5 Cell Phone Tricks You Should Know

9 February, 2018 Technology


Knowing some smartphone tricks will allow you to do cool things with your phone. Most people only know basic phone functions. There are so many things that you probably do not know your phone can do beyond making calls and receiving texts. Many phones now have the he capacity to support glitch-free online casino gaming. Visit https://www.cdncasinos.ca for more information about technology and casinos. Some of the smartphone functions can be performed quickly through shortcuts. Here are few cool tricks to get the best out of your smartphone.

1.       Shortcut of putting smartphone on silence

Receiving a phone in church, meeting, theater or in the middle of something important can be embarrassing, especially when your phone is not on silence. You can put your smartphone on silence quickly than browsing your settings by pressing any side key (volume key or power button). It will be on silent instantly and you choose to answer it or not.

2.       Turn Wi-Fi Off using voice command

Voice command is the hot thing at the moment. You can use your Google Now, Cortana or Siri to turn off your Wi-Fi with your voice. Go to your voice app and command it to turn off Wi-Fi.

3.       Use flight mode to reduce smartphone charging time

A phone that takes a lot of time on charger sucks. You can speed up charging by activating flight mode. Also, even if you love online casinos, they will have to wait until your phone is fully charged. Flight mode turns off all background activities and uses less battery power, therefore, increases the rate at which your battery gets charged.

4.       Use the volume button to take picture

Taking selfies without a selfie stick can be a hassle when you can't tap your screen digital button to capture. However, you can snap pictures by long-pressing the volume button. This function is on many Android phones and iPhones.

5.       Improve picture quality using gridlines

You can enhance the quality of the pictures your smartphones capture by activating camera gridlines. The camera will take a perfect shot on things within the gridlines.


6.       Reduce your screen time to avoid possible eye damage

The era of the internet and the introduction of smartphones and computers has led to increased screen time for many people. For example, high school students spend close to three hours everyday playing computer games. But did you know research shows that blue light from mobile phones and computers could be harmful to your retina? That means too much screen time can affect your vision in the long-term, but there is a way out to reduce the risks. Take breaks away from the screen and go for an eye exam if you feel that your vision is deteriorating.





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