7 Apps That Will Help You Organize Your Life

17 September, 2019 App Updates


Nowadays, people are busier than ever. Between their professional, personal, and social responsibilities, there are too many things to keep track of. But it's easier than ever to get organized thanks to the development of some incredible apps. From planning better vacations to arranging your daily schedule - here's a variety of fantastic options you can use to get organized in all areas of your life.


1) Office Solutions: Google Drive + Google Docs


Everybody has a Gmail account. Take advantage of Google's cloud to store files, create documents and presentations, and get organized. All Gmail users get 15 gigabytes of free storage on Google Drive. For enterprise use, you can upgrade to monthly plans. They offer terabytes of cloud storage space starting at $9.99. With its all-in-one package, Google Drive is an excellent choice for most users, available from any web browser. But make sure that you protect the files you upload to the cloud. It's easy to do so by using a file encryption service like NordLocker. It prevents data breaches and ensures only you or people you authorize can access your files.


2) Travel Like a Pro: Tripit



If you travel a lot, it can be challenging to keep track of all your travel reservations, flight tickets, and plans. Tripit makes it effortless. You can forward all trip-related information to the app. Then it will create one organized email for you on your departure day. Your itinerary will be available to view from any devices - even offline. It also stores your previous itineraries so you can find the name of a restaurant or hotel you want to revisit. You can also use it to upload photos and notes about the places you've visited. The free version offers all these features. If you choose to upgrade to pro, you can get even more with reward point tracking and group travel organization.


3) Keep Your Passwords Safe: NordPass


The average internet user has over 90 online accounts. That's a lot of passwords and usernames to track. As a result, most people recycle the same login credentials across many of their accounts. But it is very unsafe. If a cybercriminal manages to crack your password, it puts all your accounts in jeopardy. That's why a password manager like NordPass comes in handy. It helps to generate robust and unique passwords to secure your accounts better.


But it's not just safety NordPass offers, but convenience as well. All you have to do is remember one password. Once you log in, you can access all your other accounts with one click. You can also use NordPass to store notes, credit card details, and other personal information.


4) Track Your Finances: Mint



In the old days, budgeting meant balancing a checkbook and keeping an eye on bank statements, receipts, bills, paychecks, and more. Mint makes your life so much simpler. With Mint, you can track your budget and plan for the future. It collects all your financial accounts into one place along with your upcoming bills and other related matters. It also breaks spending down into categories. You can see where you might be spending too much and where you might have a little extra room to splurge. Also, to track your credit score and set targets to help you reach your financial goals.


5) Increase Productivity: Rescue Time


RescueTime is a handy tool for procrastinators or those looking to make the most out of their time. The app keeps track of everything you do on your computer/phone - from using social media to sending emails to working on spreadsheets. At the end of each day, RescueTime sends a report of your activities, showing exactly how you spent your time. You can use this app to adjust your schedule to be more productive or to find time to take a well-deserved break. The app is free and available to download across all platforms.


6) Your Reading List: Pocket


The Pocket app saves you when you discover an excellent article but have to rush to a meeting or do some other errands. Instead of creating a bookmark, you can save any article, image, video, or any form of content you find online with Pocket. Then get back to whatever you saved and enjoy it later. Pocket also has a share function to send your favorite content to friends and coworkers.


7) Health Tracker: My Fitness Pal


Under Armour developed My Fitness Pal to help people track their diets, exercise routines, and other health-related information. My Fitness Pal will help you track meals and workouts while syncing with Apple Health and other devices. You only need to put in some basic info such as your weight, height, or age, add workouts, and select your goals. If you want to get healthier, then this is the app to have in your pocket.


Organize Your Life With These 7 Amazing Apps


Life will always be busy. But these apps will help you to organize it better. Increase your productivity and performance with apps like Google Drive and Rescue Time. Travel better with Tripit and watch your diet with My Fitness Pal. Finally, secure your passwords with NordPass. With these handy apps, your life (at least the digital one) will be much simpler.



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