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iphone vs huawei


According to the new data from IDC Huawei's smartphone sale increased 50% in the first quarter as compared to the same time line last year. Apple's shipment dropped 30% while Samsung's fell to 8%. Apple and Samsung seems to face a setback in China whereas the Chinese tech giant is showing its statistics with proud. The new figures show Huawei is actually holding the 19% share of the global smartphone industry right now, which is its highest percentage ever. IDC said that the Chinese firm is ready to take the lead as the world's second-largest smartphone seller.

Huawei has already surpassed Apple in 2018, but the first quarter of 2019 is even more optimistic for the company. Apple's sales have been hit by weak demand in China and longer replacement cycles. Apple's CEO Tim Cook expected better results in Chinese market, but the company still reported a 22% drop in revenues in the region for its first quarter 2019. Huawei's consumer business has shown impressive growth over a few years, especially in its premium flagship smartphone area, despite being under fire globally from a US-led campaign against the company.

Huawei dominated the Chinese smartphone market in the first three months, taking a record 34% share as other rivals Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, and Apple all seem to struggle to get the grounds. The company alone, sold around 30 million phones in the first quarter whereas Apple managed to sale only 6.5 million phones. Apple reported 17% drop in the sale globally as compared to the last year's sale, facing the largest single-quarter decline in the history of the iPhone. In China, Huawei is only getting stronger. The company has opened more brick-and-mortar locations, pushed into rural areas and managed to attract new consumers with its smart devices and accessories.

Unlike Apple, Huawei and other Chinese smartphone makers also have a wide range of low to high-end models, so they can appeal to more cost-conscious buyers. Globally, Huawei seems to be in the position to overtake Samsung as the world's largest smartphone manufactuer in near future.


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