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This might be a bit weird, PornHub tracked the number of pages per visit. Now, you can read whatever you want into these numbers, but it turns out that Windows Phone users average 10.27 pages looked at during an average, uh, sitting. That compares to the 9.06 pages that Android users look at, and the 9.63 pages on average that BlackBerry users look at. For iOS users, the average is 9.78 PornHub pages viewed at one time. It would appear that Windows Phone users might take a bit longer than users of the other platforms, to complete their journey.


windows phone


On the other, er, hand, the average time of each visit gives us some new information to ponder. BlackBerry users spend the most time per session at 11 minutes, 53 seconds. There is more than two minute difference between that figure, and the 9 minutes, 17 seconds that the average Windows Phone user spends on the site. We could point out that BlackBerry users are older, executive types. Perhaps they need the extra two minutes to reach their objective. The shortest amount of time spent on PornHub belongs to iOS users at 8 minutes and 53 seconds.


windows phone os


So what platforms are visiting PornHub the most? Based on global traffic, 48.34% of visitors to PornHub are taking the trip on Android. 40.60% are using iOS. 2.3% of global visitors to the site are using Windows Phone when they arrive at the site. While 1.81% are employing a BlackBerry when visiting PornHub, 1.18% are using a Samsung mobile device.




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