bard, its own take on ChatGPT. Now it looks like Microsoft's AI has snuck its way into a Google product in the form of Chrome.


The Redmond company has announced that Bing Chat will now be supported in Chrome. All users need to do is access Bing's website through the Chrome browser and the Bing Chat option will be available at the top of the screen. Users just need to click on it and start chatting with the bot and it will answer you.


Prior to this, Microsoft made Bing Chat exclusive to its Edge browser as a way of encouraging users to use it, but it seems that Microsoft has decided to adopt a similar strategy like it did with Android by making its products and services available to non-Edge users as well.


The company notes that support for other browsers on desktop and mobile are coming, so if you use a different browser other than Edge or Chrome, hopefully support for it will arrive soon.

Microsoft's Xbox Series S will soon be Available in a New Color


Microsoft recently gave fans something to look forward to with the announcement of a new console variant, which builds on its existing Xbox Series S system. More specifically, the company revealed that a black color variant of the Xbox Series S will be arriving to US markets on September 1 this year.


In addition to the new color selection, the black Series S model will also come with an increased 1TB of storage, a significant step-up from the somewhat limited 512GB of internal storage on the current model. With that being said, it will come with the same hardware, so fans after a more powerful Xbox will still have to spend a bit more to get the Series X.


Microsoft's Xbox Series S will soon be Available in a New Color


This increase in storage does mean that there will be a price bump as well, and buyers can expect the new version to launch with a price of $350, which will also include a controller bundled with the console. Currently, the Xbox Series S is sold in a single white variant with 512GB of internal storage, and goes for $299 for buyers in the US.

Microsoft's super-productive Surface Pro 9 tablet is more reasonable than any other time


In the event that you like to take your work with you any place you go but decline to burn through every last dollar and spend a little fortune on another super top of the line tablet, Best Purchase's most recent Surface Pro 9 arrangement will undoubtedly put a major grin all over.


Financially delivered close to seven months prior, Microsoft's 13-inch compact efficiency champion is limited with good consistency nowadays in different setups by different retailers regardless of convenient embellishments like Sort Cover consoles and Surface Pens.


In any case, if you need to downplay your spending, this moment's certainly the opportunity to pull the trigger, best case scenario, Purchase on a passage level 128GB stockpiling variation with an Intel Center i5 processor inside and no efficiency upgrading friends.


This Windows 11 record regularly costs $999.99 without anyone else, which isn't so terrible, in spite of the fact that assuming you rush, you can get it for another unsurpassed low cost of $799.99. Believe it or not, the Surface Pro 9 force to be reckoned with has never been this reasonable (essentially as far as anyone is concerned), and as you can envision, you don't have to complete any pointless tasks at all to score the uncommon $200 rebate.


You must be alright with a Platinum variety choice, however, and a moderately unobtrusive 8GB Smash build up to go with that expedient 128 gig strong state drive, yet in any case, it's unquestionably difficult to contend with this terrible kid's offer.


Intended to mix business and joy in an essentially unmatched manner, the Surface Pro 9 games a sleek 120Hz PixelSense Stream touchscreen with razor-slender bezels, as well as two blasting quick USB-C ports for most extreme flexibility and a heavenly battery duration rating of up to 15.5 long periods of "run of the mill gadget utilization" between charges.


Could it be said that you are taking a gander at the best tablet cash can purchase in 2023? On the off chance that you're a Windows 11 fan with under $1,000 in your financial balance, the response is a resonating yes. If not... you can likewise contend on the side of the Pro 9's allure. Correct, it's simply mind-blowing.

Microsoft's Bing computer based intelligence will find its direction onto Samsung phones


While Windows Phone is out of commission and there are no predictable designs to resuscitate it, Microsoft's presence on mobile devices is areas of strength for really. As a matter of fact, it seems as though Microsoft is establishing the groundwork down on the grounds that Bing man-made intelligence has formally advanced onto Samsung gadgets.


This really comes as SwiftKey, where the group behind the console application has declared that Bing man-made intelligence is currently advancing toward Samsung clients through SwiftKey. For those new, Microsoft coordinated its Bing man-made intelligence into SwiftKey, and since SwiftKey is the console that Samsung involves in its One UI, Samsung clients who haven't changed out to Gboard or other console applications will actually want to exploit it before very long.



What's fascinating about this is the manner by which a long time back, there were bits of gossip that Samsung and Microsoft were in converses with possibly supplant Google with Bing as the default search. We covered a portion of the expected ramifications of such a switch, so this is somewhat of a little move toward that bearing.


It may be the case that this could provide clients with a little taste of what's to precede Samsung does the large change to Bing (assuming that it at any point works out), yet one way or the other assuming you are keen on seeing what's going on with all the quarrel with Bing's new simulated intelligence, then this could be an update to anticipate.

The Microsoft Surface Duo 3 may at long last embrace a "real" foldable display


While organizations like Samsung were in the middle of producing phones with foldable displays, Microsoft headed down a fascinating path with their Surface Duo smartphone, where they used two separate displays that were associated along with a pivot, versus a solitary adaptable display.


It was an odd decision and do the trick to say that the Surface Duo never entirely got on, yet it appears to be that Microsoft could be taking a shot at it once more, yet this time with a real foldable display.


This is as per a report from Windows Focal where clearly they have been informed that Microsoft rejected their underlying plan for the Surface Duo 3, which probably would have gone on in a similar bearing, and on second thought are currently picking to utilize a genuine foldable display.


It appears to be that Microsoft has been investigating embracing a genuine foldable display following the Surface Couple 2 of every 2021 where the handset was met with blended surveys. Not much else is had some significant awareness of the Surface Team 3, for example, when it will send off, yet seeing as Microsoft skirted the handset in 2022, perhaps we could see it this year, so up to that point believe it tentatively.

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